
  • 怎么把自己的中文名字翻译成英文、

      你好,一般就是把中文名字用拼音方式写出即可,注意大小写规定和前后顺序要求。   例如 : 张三   Zhang San 或者 San Zhang   根据英文习惯,名在前,姓在后,所以第二种更符合外国人习惯,但是第一种现在也很常见,也算对。     张三四   Zhang Sansi 或者 Sansi Zhang   如果遇到三个字的,第三个字的拼音不用大写,但是要和第二个字的拼音连着写不能有空格。     此外,如果有必要,您可以自己起个有意义的或者发音相似的外国名字来用,一般像香港人都会有两个名字,一个中文名,一个外文名。

  • 我做梦见到你翻译成英文

      我做梦见到你   这么简单的句子,怎么翻译过来就那么难吗?   I dreamed of you (last night).

  • 公司名称翻译成英文

      Ningbo Hightech Zone Zhongxin Network Technology Co.,Ltd     首先我们要搞清楚一个概念,工商局是没法给你的公司起英文名字的,如果你不是出口企业,怎么起都没影响,也不是合法的名字,但是如果你的公司是要从事出口业务,就要到各省的外经委备案这个英文名字才行(一般都是设在各省首府)     建议 high-tech 不要横杠,不然下次老外给你汇款是容易写错 ,虽然银行可能不会太过计较, 但如果计较的话,公司名字 hightech 或high-tech, 又或者 high_tech对不上,银行都有理由退款回去。     我也赞成高新区不加上去,中文虽然挺霸气的,不过在英文中名字太长了不好记啊,可以翻译成     Ningbo Zhongxin Network Technology Co.,Ltd

  • 天秤座翻译成英文是

      白羊座 Aries丹(03/21 - 04/19)     金牛座 Taurus (04/20 - 05/20)     双子座 Gemini (05/21 - 06/21)     巨蟹座 Cancer (06/22 - 07/22)     狮子座 Leo (07/23 - 08/22)     处女座 Virgo (08/23 - 09/22)     天秤座 Libra (09/23 - 10/23)     天蝎座 Scorpio (10/24 - 11/22)     射手座 (11/23 - 12/21)     摩羯座 Capricorn (12/22 - 01/19)     水瓶座 Aquarius (01/20 - 02/18)     双鱼座 Pisces (02/19 - 03/20)

  • 求大神把宋冬也野的安和桥的歌词翻译成英文的……拜托了

      An He Qiao   sang song Dongye:   let me see you again from the south to the North was the ring road blindfolded eyes please go over it again on the day the girl holding the box and sweat man I know that summer is like youth return not to replace the dream can only be difficult I know the cow force will with the youth laugh away let me trapped in the city to honor you let me taste the autumn wine has been to the South opened not too long, let me listen to the most beautiful sentence you home. I'm waiting for you. I know that the summer is like the youth not to replace the dream can only be reluctant to me know the Niubi with youth laugh away let me trapped in the city in memory of you I know that summer is just like you can't come back I won't be expecting to who I know this world every day there are too many regrets so Hello goodbye

  • 请各位大神帮忙把“新盛”翻译成英文(是一个公司的名字,英文名要寓意好点的)


  • 帮我翻译成英文(请手工翻译哦):借助移动互联网的博兴,马年春节最大的亮点是网上抢红包。微信抢红包的

      With the uprising of internet, the biggest highlight of the Spring Festival of the year of Horse is grabing red envelopes on line. Wechat's gaining popularity helped Tencent took a head start in the combat with Alibaba, the leader of internet payment. What's behind this was the shrinking traditional customs: the Spring Festival Gala still ended up in the people's criticism even with the help of Directer Feng, what's more, fireworks were no longer welcomed by the people who's awareness of environment protection kept increasing. People need a new custom to fill the blank. Grabing red envelopes on line attracted thousands of people to join in by it's fast, brandnew, thrilling way to entertain. Sadly, what young people who travelled a long distance to go back home did during the festival was not communicating with the elders but hold a cellphone all day along just in order to grab a red envelope and get some money, in this case, we can say maybe missing is better than seeing. Give a red envelope with money inside is a long history custom which represents a good wish to the youngers from the elders and also like a amulet wishing the children a healthy happy new year. That is to say, what really matters is the relationship, not the money. Essentially specking, Online red envelope is lilke resulted from the heat love between money and internet. It's a carnival of materialism, and nobody won except Wechat. (时态可能有点混淆,请酌情参考)

  • 昨晚梦到给别人打针有什么征兆吗


  • 姓名。翻译成英文怎么说。


  • 我昨晚梦到你了
