
  • 请不要再八卦了用英语怎么说

      请不要再八卦了的英文翻译   请不要再八卦了   Please don't gossip any more   more 英[mɔ:(r)] 美[mɔr, mor]   adv. 更,更多; 达到或处于更大的范围或程度; 此外,更加;   adj. 更多的; (many) 的比较级; 附加的,额外的;   pron. 更多的或附加的人或事物;   [例句]More and more people are surviving heart attacks

  • 请不要再八卦了 用英语怎么说?

      回答的另外几位都好积极....我的答案,(我不是英语翻译只是会说点英语,不一定非要选我)"不要再八卦了"有挺多说法的以下只是其中的几种:   Please don't gossip=请不要八卦   Please stop gossiping=请停止八卦   Please stop the gossip=请停止八卦   Please stop spreading rumors=请不要再传八卦了   Please stop the rumors=请停止八卦   以上几种说法都可以把Please(请)移到后面比如:Stop the gossip, please   应该还有点别的类似的说法不过这些应该够了吧。。。希望能帮到你!^.^

  • 八卦图用英语怎么说


  • 我梦到你了用英语怎么说?

      you were in my dream.   you came into my dream.

  • 太极和八卦的关系

      你好:     伏羲一画分天地,这一画就是太极,   太极分开为两仪(即阴、阳),   阴阳互动为四象(即少阳、老阳、少阴、老阴),   四象之间再互相运动,即为八卦,   也即天、地、风、雷、水、火、山、泽   与之相对应的为乾、坤、巽、震、坎、离、艮、兑)。   最开始伏羲创八卦时只是符号(如),   后来周文王演算伏羲八卦,所以后世人又将八卦称之为《周易》,   可以说太极是八卦的开端,八卦是太极文化的延伸和集体体现。

  • 开车去上班用英语怎么说

      你好   开车去上班   drive to work   或者:go to work by car   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!   不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

  • 各个星座的英语怎么说

      Capricorn(the Goat)摩羯座   Aquarius(the Water Carrier)水瓶座   Pisces(the Fishes)双鱼座   Aries(the Ram)白羊座   Taurus(the Bull)金牛座   Gemini(the Twins)双子座   Cancer(the Crab)巨蟹座   Leo(the Lion)狮子座   Virgo(the Virgin)处女座   Libra(the Scales)天秤座   Scorpio(the Scorpion)天蝎座   Sagittarius(the Archer)射手座

  • 给儿子穿鞋 英语怎么说?

      1. She's currently putting on a dress for her daughter.   2. She's putting her son's shoes on for him / she's putting her son's pants on for him.   3. He's already six and still needs his sister to help him tie his own shoelaces.   4. He likes walking in the very front / very back.   5. He likes sitting in the very front / very back / very left / very right   6. He is sitting next to me / between us   7. I'm on your left / right   8. I'm on top of you / underneath you.   9. To the left of the bank (The store is to the left of the bank)   10. The speed limit on the highway is 120km/hr, if you speed you'll be fined.   11. Can you promise me three things ? What are they?

  • 气质用英语怎么说?

      气质有很多含义,所以不容易翻成英语。   temperament, aptitude, attitude, disposition, personal qualities, inner qualities 都有气质的意思,确实是要照语境翻译的。   1. (个性特点) temperament; disposition; mould:   他有艺术家的气质 He h厂s an artistic temperament.   2. (风格; 气度) qualities; makings:   革命者的气质 the makings of a revolutionary;   显著的东方人的气质 a distinctly oriental cast of mind;   他全然缺乏军人气质 He lacks all soldier-like qualities.

  • 河水混浊用英语怎么说

      河水混浊   Turbidity of river water   turbidity 英[tɜ:'bɪdətɪ] 美[tɜ:'bɪdətɪ]   n. 浊度; 混浊度; 混浊,混乱;   [例句]The commodity value of vinegar is seriously influenced by turbidity and precipitation.   食醋浑浊与沉淀严重影响了食醋的商品性。