
  • “你做梦/妄想!”用英语怎么说

      我觉得no way(没门)还可以,其他的没有听过。   over my dead body.不是句话是个短语。中文就是 你休想的意思。   比如说:you can come into this room over my dead body.我只要活着你 休想进这屋

  • 做梦 英语怎么说 dreaming、?

      做梦:   1. dream   2. have a dream   Examples:   1. 她生病期间因发烧而做梦。   During her illness she had feverish dreams.   2. 那麽说你想加薪?做梦去吧!   So you want a rise? Dream on!   3. 我从未答应过把汽车借给你: 你是在做梦吧!   I never promised to lend you my car: you must be dreaming!   4. 她说她从来不做梦.   She claims she never dreams.   5. 是真的还是我当时在做梦?   Was it real or did I dream it?

  • 我只想要做梦用英语怎么说

      I only /just want to dream.

  • 韭菜馅饼用英语怎么说

      韭菜馅饼   [网络] Leek Pie;   leek 英[li:k] 美[lik]   n. 韭葱;   [例句]The sauce normally is a mixture of sesame sauce, chili oil, leek etc.   传统的小料主要由麻酱、酱豆腐、韭菜花、辣椒油、芝麻、葱花、香菜调拌而成。   [其他] 复数:leeks

  • 水瓶座故事用英语怎么说

      Aquarius story: Aquarius tears     Iraq is the prince of Troy, is a handsome extraordinary young. His appearance is also are rare even.     Iraq does not love the human woman, his deep love is Zeus shrine in a pouring maid. This ordinary maid once in a night with wonderful song captured Iraqi heart, also took the Trojan town all girl's happiness.     Against the that girl's Helen, and Troy the city's most beautiful woman Helen with the same beautiful name. Zeus loved Helen, although she is only a maid. But one day, Helen overheard Apollo and intelligence goddess Athena about destroy Troy's decision, Helen disregard precepts hurried to give news. Prince Iraq Results in the middle of the road was found, Zeus's guards were will Helen back to the temple. Zeus wrench to put to death, but she decides to punish her. In his son of Apollo cues, Zeus decided to send this sin on giving Helen of Troy prince, cant.     One day, Zeus become an eagle, coming in Troy space. The sight of him saw in the back garden for a walk in the prince. Zeus startled, he had met with many beautiful goddess of earth and stunning woman, but have never seen such a handsome young man. Zeus was Iraq special temperament attracted deeply, a wicked thoughts arises spontaneously. He from swooping, pushed up Iraq, bring him back to the temple.     In the cold temple, Iraq see family also see Helen, he pined. While Zeus but persecuted for his Iraq instead of Helen drinks, so that he could see this beautiful boy ......余下全文>>

  • 饺子包子英语怎么说

      饺子dumpling   包子(有馅)dumpling   包子(没馅)bun   dumpling其实在国外就是指里面有馅,外面有皮包着的食物。

  • 总是梦到你用英语怎么说

      I often dream about you.

  • 双鱼用英语怎么说


  • 高官与风水用英语怎么说

      高官:dignitary 风水:geomancy

  • 三月八日用英语怎么说

      March eighth.   March 8th.