
  • “流星雨”用英语怎么说?“双子座流星雨”又怎么说?

      a meteor shower; a meteoric shower(流星雨)   Astronomy] the Leo; the Lion   (狮子座流星雨)   希望你能采纳哦~~~—-—

  • 天平 英语怎么说

      天平: balance;scales;Balances;lifting beam   微量天平: microbalance;microbalancemicrobalancer;QCM-D;micro[analytical] balance   比重天平: specific gravity balance;balance-SG;density balance;specific balance   托盘天平: table balance;counter balance;bench balance;elevator balance table balance   电磁天平: magnetoelectricbalance;electromagnetic balance;magneticsensor   药物天平: balance for weighing medicine;apothecary balance;pharmacistbalance   电流天平: current balance;Current Balance;ampere balance;current   高温天平: thermo-balance;high temperature balance   密度天平: density balance;de ity balance   刻度天平: dial balance

  • 双子座用英语怎么说

      双子座   Gemini   5月21日-6月21日   冒险,机智   适应力强,乐观,敏感   有好奇li'

  • 整理床铺 用英语怎么说

      整理床铺有两次,一词是早上起床时,另一次是晚上睡觉前,但英语表达不同。起床后用:"make the bed.";睡觉前用:"do the bed."。

  • 孕妇这个单词英语怎么说

      gravida 英 ['grævɪdə] 美 ['grævɪdə]   n.孕妇   例句:   Objective: To discuss effect of screening and diagnosis of abnormality of infantand fetus in gravida and puerpera as well as effect of population intervention.   目的:探讨在孕产妇中筛查、诊断胎儿与婴儿异常和群体干预的效果。

  • 遇到麻烦 的英语怎么说

      have a trouble     希望对你有所帮助,有不会的可以再问,祝学习进步!   您的及时采纳是对答题者的尊重!O(∩_∩)O~

  • 你可以沿着河乘船 用英语怎么说

      You can take a boat along the river   敬请采纳!

  • 仕途的翻译,怎么用英语翻译仕途,仕途用英语怎么说

      仕途.   英语:   official career.   例如:   His official career ended in prison due to his corruption.

  • 妄想的英语翻译 妄想用英语怎么说

      柯林斯英汉双解大辞典   delusion /dɪˈluːʒən/   1.   可数名词 A delusion is a false idea. 错觉   例:   I was under the delusion that he intended to marry me.   我有一种错觉,他要娶我。   2.   不可数名词 Delusion is the state of believing things that are not true. 妄想   例:   Insinuations about her mental state, about her capacity for delusion, were being made.   当时有对她的精神状态的影射——说她有妄想症的影射。

  • 双鱼用英语怎么说
