
  • ‘性格与血型有关’用英语怎么说

      翻译结果:   'character is related to blood type'

  • 星座用英语怎么说

      Constellation     分类:   Aquarius 水瓶   Pisces 双鱼   Aries 白羊   Taurus 金牛   Gemini 双子   Cancer 巨蟹   Leo 狮子   Virgo 处女   Libra 天秤   Scorpio 天蝎   Sagittarius 射手   Capricorn 魔杰

  • “是你”用英语怎么说?

      如果是【照片上的人是你】的【是你】 就是 is you   如果是【想不到是你!】的【是你】 就是 Fancy being you!     希望有所帮助!

  • 我属蛇用英语怎么说

      我属蛇用英语怎么说?     回答:   请您参考:   A.   According to the Chinese animal zodiac sign, my zodiac is snake.   According to the Chinese Zodiac, mine is snake.   According to the Chinese Zodiac, my zodiac sign is snake.   B.     英语中,当谈个人出生的属相时,一般表达为:   What animal sign(zodiac sign) were you born under? 你属什么?   I was born in the Year of the Snake./ Mine is the Snake. 我属蛇。

  • 饺子包子英语怎么说

      饺子dumpling   包子(有馅)dumpling   包子(没馅)bun   dumpling其实在国外就是指里面有馅,外面有皮包着的食物。

  • 你可以沿着河乘船 用英语怎么说

      You can take a boat along the river   敬请采纳!

  • "我昨天梦到你了"英语怎么说?

      我昨天梦到你了   英语中大多用被动式来表示:You were in my d偿eam last night.(or:You appeared in my dream last night.)

  • 微博用英语怎么说

      中国:Microblog 、 weibo   美国:Twitter

  • 发生矛盾用英语怎么说

      要是说“我和他发生矛盾了”(以前)应为:I had a contradiction with him."他和别人发生矛盾了”(以前)He had a conflict with others。“这里发生矛盾了?”Is there have a contradiction ?这都能说出去的!

  • 我是典型的水瓶座 英语怎么说

      I am a typical Aquarius