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      > 小白兔蹦蹦跳跳到面包房,问:“老板,你们有没有一百个小面包啊?”   The rabbit jumped into the bakery and asked the boss:" Excuse me,100 bread ,please.   > 老板:“啊,真抱歉,没有那么多”   Boss:"oh ,I 'm sorry,we don't have so much"   > “这样啊。。。”小白兔垂头丧气地走了。   "I know^"The rabbit went away   > 第二天,小白兔蹦蹦跳跳到面包房,“老板,有没有一百个小面包啊?”   The 2rd day.The rabbit jumped into the bakery and ask the boss:"100 bread ,please.   > 老板:“对不起,还是没有啊”   Sorry,we don't   > “这样啊。。。”小白兔又垂头丧气地走了。   I know.the rabbit went away again   > 第三天,小白兔蹦蹦跳跳到面包房,“老板,有没有一百个小面包 啊?”   The 3th day,The rabbit jumped into the bakery and ask the boss:"100 bread ,please.   > 老板高兴的说:“有了,有了,今天我们有一百个小面包了!!”   The boss said happily:we got ,we got!We have 100 break.!!"   > 小白兔掏出钱:“太好了,我买两个!”   The rabbit pulled out of money and said :"that's all right!2 bread please!   楼上的明显是机器翻得,这文章挺简单的

  • 有会解梦的给翻译翻译!

      梦见河水上涨——预示会走好运,而且会持久。   梦见在黑暗中有星星之火, 暗示你的新计划将顺利进行。如果你正想开始学习什么,预示你会成功。   梦见着火又被扑灭,     则意味着经济上的损失,或者失去爱情。 但是你这个火又是在水泥做的大油罐   子里的,说明只要谨慎一点,有可能会有经济上的好运。   详细的你可以去找一下周公解梦网,一个一个解。

  • 英语翻译2


  • 英语翻译风水

      Analysis of the residential environment and geomancy Abstract : A residential environment is not only closely related to people's life but also indivisible space environment, and the traditional Chinese geomancy science, is China's ancient cultural heritage and the accumulation of gathering geological geography, ecology, Landscape Architecture, architecture, ethics, esthetics to an integration and ancient Chinese architectural essence of the theory of learning. Fengshui ,Although the contents have not been solved by many scientific principles, but in reality has guided the Chinese people's everyday life. With China's growing economy development, people's standard of living continues to improve, people of their living environment of increasing demand humane, more and more people pursue their own inner space to be harmony, ecology, green . Keywords : residential environment, Fengshui and the living environment in harmony, ecology, green   A residential environment is closely related to people's life, indivisible space environment, and the traditional Chinese geomancy science, China's ancient cultural heritage and the accumulation of gathering geological geography, ecology, Landscape Architecture, architecture, ethics, Aesthetics is an integrated and systematic very ancient Chinese architectural essence of the theory of learning. Fengshui Although the contents have not been many scientific principles are solved, but in reality has guided the Chinese people's everyday life. With China's growing economic development, people's standard of living continues to improve, people of their living environment of increasing demand humane, more and more people pursue their own inner space is harmony, ecology, green space.

  • taurusavenue的中文翻译

      金牛路。   taurus avenue   taurus [英]ˈtɔ:rəs [美]ˈtɔrəs   n. 金牛座;(占星术中)金牛宫;[电影]遗忘列宁   [例句]Lincoln mks ecoboost / ford taurussho   林肯MKSEcoBoost/福特金牛SHO

  • 梦见翻译古书


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  • 求此英文文章的翻译,要自己翻译的并且要准确。谢谢..........

      一只猪和一只鹦鹉的友谊   你认为一头猪和一只鹦鹉没有共同之处而不会在一起吗?如果是这样,最好的朋友Xena和Jazz 将会证明你是错的。   Xena是一只小猪,Jazz 是一只鹦鹉,是她的好朋友。他们与他们的主人住在一起,Nichole Willett, 在澳大利亚的 Brisbane。根据Nichole说 ,虽然这两个朋友是不同的物种,五个月大的Xena和16个月大的Jazz就像兄弟姐妹。Nichole说Xena 和Jazz花他们大部分的时间在屋子周围玩耍。他们最喜欢的一个游戏是玩金属或塑料包头。他们两个喜欢追赶彼此遍及他们主人的家。作为一只鹦鹉,Jazz的翅膀可以帮助他在游戏过程中不被Xena抓住,但是Xena通常尝试新的方法去抓他。   Nichole 说:“Xena是个野孩子,她喜欢满屋子追赶Jazz,我猜这对于他是不公平的,因为Jazz会飞,但是如果Jazz降落到地上,Xena会抓住他。”   许多人想要知道多久Jazz开始听起来像Xena和Xena试图飞     求采纳!纯手写,好痛苦的!!   【俊狼猎英】

  • 求日语翻译%>_<%

      翻译:招财猫的由来还有另外的传说。认真追溯起来,应该看得到猫有招揽客人的动作。根据动物学家的观察,猫在打雷或者下雨之前有洗脸、整理毛发等习惯。这个正是传说当中猫向直孝(井伊直孝)招手的证据。从这一点来看,世间流传的传说还是有一定道理的。     关于井伊直孝与猫的故事,贴在下面:这是东京都世田谷区的豪德寺的故事。豪德寺还是小草庵的时候,庵主的僧养着一只猫。有一天,近江的彦根藩主,井伊家的第二代家长井伊直孝来打猎鹰的时候,遇到了阵雨。他在大树下避雨时,那个猫提高前足招呼了藩主。觉得惊奇的藩主跟猫去发现了草庵。他在那里休息,正在听法师的说法的时候雷雨变得激烈,雷掉下到那个大树了。如果猫不招待他,他被雷打死了。直孝对那个猫感到恩义把这个豪德寺做为自己的菩提寺。据说仿照那个猫的偶像就是招财猫。