
  • 其实你很塔罗

      建议你看其实你已经很塔罗,毕竟塔罗是西方的东西,这本书写的很不错也很详细,适合新手。   大陆出版的经典塔罗很多都是翻抄国外的,不算很推荐

  • 塔罗塔克怎么样


  • 塔罗的美国塔罗师

      这是由美国塔罗牌协会(American Tarot Association,ATA)制定的,塔罗分析师们需要共同遵守的一些规则。原名为“ATA道德准则”。最早有6条,后更新了一条。1、I will serve the best interests of my clients, conducting my professional activities without causing or intending to cause harm.2、I will treat all my clients with equal respect, regardless of their origin, race, religion, gender, age, or sexual preference.3、I will represent honestly my Tarot qualifications, including educational credentials, levels of certification and experience.4、I will keep confidential the names of clients and all information shared or discussed during readings, unless otherwise requested by the client or required by a court of law.5、I will recommend clients consult a licensed professional for advice of a legal, financial, medical, or psychological nature that I am not qualified to provide. If trained in one of these areas, I will clearly differentiate between the tarot reading and any professional advice additionally provided.6、I will respect my clients' right to refuse or terminate their reading at any time, regardless of prior consent.7、I recognize that all ATA members have the same rights and obligations, and I will always respect and honor my co-members.

  • 如何用塔罗来诅咒

    先封了一个灵(这个灵会在你时运低时害你,趁那个时候收了他,很多网站都有写,这个过程自己查) 封到某张牌后,把那牌放进黒信封在阳光下晒12小时,把牌拿出,烧掉信封,一边烧一边念着那人名字,想着他样子,想着那只灵去害他,这样那灵就会从你塔罗里面走出去害他。。。 ps、1。传说利用一个叫考基的控制,这是什么东东嘛。。。自己查 2。需要灵回来时只要对着那张牌喊3遍 3。万一灵被人封了你的塔罗就废了 4。万一灵力不够,可能会反噬。。。(看你的灵多厉害咯。。。)

  • 佛教或寺庙中的塔用来干什么呀

      顶礼本师释迦牟尼佛、顶礼文殊智慧勇士!   顶礼阿弥陀佛!   佛教里面塔的种类非常多,有的是供养佛菩萨,有的是作为僧侣舍利。有的寺庙塔是调节风水塔。

  • 塔罗占卜我为什么恨他


  • 塔罗奥义的介绍


  • 塔罗测试他也想念我吗


  • 塔罗预言:我跟他会结婚吗


  • 塔罗占卜他何时来找我
