
  • 塔罗占卜:感情还能复合吗


  • 【塔罗】所有人占不会复合了就一定不会复合了?


  • 塔罗占卜分手后你们会复合吗


  • 塔罗占卜:你会和分手多年的恋人复合吗


  • 新浪塔罗占卜

      新浪星座算命|星座塔罗|塔罗流年占卜。。。。客户服务|新浪网·新浪星座算命·星座算命·心理测验·算命卜卦·星   新浪塔罗占卜:

  • 塔罗测能不能复合 用的是感情的过去现在未来牌阵 其中现在的牌是战车正位 请问是什么意思呢?求解

      首先它是张水元素的牌 代表双方都还有感情 其次这张牌含有胜利的意思 可以复合

  • 塔罗的美国塔罗师

      这是由美国塔罗牌协会(American Tarot Association,ATA)制定的,塔罗分析师们需要共同遵守的一些规则。原名为“ATA道德准则”。最早有6条,后更新了一条。1、I will serve the best interests of my clients, conducting my professional activities without causing or intending to cause harm.2、I will treat all my clients with equal respect, regardless of their origin, race, religion, gender, age, or sexual preference.3、I will represent honestly my Tarot qualifications, including educational credentials, levels of certification and experience.4、I will keep confidential the names of clients and all information shared or discussed during readings, unless otherwise requested by the client or required by a court of law.5、I will recommend clients consult a licensed professional for advice of a legal, financial, medical, or psychological nature that I am not qualified to provide. If trained in one of these areas, I will clearly differentiate between the tarot reading and any professional advice additionally provided.6、I will respect my clients' right to refuse or terminate their reading at any time, regardless of prior consent.7、I recognize that all ATA members have the same rights and obligations, and I will always respect and honor my co-members.

  • 塔罗占卜:他也对你有意思吗


  • 塔罗高手请进

      过去,两人都很重视这段关系,对彼此诚实负责。   现在,你正确的分析了当前的状况,了解自己的目的并知道如何取得成功,这段关系使你的心智进一步成熟,对自己的世界有进一步的认识。   未来,周围的人和环境将对你们的关系走入正轨产生帮助,接受别人的帮助和指导,会有希望复合。

  • 塔罗测试我们这辈子能不能复合了
