
  • “诗行”的读法

      hang(音同“航”)   诗行,就是一行诗。

  • Aries是牧羊星座的英语读法,那战神"阿瑞斯"是不是指的白羊星座?希腊神话中Aries和阿瑞斯是同一个人吗?

      白羊座 (Aries) 3月21日~4月20日   守护星:火星 (象徵能量与精力)   守护神:希腊-战神阿瑞斯 罗马-战神马斯

  • 络腮的意思和读法

      络腮 luò sāi   络腮胡子:连着鬓角的胡子。   例:   他下巴上浓密的络腮胡子看来已有好久没刮了,活像一把用棕毛串成的板刷。   方脸盘,粗眉毛,棱角分明;络腮胡子一直延伸到脖子上;短短的头发倔强地一根一根竖在头顶上。   满脸的络腮胡子,像无数根横七竖八的银针。

  • (思琪)在线取名(写上中文读法),根据中文名取英文名,最好和名字 相似的


  • 关于星座的英语演讲

      这是我做演讲的底稿。基本都是我自己写的,用的单词都很简单。…可是这个初中水平可不敢担保…你自己看着改吧,后面的不是完整的句子,根据前面的比一下就好了。初中生我不建议做这个演讲,光12星座的单词都够你记得。我可以帮你选题。如果你自己改不了,就再跟我说一下,我帮你改。实在不成就说一声,我把QQ留给你。希望能帮到你。   Good morning every body. Today I want to introduce something to all of you. Look at the blackboard please. Maybe you will find out that none of the words knows you, except this one “cancer”. Everyone in our class knows what cancer means. But a few know another meaning of it. That is what I want to tell you today.   First, let us look at this word “Aries”. Aries is used to describe people who are born from March 21st to April 20th. You may say that I’m an Aries. You can also say that “he or she and I are the same as Aries.” And if someone ask you, look at this “do you know the personal characteristics of Aries?” you could answer them that they are energetic and active, but sometimes impatient. Aries also like to be the leader. And sometimes they may be selfish.   The second word is “Taurus”. You may get it. Yeah, it is the people who born from April 21st to May 21st. And they do not like change, they are patient and do not give up easily, and they may be a hard-work person. You can also call them workaholic.   The third word is “Gemini”. They born from May 22nd to June 21st. They are very curious and clever. And they are outgoing and love to talk very much.   And finally we get the word “Cancer”. It is no longer use as a noun to describe a disease in my presentation. It is use to describe people who born from June 22nd to July 22nd. The cancer is kind and loves their family. They like to cook and save money.   Next is “Leo”. It is from July 23rd to August 23rd. The Leo is strong and confident. And they are also generous to their friends.   “Virgo”. Virgo is from August 24th to September 23rd. The Virgo is shy and worry too much at times. And they pay attention to the details.   “Libra”. Libra is a polite and fair person. They love peace and beautiful things. They born 9 24 10 23   Scorpio October月24日~11月22日   they are powerful person and have lots of energy. they like to keep secrets. And they do not like to forgive others for their faults.   Sagittarius 11月23日~12月21日   you enjoy life and have a good sense of humor .they are very lucky.   you love traveling to different places.   Capricorn 12.22 1.20   They love business and often successful. you are good at making or planning things .you are patient enough to wait without getting angry.   Aquarius   they are kind and wise. They have many friends. however, some people think that they are strange because they hate to be like anyone else and they try everything just because they want to be different.   Pisces 2.20 3.20   they are generous ,kind,gentle and easy-going. they are also creative and imaginative. And they like to dream about everything.   80字以内实在是没有希望的…这个已经很简单了,如果你要加一些自己的例子,就更长了。你可以考虑单独介绍一个星座。这个比较实用。如果需要的话,我可以帮你写。但我还是希望你能自己完成,这是一个不可多得的学习机会,我提供全程帮助。其实没有你想得那么难啦,很好做的~~自己做意味无穷呐~~~嘿嘿,我又废话啦~~不要Pia飞我…T_T

  • 我是属鸡的英语怎么说

      I'm a chicken in zodiac(生肖).     在口语里面可以说是 My animal is chicken.如果对方知道中国的生肖,就听得懂。     另外我还听过老外直接说I'm a chicken.   口语中可以的

  • 珩字取英文名 意思加读法

      Henry 家+权利。   英文名字不要取特殊的。。。。会被外国人笑话的= =

  • 因为我要给别人看病的英语

      Because I am going to examining other patients .

  • 人名用英语怎么写 英语写人名有什么规定

      已解决问题:英语写人名有什么规定相关问题:1、英语人名 2、人名用英语怎么写 3、英语人名词典 4、英语人名翻译 5、英语人名大全问题描述:特别是中文名,那个要大写的……最佳答案英语人名首字母必须大写。如:Jack Smith, Dave Richards如果是中文名字,单名可以分开写,如:Yao Ming , LIu Xiang 如果不是单名,除了姓的首字母大写外,名的首字母也要大写:Li Hongjun, Wang Xiaodong英文名字首字母大写,两个字的中文名字,这两个字都大写,三个字的中文名字前两个字大写,最后一个小写。例如:李红Li Hong 王佳怡Wang Jiayi或者Wang Jia-yi类似问题:一、英语人名在线翻译 二、英语中人名的写法 三、英语人名大全s 四、英语写人名 五、英语人名发音

  • 英语背课文到底对英语学习有什么好处?

      学习英语有四个方面:听说读写。其中语言输入是听和读,语言输出是读和写。   如果没有足够的语言输入,就很难让输出变得自然和轻松。   英语背诵课文就是属于语言输入,课文里包括单词、词组、句型和特定的语法。当学习语法的时候可以联系背诵的句子,加深理解和记忆。我们的单词和词组是学习英语必备的,这一点无可厚非,但是在没有语言环境的情况下,单词的遗忘率是很高的,这样通过语篇能使单词、词组或是句型在语境中被记住,而且记的时间会长很多。   一片课文下来,使多少单词回事词组   可以增强语感。由于我们缺乏英语语言环境,(在基层学校很难接触到老外)背诵课文能强化自己的记忆,增强语感。练习口语的条件受到一定的限制,这就需要我们背诵一些英语材料。要想把这些材料背熟,必须要反复诵读。这个诵读过程能大大增强语感,对英语学习起到潜移默化的作用。背诵英语课文有助于锻炼口语能力,提高口头表达能力;在背诵课文的过程中,不仅可以锻炼语音语调,而且还能锻炼学习者的语速,增强学习者的语感。当口语能力提高时,就可以用英语进行交流,而口语能力的培养必须通过大量的阅读、背诵才能实现。背诵有情景、有内容的课文自然是一个很好的选择。。背熟的东西在需要的时候就会脱口而出。背得东西越多,积累的知识也就越多。会背诵的内容越多,口语就会越流利。   利于写作。写好英语作文离不开句子,那怎样才能写出语法正确,合乎逻辑的英语作文呢?平时大量地背诵英语课文,把那些好的英语句子熟记于心,需要的时候,就可以很容易地涌现出来。如果脑子里没有背诵这些东西,写作文就是词屈了。作文就是写出来也是会出现很多不和语法语言习惯的错误。