
  • 英文版《周易》


  • 求英文版中国十二生肖来历,加中文翻译,谢谢了。

      12 symbolic animals 十二生肖的英文表达   Rat charm, 子鼠   Ox patient, 丑牛   Tiger sensitive, 寅虎   Rabbit articulate, 卯兔   Dragon healthy, 辰龙   Snake deep, 巳蛇   Horse popular, 午马   Goat elegant, 未羊   Monkey clever, 申猴   Rooster deep thinkers, 酉鸡   Dog loyalty, 戌狗   Pig chivalrous. 亥猪   十二生肖英语介绍 生肖   中国的阴阳学说有一个十二年循环,每年都是以一种动物来命名,并由此传达出这一年的独特特征。很多中国人相信一个人出生的那一年将决定这个人的个性,身体和精神上的特征以及这个人一生中幸福和成功的可能性。 中国古代的阴阳学说建立起一套十天干和十二地支的奇妙体系。十二地支就对应十二种动物。每一种动物都和十二年循环中的一年联系到一起;并且代表一天中的十二分之一,也就是两个小时。一个人的未来就被这种让人琢磨不透的体系决定了。 这十二种动物是:鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗和猪。比如, 2000年是龙年,龙是整个中华民族的一个象征。   Zodiac   The Chinese Yinyang principle consists of a 12-year cycle, each year of which is named after a different animal that imparts distinct characteristics to its year. Many Chinese believe that the year of a person's birth is the primary factor in determining that person's personality traits, physical and mental attributes and degree of success and happiness throughout one's lifetime. The ancient Yinyang principle constructed a fantastic system of 10 heavenly stems and 12 mundane branches. The latter correspond to 12 animals with two symbolic functions. Each animal is mystically related to one year in a 12-year cycle. Each animal also represents two hours or one-twelfth of every day. A person's future is determined by this intriguing system. These twelve animals are: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, cock, dog and pig. For example,The year 2000 is the year of dragon, which is a symbol of the whole Chinese nationality。

  • 双鱼座人的性格英文版

      This person's spirit, ego, image of self, andsense of aliveness is imaginative, other worldly, impressionable, and seekstranscendence of self. Most often this manifests in the area of life dealing with sex, death, the occult, and other hard to grasp topics.

  • 狮子座由来 英文版配中文翻译

      狮子座面对挑战者,直来直往单打独斗的王者风范,是狮子座的象征,相传狮子座的由来与赫拉克勒斯有关。   赫拉克勒斯是宙斯与凡人的私生子,他天生具有无比的神力,天后赫拉也因此妒火中烧。在赫拉克勒斯还是婴儿的时候,就放了两条巨蛇在摇篮里,希望咬死赫拉克勒斯,没想到赫拉克勒斯笑嘻嘻的握死了它们,从小赫拉克勒斯就被奉为“人类最伟大的英雄”。   赫拉当然不会因为一次失败就放弃杀死赫拉克勒斯,她故意让赫拉克勒斯发疯,失去理智下杀死了自己的妻子和孩子。赫拉克勒斯醒了以后十分懊悔伤心,决定要以苦行来洗清自己的罪孽,他来到麦锡尼请求国王派给他任务,谁知道国王受赫拉的指使,果然赐给他十二项难如登天的任务,必须在十二年内完成,其中之一是要杀死一头食人狮。   这头狮子平时住在森林里,赫拉克勒斯进入森林中找寻他,只是森林中一片寂静,所有的动物,小鸟、鹿、松鼠都被狮子吃得干干净净,赫拉克勒斯找累了就打起嗑睡来。就在此刻,巨狮子从一个有双重洞口的山洞中昂首而出,赫拉克勒斯睁眼一看,天啊!食人狮有一般狮子的五倍大,身上沾满了动物的鲜血,更增添了几分恐怖。赫拉克勒斯先用神箭射他,再用木棒打他,都没有用,巨狮子刀枪不入,最后赫拉克勒斯只好和狮子肉搏,过程十分惨烈,但最后还是用蛮力勒死了狮子。   食人狮虽然死了,但赫拉为纪念他与赫拉克勒斯奋力而战的勇气,将食人狮丢到空中,变成了狮子座。   Leo face, straight come straight toward challenger partaking of Leo is majestic demeanor, the symbol of the origin of Leo, and heracles' relevant.   Zeus and Hera sophocles mortals bastard, he was born with power, and therefore after Hera excited. In the infant heracles' or, put two giant serpent in the cradle, hope bite dead heracles', unexpectedly heracles' grinning from them, the dead will be heracles' "mankind's greatest heroes".   Hera, of course not, for one repulse, give up killing heracles' and she intentionally let heracles' crazy, irrational killing his wife and children. Heracles' after wake up very regret sad, to decide to wash yourself austerities, he came to the iniquity of MaiXiNi request the king sent for him, who knows the task by Hera's butt, give him 12 impossible task, must finish in twelve years, one of which is to kill a cann......余下全文>>

  • 十二生肖里哪个生肖具有看问题不全面的性格?


  • 射手座的构成英文版介绍

      He can be stubborn to withstand the test of any hardship, the wishes of the current advance will help him remove all obstacles on the road. He was good at speculation   Other people's weaknesses, learn to grasp the vulnerability of women and touched their情思. In love, he never in a dominating position, in his view,   As long as the purpose is good, and can be unscrupulous.   Since his indomitable spirit, he would be the failure of local people to succeed.   Only when he transcended his nature when he can from the inner self-torment the shackles of, and radiated a huge fine   God forces into unimaginable creativity.   Xingli in the Taurus birthday, and the effects of Venus and the women he clicked straight away. Their spiritual life or whether other aspects   Will be satisfactory harmony.   Cancer gentle and obedient with women, their feelings will be very harmonious life will be full of poetry.   Shuangyuzuo women will he really feel the joy of life.   Pragmatic, courageous female lion Block will change his character, and his depression, and complicated stubborn relieved Nian   Out.   Women: her character, emotion and love lives   Natural shape the quality of the innocent, as a while fresh wind; not inhibit a vitality and a passion toward freedom,   Centaur is female. This is purely ideological, loving sports, the heart is full of joy "girls." She always yearn for the heart   Innocent, was an idealized love.   Astronomers with the men, he did not want themselves to be bound by any emotional. Spent in the free and carefree   Single life, once she established her own family, she will become a Good Wife and Good Mother and the family mainstay. She needs a   To the respect of others, she hoped that the work be appreciated and well, she is concerned about her husband and the children's well-being, and know how to respect his   The independence of their respective   And the Gemini birthday Xingwei male partnering, their lives will be a vibrant park.   She's full of passion and heart-warming Aries male lion at the men will get along very well.

  • 天秤座的神话传说,最好加英文版翻译,谢谢啦

      天秤座(拉丁语:Libra,天文符号:♎)   神话   天秤座是希腊神话中的正义女神阿斯特莉亚在为人类所做善恶裁判时所用的天平,阿斯特莉亚一只手持天平,一只手握斩除邪恶的剑。为求公正,所以眼睛皆蒙著。   从前的众神和人类是和平共处於大地上,神虽拥有永远的生命,但人类寿命有限。因此寂寞的神只有不断创造人类,然而那时的人好争斗,恶业横行,众神在对人类失望之馀回到天上。   只有阿斯特莉亚女神舍不得回去而留在世界上,教人为善。尽管如此,人类仍继续堕落,於是战争掀起,开始了打打杀杀。最後连阿斯特莉亚也放弃人类而回到天上。而天空就高挂著锺爱正义和平公正的天秤座。   History and mythology   Libra was known in Babylonian astronomy as MUL Zibanu (the "scales" or "balance"), or alternatively as the Claws of the Scorpion. The scales were held sacred to the sun god Shamash, who was also the patron of truth and justice.[7] It was also seen as the Scorpion's Claws in ancient Greece.[1]Since these times, Libra has been associated with law, fairness and civility. In Arabic zubānā means "scorpion's claws", and likely similarly in other Semitic languages: this resemblance of words may be why the Scorpion's claws became the Scales.[citation needed] It has also been suggested that the scales are in allusion to the fact that when the sun entered this part of the ecliptic at the autumnal equinox, the days and nights are equal.[8] Libra's status as the location of the equinox earned the equinox the name "First Point of Libra", though its position ended in 730 because of the precession of the equinoxes. [9]   Libra is a constellation not mentioned by Eudoxus or Aratus.[8] In Roman mythology, Libra is considered to depict the scales held by Astraea (identified as Virgo), the goddess of justice. Libra is mentioned by Manetho (3rd century B.C.) and Geminus (1st century B.C.), and included by Ptolemyin his 48 asterisms. Ptolemy catalogued 17 stars, Tycho Brahe 10, and Johannes Hevelius 20.[8] It only became a constellation in ancient Rome, when it began to represent the scales held byAstraea, associated with Virgo.[1]   Libra is the only zodiac sign that does not symbolize a living creature.

  • 水瓶座的来历,英文版

      Legend one   In the Trojan town, lived a handsome prince. His handsome appearance, threw sino-us women find humbling.   One day, also will be holding a banquet, but for Zeus pourers a girl was injured, so nobody can instead of doing this work. So Zeus very distressed, don't know what to do. The gods see Zeus such troubles, wanted to help replace, but is introduced to girls, Zeus is not very satisfactory.   One day, god Apollo came to Troy, see the handsome prince is and the maid for leisure. He thought, and human unexpectedly there are so handsome princes, hence Apollo returned to his also in Troy, see report to Zeus listen, Zeus feeling incredible, want very much to witness the Trojan prince.   When Zeus saw Trojan prince after each day, so Zeus miss has a kind of evil thoughts in the heart of the details.   Zeus came again to Troy, etc Trojan prince when you walk alone, Zeus into a big eagle, the prince attention and grabbed the prince returned to also.   Trojan prince came also, Zeus wanted him to replace the injured girl for Zeus poured wine, the prince in the helpless situation, also have to stay at.   The prince is very miss home, family, and Trojan king also misses the prince, wondering if he where to go. Zeus feel gradually die WangZiYi everyday, cannot bear to the king, so TuoMeng rot, tell him the prince in the situation also. In order to comfort the king, give the king a few horse horse thought gift of god.   While Zeus also let the prince back Tro......余下全文>>

  • 直来直去倔性格,高谈弘论心气高指的是十二生肖中那个动物?!

      主牛,防鸡 就这两个生肖

  • 十二生肖的性格解释

      性格:属狗人直率、诚实,为人仗义,对事公平,勤奋好学。属狗人的活跃特别引人注目,受到异性的好感。尽管属狗人外表看起来情绪高昂,但内心世界存留着一块悲观厌世的天地。也会为那些不必要担心的事情而焦虑,猜想着世界上每个角落都可能潜伏着危机。而有时候,属狗人的预感真会变成现实。属狗人并非喜欢表现自己,而是出于内心的善意,认为有必要去判定一个人的对错,给属狗人指出来,使属狗人能正视自己与现实。在同对手争辩时,通常是用自己富有严谨逻辑的语言来击败对方。但当属狗人的冷静论辩和自我防卫受到破坏时,也会采取愤怒而激烈的抨击手段。在与人争吵时,方式总是公开的,而从不以在暗处做手脚获得胜利。 属狗人一般是为人坦诚,不装腔作势,属狗人好打不平,愿意听人向自己陈述苦恼之事,以分担属狗人人的不快。因此,他们懂得怎样与人和睦相处。爱情: 属狗的人不轻易相信人,而一旦相信就坦诚相待的性格,可以到这样的程度:如果别人试着去进攻一下那些与属狗人关系密切的人,别人就会尝到属狗人对别人猛烈进攻的滋味。只有在人们袭击属狗人的家庭时,属狗人才会真正的狂怒。属狗人工作尽力,属狗人认为必须如此或需要如此,否则属狗人同样会懒惰。属狗人注重实践,英勇无畏,说话直爽,对每个人都能做出的判断,包括属狗人自己。属狗人对那些自己不喜欢的人会表现出默不作声的冷淡态度。属狗人同属马、蛇、猴、猪或另一个属狗人发生争执。属狗人最不能理解的是属鸡人的性格,但冲突最大的、最不信任的是属龙的人。