
  • 射手座的构成英文版介绍

      He can be stubborn to withstand the test of any hardship, the wishes of the current advance will help him remove all obstacles on the road. He was good at speculation   Other people's weaknesses, learn to grasp the vulnerability of women and touched their情思. In love, he never in a dominating position, in his view,   As long as the purpose is good, and can be unscrupulous.   Since his indomitable spirit, he would be the failure of local people to succeed.   Only when he transcended his nature when he can from the inner self-torment the shackles of, and radiated a huge fine   God forces into unimaginable creativity.   Xingli in the Taurus birthday, and the effects of Venus and the women he clicked straight away. Their spiritual life or whether other aspects   Will be satisfactory harmony.   Cancer gentle and obedient with women, their feelings will be very harmonious life will be full of poetry.   Shuangyuzuo women will he really feel the joy of life.   Pragmatic, courageous female lion Block will change his character, and his depression, and complicated stubborn relieved Nian   Out.   Women: her character, emotion and love lives   Natural shape the quality of the innocent, as a while fresh wind; not inhibit a vitality and a passion toward freedom,   Centaur is female. This is purely ideological, loving sports, the heart is full of joy "girls." She always yearn for the heart   Innocent, was an idealized love.   Astronomers with the men, he did not want themselves to be bound by any emotional. Spent in the free and carefree   Single life, once she established her own family, she will become a Good Wife and Good Mother and the family mainstay. She needs a   To the respect of others, she hoped that the work be appreciated and well, she is concerned about her husband and the children's well-being, and know how to respect his   The independence of their respective   And the Gemini birthday Xingwei male partnering, their lives will be a vibrant park.   She's full of passion and heart-warming Aries male lion at the men will get along very well.

  • 对意大利文化,饮食等方面的介绍 英文版

      综合介绍:   Italy (Italian: Italia), officially the Italian Republic, (Italian: Repubblica Italiana), is located on the Italian Peninsula in Southern Europe, and on the two largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily and Sardinia. Italy shares its northern Alpine boundary with France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. The independent states of San Marino and the Vatican City are enclaves within the Italian Peninsula, while Campione d'Italia is an Italian exclave in Switzerland.   Italy has been the home of many European cultures, such as the Etruscans and the Romans, and later was the birthplace of the movement of the Renaissance, that began in Tuscany and spread all over Europe. Italy's capital Rome has been for centuries the center of Western civilization, and is the seat of the Catholic Church.   Today, Italy is a democratic republic, and a developed country with the 7th-highest GDP, the 8th-highest Quality-of-life index,[1] and the 20th-highest Human Development Index rating in the world. It is a founding member of what is now the European Union (having signed the Treaty of Rome in 1957), and also a member of the G8, NATO, OECD, the Council of Europe, the Western European Union, and the Central European Initiative. On January 1, 2007 Italy began a two year term as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.   饮食:   Italian Food: The Italian food section of Life In Italy is divided into several categories: First we have our Italian food Ratings database, a rating of Italian food by selected Italian and American consumers. Second we provide recipes by Venetian chef Francesco the co-owner and chef at award winning restaurant Remi in New York City. Third we provide some general articles about Italian cooking like how to make Italian Pizza at home, bread, and articles about Italian foods such as olives, cheeses, herbs used in Italian cooking.   While in New York city and in my area (Washington DC) - there are few real Italian restaurants, my subjective, but experienced, opinion is that 90% of the Italian restaurants in the US are not Italian at all. If "Italian food" conjures up thoughts of Italian American restaurant chains or pizza with a red-purple sauce and lots of garlic powder this is simply not Italian! I personally hate that type of cooking -Italian American food is loaded with too many strange tasting "additives". One might even call them "addictives" because these strong flavors cultivate consumer taste for heavy style foods, to the detriment of the much more delicate and healthier authentic Italian cooking. As an example of this altered taste are things like Italian dressing - Italian style bread crumbs - Italian seasoning are all things with 'oversaturated' taste that you will never find in Italy .   In the minds of many in the US, Italian food continues to be associated with the image of a pretty large guy eating spaghetti with meat-ball sauce - the reality is that in Italy practically no one eats spaghetti with meat ball sauce. Italians do have some meat sauce recipes that require long and laborious preparation (including marinating the meat for 3-4 days in aged red wine), but they also have an incredible number of variations of pasta dishes cooked with vegetables or seafood. And when I say pasta, this is not equivalent to only spaghetti. Again there is an amazing range of forms, shapes, sizes of pastas, many of which are unique to specific regions. The variety in the Italian diet, the continued widespread reliance on fresh ingredients cooked on the spot, and the extensive use of vegetables, fruit and olive oil all contribute to the generally healthy state of Italians that on average appear to be much thinner than Americans, especially in middle and later years. In my opinion, there is a direct relationship between being overweight and heavy consumption of industrial and chain foods, widespread soda drinking and avoidance of fruits, vegetables and reasonable amounts of wine, not only in the US but also among younger generations in Italy that love to imitate the American life style. A lot has been written about the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. Without going deeper into the matter, I would like to tell you that Italian food - that found in Italy - is not only good for you but it really tastes great! Enjoy the adventure of exploring authentic Italian food, not only a delight for the senses but also an expression of the cultural and traditional heritage of the country.

  • 求英文版中国十二生肖来历,加中文翻译,谢谢了。

      12 symbolic animals 十二生肖的英文表达   Rat charm, 子鼠   Ox patient, 丑牛   Tiger sensitive, 寅虎   Rabbit articulate, 卯兔   Dragon healthy, 辰龙   Snake deep, 巳蛇   Horse popular, 午马   Goat elegant, 未羊   Monkey clever, 申猴   Rooster deep thinkers, 酉鸡   Dog loyalty, 戌狗   Pig chivalrous. 亥猪   十二生肖英语介绍 生肖   中国的阴阳学说有一个十二年循环,每年都是以一种动物来命名,并由此传达出这一年的独特特征。很多中国人相信一个人出生的那一年将决定这个人的个性,身体和精神上的特征以及这个人一生中幸福和成功的可能性。 中国古代的阴阳学说建立起一套十天干和十二地支的奇妙体系。十二地支就对应十二种动物。每一种动物都和十二年循环中的一年联系到一起;并且代表一天中的十二分之一,也就是两个小时。一个人的未来就被这种让人琢磨不透的体系决定了。 这十二种动物是:鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗和猪。比如, 2000年是龙年,龙是整个中华民族的一个象征。   Zodiac   The Chinese Yinyang principle consists of a 12-year cycle, each year of which is named after a different animal that imparts distinct characteristics to its year. Many Chinese believe that the year of a person's birth is the primary factor in determining that person's personality traits, physical and mental attributes and degree of success and happiness throughout one's lifetime. The ancient Yinyang principle constructed a fantastic system of 10 heavenly stems and 12 mundane branches. The latter correspond to 12 animals with two symbolic functions. Each animal is mystically related to one year in a 12-year cycle. Each animal also represents two hours or one-twelfth of every day. A person's future is determined by this intriguing system. These twelve animals are: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, cock, dog and pig. For example,The year 2000 is the year of dragon, which is a symbol of the whole Chinese nationality。

  • 狐狸和公鸡英文版 150分


  • 星座介绍

      白羊座   白羊座生于每年3月21日至4月20日,火星的本质为阳性,是天上火红色的天体,给人勇猛的感觉,故此以战神阿瑞斯命名,象征勇气、刚强、斗志与男性魅力,掌管个人的冲劲与欲望,对群体具一定影响力。   黄道第一个星座为白羊座,因此这个星座与开始有关。白羊座是在十二月黄昏时刻,可在头上近南方向看见的星座。其中有二颗最明亮的星星就是白羊座的两只角。太阳通过此星座的3/21至4/20 期间,就是夜间要变得比昼间短的“春分”时节,因为春天的日照较久,于是各种花卉开始开花,出生于此时期的白羊座人,都是充满活力而干劲十足的活跃者。白羊座出生的人对新鲜的事物都很投入,并且勇于冒险,追求速度。   白羊座给人精力旺盛和办事能力很强的印象,脸部特征为轮廓深刻鲜明,额头和颧骨高耸,下巴结实有力,唇形紧闭。眉毛浓密,眼光锐利、直接,鼻子较长。性格善变;是个天生的斗士,身手矫健。   金牛座   生于每年4月21日至5月20日,是在夏天之夜出现于银河西边的星座,金星是金牛座的守护星,所以金牛座是保守型的星座,金牛座的人有艺术细胞,具有高度欣赏任何艺术的品味和能力。它守护神是爱与美的女   金牛座(5张)神维纳斯。   黄道第二个星座是金牛座,公牛是其代表动物。金牛座是一月下旬的黄昏时该在南方中天可看见的星座,而形成低头状的金牛像,其中有颗最明亮的银星就是金牛的右眼。它向来与力量著称,与偶尔狂野、偶尔安静的自然力量有关。太阳将通过此星座的4/20至5/20期间,正是春花盛开的美丽季节,凡出生在此时的金牛座人,不但具有美与调和的精神,更是温顺可亲的人,而且喜欢大自然。   金星是金牛座的守护星,金牛座是保守型的星座,不喜欢变动,安稳是他的生活态度。金牛座的人不会急躁冲动,只会忍耐,吃得苦中苦,方为人上人正是他们的写照,而且他们非常顽固,一旦决定的事,不愿意去作任何改变。   由于缺乏安全感,失业是金牛座最怕面对的问题,这代表他们失去生活的重心。金牛座男性有潜在的大男子主义倾向,在家中不会多发言,但对尊严非常重视;金牛座女性一方面讲实际,一方面也喜爱打扮自己,因为金牛座的守护神就是爱与美的化身维纳斯。他们通常属于慢热型,会花一段时间去适应一份感情,一份工作,一个环境,但适应之后,他们很少会改变自己,除非是迫不得已。   金牛座拥有艺术细胞,具有高度的艺术品味及鉴赏能力,也是天生美食家。   双子座   双子座生于每年5月21日至6月21日,水星移动的速度非常快,掌管个人的知识、沟通、推理,以及学习能力、处理困难时的机智、适应环境的能力与个人意识,同时代表了时代转变时科技与学问对日常生活转变的影响。   黄道第三个星座是双子座,以一对双胞胎为代表图案,暗示出他的双重个性。双子座是三月下旬的黄昏时弈,在头上偏南位置可看到它,这二位男生并肩而十分和好,其中有二颗最明亮的星,就是他们的头部。太阳将通过这星座的 5/20至 6/21期间,是自然翠绿色最美的季节。凡出生于这翠绿美时期的双子星座人,不但头脑灵敏,且推理力优於他人甚多,他们是天生的传播者   双子座的长相充满智慧而令人觉得生动有活力,椭圆形的脸型,十分柔和,五官很少会过分夸张。弧形优美的眉毛下,是一双灵动好奇的眼睛,鼻梁瘦长,颧骨较高,下颚稍尖,生性轻浮善变,并有双重性格,但却因为多才多艺且生气蓬勃,而深受异性垂青。   巨蟹座   生于每年6月22日至7月22日月亮对个人感情的影响力大过太阳。在天象中,月亮的变化最大,有周期性的阴晴圆缺,代表情绪变化,感情起伏,爱与......余下全文>>

  • 老腊肉的介绍


  • 张国荣的介绍

      中文名:张国荣(原名张发宗) 外文名:Leslie Cheung(英)、レスリーチャン(日) 别名:哥哥 国籍:中国 民族:汉族(客家民系) 星座:处女座 血型:O型 身高:175cm 体重:70kg 出生地:香港九龙 出生日期:1956年9月12日 逝世日期:2003年4月1日 职业:演员、歌手、音乐人 毕业院校:英国里兹大学纺织管理系一年级 经纪公司:环球唱片 代表作品:霸王别姬 阿飞正传 倩女幽魂 东邪西毒 沉默是金 风继续吹 主要成就:美国CNN全球五大指标音乐人,香港乐坛最高荣誉金针奖,首位享誉韩国乐坛的华人歌手,美国CNN亚洲最伟大25位演员之一,入选《大英百科全书》,《辞海》,中国电影百年百位优秀演员之一,香港电影金像奖最佳男主角,日本影评人大奖最佳外语片男主角,华语唱片在韩国销量纪录保持者,十大劲歌金曲最受欢迎男歌星 籍贯:广东梅县 爱好:羽毛球、读书、绘画、家装

  • 狮子王(英文版)经典台词

      第一段:   Simba(辛巴,简称S):Dad, we are pals, right? 爸,我们是好伙伴,对吗?   Mufasa(木法沙,简称M):Hnn, right. 恩,对   S:And we'll always be together, right? 那么我们会永远在一起,对吗?   M:Simba, let me tell you something that my father told me. Look at the stars, the great kings of the past look down on us from those stars. 辛巴,我来告诉你一些我父亲告诉我的事。看看那些星星,过去那些伟大的君王,正在上面俯视着我们。   S:Really? 真的?   M:Yes. So whenever you feel alone, just remember, that those kings will always be there to guide you. And so will I. 是的。所以,当你感到孤独地时候,要记住,我们的先辈一直在指引着你。我也会。     第二段:   Simba:That's not my father,it's just my reflection.   Rafiki:No,look harder.You see,he lives in you.   Mufasa:Simba!   Simba:Father?   Mufasa:Simba,you have forgot me.   Simba:No,how could I?   Mufasa:You have forgot who you are,and you've forgot me.Look inside yourself Simba, you're more than what you have become. You must take your place in the circle of life.   Simba:How can I go back?I'm not I used to be.   Mufasa:Remember who you are,you are my son,and the one true king.Remember who you are.   Simba:Please,don't leave me!   Mufasa:Remember!   Simba:Father!   Mufasa:Remember!Remember!...   辛巴:那不是我爸爸,那只是我的倒影。   拉飞奇:不,仔细看。你看,他活在你心中。   木法沙:辛巴!   辛巴:爸?   木法沙:辛巴,已经忘了我。   辛巴:不,怎么会?   木法沙:你已经忘了你是谁,你也忘了我。看看你自己,辛巴,你比你的外表还要勇猛,你必须找到自己的位置。   辛巴:我该怎么做?我已经不是从前的我了。   木法沙:要记住你是谁,你是我儿子,也是真正的国王。要记住,你是谁。   辛巴:不!求求你别离开!   木法沙:要记住。   辛巴:爸!   木法沙:要记住。要记住。。。...余下全文>>

  • 看日子的介绍


  • 介绍唐僧

    唐三藏 : 因为唐三藏在书中虽然是以取搐为责任的师父,但是实际上他却是个性儒弱,伪善怕死,缺乏超越的理解。他为人虽然善良仁慈,却不能够明辨是非,反而屡屡听信猪八戒的挑拨,误会能识破妖魔诡计的孙悟空。总是在落入陷阱之后,才大喊「悟空,救我!」。 其实唐僧的形象可以说与传说的白面书生不谋而合。虽然满怀理想主义,却手无缚鸡之力,当困难发生的时侯,总是束手无策,坐待外援。而他的迂腐和不明是非真相,似乎在显现作者对当政者昏庸无能的暗讽。但是若是只以宗教或个人修养的角度来看,唐三藏代表的不是圣僧,反而是凡夫俗子。 孙悟空: 所以西游记的灵魂人物应该是孙悟空。孙悟空本来是仙山上一块灵石,变化而成的猴子。因为胆识过人,受到群猴的推举为王。但是有一天他忽然感悟到生命有限,美猴王虽然在水帘洞中过着「山中无甲子,寒尽不知年」的快乐生活,但是不能够天长地久。于是他抛下了一切,离家拜师学习仙道,从此就叫做「孙悟空」。 孙悟空他天资聪敏,思想跟行动都敏捷如风,学得一身高强的法术,吹一口气,就能够七十二变,并且有法宝金箍棒,缩小如针,放大如铜棒,筋斗云一驾,就能够上天下地。悟空仍有猴性,他精明顽皮,爱作弄。他故意叫猪八戒去巡山探路,自己则变作小虫,暗中监视爱偷懒的八戒。可见他心思细密和不减顽皮的本性。 孙悟空天不怕,地不怕,所以他敢一闹海龙王,二闹地狱府,三闹天宫,并且还和佛祖打赌。由此可见他叛逆、不愿受拘束、不墨守成规的个性。充沛的生命力、大无畏的精神、笃实的性格和乐观的个性,使得他不怕吃苦,勇于面对挑战。他这一种冒险犯难的精神,充份显现了英雄的特质。但是争强好胜,心高气傲以及性急如火却是他的弱点。 猪八戒 : 而另外代表逸乐角色-猪八戒,虽然也有法力,但是只能够三十六变,和悟空相比较就显得憨蠢笨重,所以他常常被悟空来取笑。因此他常在唐僧的耳边挑拨悟空的不是,使得悟空受苦。 八戒的特色就是贪吃懒惰,又重视物质享受,遇到困难他就喊散夥,无法坚持到底.在旅途中受到美女和金银的诱惑,几乎抛下其他人而中断修行之路。没想到那却是菩萨化身来考验他的。这些出乖露丑的行为,在吴承恩笔下写来不批判,只是幽默的嘲讽。而猪八戒也就在一次次的出丑笑料当中,给予读者对人性贪慾的省思。 沙悟净: 而另外一位徒弟沙悟净,他则着墨较少,但是呈现的是刚毅木讷,沈默踏实的性格。