
  • 功夫足球里内段旋律叫什么? 就是他们一用功夫时出来的那个音乐,就比如说刚发现阿龙时用八卦掌的那段音乐


  • 十二生肖哪个动物功夫一流

      你好,这东西没人会预测。 如果真会预测,早就成为百万富翁了。 预测这东西我早就不信了,上一回在网站上,看别人预测,结果买了,连一个号码都没对上。 楼主真要买,就权当是献爱心吧。 每天都买相同的号码,哪一天善有善报,就让你买中了。 PS...

  • <功夫梦>里小男孩跳舞时背景音乐是什么歌?

      里小男孩跳舞时背景音乐是Flo Rida的《Low》。   歌曲:《Low》   演唱:Flo Rida   歌词:   Shawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans   Boots with the fur With the fur   The whole club was lookin at her   She hit the flo She hit the flo   Next thing you know   Shawty got low low low low low low low low   Them baggy sweat pants   And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps   She turned around and gave that big booty a smack Ayy   She hit the flo She hit the flo   Next thing you know   Shawty got low low low low low low low low   I ain't never seen nuthin that'll make me go,   this crazy all night spendin my dough   Had a million dollar vibe and a bottle to go   Dem birthday cakes, they stole the show   So sexual, she was flexible   Professional, drinkin X and ooo   Hold up wait a minute, do i see what I think I   Whoa   Did I think I seen shorty get low   Ain't the same when it's up that close   Make it rain, I'm makin it snow   Work the pole, I got the bank roll   Imma say that I prefer them no clothes   I'm into that, I love women exposed   She threw it back at me, I gave her more   Cash ain't a problem, I know where it goes   She had them   Apple Bottom Jeans Jeans   Boots with the fur With the fur   The whole club was lookin at her   She hit the flo She hit the flo   Next thing you know   Shawty got low low low low low low low low   Them baggy sweat pants   And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps   She turned around and gave that big booty a smack   She hit the flo She hit the flo   Next thing you know   Shawty got low low low low low low low low   Hey   Shawty what I gotta do to get you home   My jeans full of gwap   And they ready for Shones   Cadillacs Maybachs for the sexy grown   Patrone on the rocks that'll make you moan   One stack (come on)   Two stacks (come on)   Three stacks (come on, now that's three grand)   What you think I'm playin baby girl   I'm the man, I'll bend the rubber bands   That's what I told her, her legs on my shoulder   I knew it was ova, that Henny and Cola   Got me like a Soldier   She ready for Rover, I couldn't control her   So lucky oo me, I was just like a clover   Shorty was hot like a toaster   Sorry but I had to fold her,   Like a pornography poster   She showed her   Apple Bottom Jeans Jeans   Boots with the fur With the fur   The whole club was lookin at her   She hit the flo She hit the flo   Next thing you know   Shawty got low low low low low low low low   Them baggy sweat pants   And the Reeboks with the straps With the straps   She turned around and gave that big booty a smack Ayy   She hit the flo She hit the flo   Next thing you know   Shawty got low low low low low low low low   Whoa   Shawty   Yea she was worth the money   Lil mama took my cash,   and I ain't want it back,   The way she bit that rag,   got her them paper stacks,   Tattoo of bubba cray,   I had to handle that,   I was on it, sexy woman, let me shownin   They be want it two in the mornin   I'm zonin in them rosay bottles foamin   She wouldn't stop, made it drop   Shorty did that pop and lock,   Had to break her off that gwap   Gah it was fly just like my glock   Apple Bottom Jeans   Boots with the fur   The whole club was   She hit the flo She hit the flo   Next thing you know   Shawty got low low low low low low low low   Them baggy sweat pants   And the Reeboks with the straps   She turned around and gave that big booty a smack   She hit the flo   Next thing you know   Shawty got low low low low low low low low   C'mon

  • “眨眼功夫不见影”这句话中暗藏十二生肖中哪个动物?

      老鼠,最快眨眼功夫不见影 。灵敏度高,特别到晚上是它最猖狂的时候,欢蹦乱跳,非常活跃 。   老鼠(俗称"耗子"),哺乳纲、啮齿目、鼠科啮齿类动物。   其主要特点是身体呈锥形、无犬齿,门齿与前臼齿或臼齿间有间隙、门齿发达、无齿根、终生生长、常见啮物以磨短;行动迅速;以植物为主食,也有的为杂食性;种类多。老鼠是一种啮齿动物,体形有大有小。老鼠种类多,全世界现有450多种。   老鼠是现存最原始的哺乳动物之一,它们生命力旺盛、数量繁多并且繁殖速度极快,适应能力很强,几乎什么都吃,在什么地方都能住。老鼠会打洞、上树,并能传播鼠疫、流行性出血热、钩端螺旋体病等病源。但是老鼠为人提供了无数药品实验数据。

  • 功夫电影里的配角有那些

      元华 饰 包租公   简介 隐居市井的绝世高手,绝技:太极拳   元秋 饰 包租婆   简介 隐居市井的绝世高手,绝技:狮吼功   陈国坤 饰 琛哥   简介 斧头帮老大   林子聪 饰 肥仔聪   简介 星好友,小混混   梁小龙 饰 火云邪神   简介 绝技:蛤蟆功   何文辉 饰 酱爆   简介 贫民窟居民,理发师   冯小刚 饰 鳄鱼帮大佬   简介 鳄鱼帮老大   释行宇 饰 苦力强   简介 隐居市井的高手,绝技:十二路谭腿   赵志凌 饰 裁缝师傅   简介 隐居市井的高手,绝技:洪家铁线拳   董志华 饰 油炸小贩   简介 隐居市井的高手,绝技:五郎八卦棍   林雪 饰 斧头帮二当家   简介 大佬琛亲信   田启文 饰 斧头帮师爷   简介 大佬琛亲信   陈凯师 饰 龅牙珍   简介 贫民窟居民   贾康熙 饰 天残   简介 三洞琴魔高手,绝技:六式古筝法   冯克安 饰 地缺   简介 三洞琴魔助手,绝技:龙爪纤指手   袁祥仁 饰 流浪汉   简介 身份不明,骗卖武林秘籍给阿星   林子善 饰 恶霸   简介 小混混   任斯璐 饰 鳄鱼帮大佬的女人   简介 妓女

  • 十二生肖里哪个生肖是音乐家


  • 功夫足球来破门是什么生肖?

      牧羊驱马虽戎服,白发丹心尽汉臣。   烹羊宰牛且为乐,会须一饮三百杯。

  • 摩羯女啪啪啪的功夫怎样


  • 一身功夫在嘴上指什么生肖

      虎   “忽”悠,“唬”人,谐音,有吹牛的意思。

  • 卡酷少儿的十二生肖总动员广告背景纯音乐是什么
