
  • 用英文介绍十二生肖,急用!

      The Chinese zodiac is any of the twelve animals, representing the twelve Earthly Branches,   used to symbolize the year in which a person is born. They are Rat, Bull, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Chicken, Dog,Pig. You see, in the Chinese zodiac, the year 2012 is the year of the Dragon.

  • 猪的介绍

      猪,古杂食类哺乳动物。分为家猪和野猪。家猪(学名:Sus scrofa domestica)是野猪被人类驯化后所形成的亚种,獠牙较野猪短,是人类的家畜之一,一般来说,家猪是指人类蓄养多供食用的猪种。

  • 十二星座英文介绍

      Aries 白羊座(3月21日~4月20日)   The fire element of Arise brings assertive “I” energy.   火相星座的特质使白羊座具有非常自信的自我力量。   TIPS: Your persistence will lead you to success. But your impulsive temper may cause problems.   坚持会使你成功,但是爱冲动的毛病也会带来麻烦。   Taurus 金牛座(4月21~5月21日)   The Earth element of Taurus brings strength and the desire for solid ground form and structure.   土相星座的特质让金牛座渴望并具有脚踏实地的能力。   TIPS: You might be a little bit slow-witted, but your consistency will make it up.   你也许反应有一点慢,但是你的坚毅会弥补这个缺点。   Gemini 双子座(5月22日~6月21日)   The Air element of Gemini brings communication, intellect and speed.   风向星座的特质让双子座具有沟通能力,智慧和速度。   TIPS: Your mutable motivation brings adaptability.   你的多变使你能够适应事物。   Cancer 巨蟹座(6月22日~7月22日)   Cancer’s element is Water. Symbolic of the emotions, water signs need to give and receive.   巨蟹座是水相星座。水是情感的象征,水的特质是给予和接受。   TIPS: Good memory is your born gift.   良好的记忆力是你与生俱来的天赋。   Leo 狮子座(7月23日~8月23日)   Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead.   狮子座是火相星座的中心。火引发了创造,革新和领导的欲望。   TIPS: Your fixed motivation adds self-reliance. But remember to balance self-confidence with humility.   你对目标的坚定不移使你自信。但是记住自信也需要谦虚来平衡。   Virgo 处女座(8月24日~9月23日)   Ruled by shape-shifting Mercury, Vi龚go works hard to stability.   在流动的水星控制下,处女座需要努力才能获得稳定。   TIPS: A good educational background is important. Diligence is your advantage.   良好的教育背景很重要。你的优点是勤奋。   Libra 天秤座(9月24日~10月23日)   Libra represents the Air element. It is a sign that is more extroverted......余下全文>>

  • 十二生肖中猪为什么排在最后?

      十二生肖,为什么排在首位的偏偏是小小的鼠,而不是腾云驾雾的龙,也不是百兽之王的虎?为什么不看中强劲温顺的牛?为什么不选出灵巧异常的猴?众说纷纭,其中有「道教玉帝说」,有「佛祖如来说」,有「先祖黄帝说」,有「天象星宿说」,有「原始部落图腾说」等等。我认为,十二生肖的排列顺序,是古人依据十二种动物的生活习性和活动特点来安排的。   天文学家将昼夜分为十二个时辰,即:子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥。为什么以这几个字定时辰呢?分析一下这十二个字的原形和本义,我们就会看得十分清楚。   子:为 。像孩子在襁褓之中。子的本义为:幼小的、卵。古代指儿女。二十三点至一点为子时,正是夜深人静的午夜时分,正是今明两天的临界,也可以说「明天」这个「产儿」就要诞生,或者已在襁褓之中。子时,是孕含着什么孵化着什么的时刻。   丑:为 。「扭」的本字,像手指抓住一物而扭动。扭,也作转动讲。子时过后,一点至三点为丑时。夜正深,但「第二天」已经开始了。无形之中,似乎有一只大手在转动天体--夜幕即将被转过去,白天即将被扭过来。   寅:为 。有说像黄泉欲出,又说像双手捧矢,即「引」的古字。引,可释为牵引、引导、引起、离开。黎明前的三点至五点为寅时,正是黑夜即将离开,熹微即被牵引而来的时刻。   卯:为 、 。有说为冒,像开门之形,又有 之体,又说像断物形,为刘的本字。黎明时分的五点至七点为卯时,天亮了,太阳冒出来了,人家的门该打开了。卯时,黑、白不再混淆,而是断然分开的。   辰:为 。有说像贝壳形,「 」的本字;又说为「 」,有 之体。我以为它有托出云气之意。云气之上有日,为「晨」;无日,则云气弥漫。夏日的早晨,七点至九点,大雾茫茫。   巳:为 、 。有说像胎儿形突出头部和蜷曲的身体;又说为蛇的象形。上午九点至十一点,雾气消失,正是暖融融的时刻,蛇从洞穴中爬出来了。   午:为 、 。有说像木杵之形,「杵」的本字;又说为「牾」,抵牾为矛盾。将一木杵立在日光下,木杵没有影子,因为日光是从头顶之上照射下来的。古人依形造字,又依形取义,以形、义命物。由此,日中的时候,即十一点至十三点为午时。   未:为 、 。像树木枝叶重叠,物长成后才有滋味。「味」的本字。午后十三点至十五点未时,示意只有经过阳光的强烈照射,树木才会枝繁叶茂、果子才能成熟。成熟的果子,才会有滋有味。   申:为 、 。

  • 用英文字母画猪的简笔画?

      *   先画一个椭圆;下半部分不要封上;   *   然后再在内部画一个椭圆,接下来画上猪的鼻子;   *   再画上猪的耳朵,然后画上猪的眼睛,画上尾巴和腿,不完善的地方修改一下,然后就完工了。   形体结构是绘画最基本的要素,各种物体都有自己独特的构成因素,结构形势及比例关系,平面化的简笔划,表现2维的平面结构比较简便。但要表现立体结构的物体形象,因主要只表现一个面的图形,写生时应选择能充分显示对象结构特点的角度和视向,使这些特点能突出地呈献于平面图形之中。   *   取出一张白纸, 首先写一个大写英文字母"E"来代表小猪的嘴巴, 在画的过程中可以教孩子一起念。如图:   

  • 马来西亚双子楼的英文介绍

      大马国油双峰塔: Petronas Twin Towers, Malaysia:   (1) The Petronas Towers (also known as the Petronas Twin Towers or KLCC) are skyscrapers and twin towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. They were the tallest buildings in the world from 1998 to 2004 until surpassed by Taipei 101, but remain the tallest twin buildings in the world.   (2) Designed by Argentine architects César Pelli and Djay Cerico under the consultancy of Julius Gold and Filipino engineer Domingo Basa, the Petronas Towers were completed in 1998 after a seven year build and became the tallest buildings in the world on the date of completion.Because of the depth of the bedrock, the buildings were built on the world's deepest foundations. The 120-meter foundations were built within 12 months by Bachy Soletanche and required massive amounts of concrete.   (3) The 88-floor towers are constructed largely of reinforced concrete, with a steel and glass facade designed to resemble motifs found in Islamic art, a reflection of Malaysia's Muslim religion.Another Islamic influence on the design is that the cross section of the towers is based on a Rub el Hizb, albeit with circular sectors added to meet office space requirements. Tower 1 was built by a Japanese consortium led by the Hazama Corporation while Tower 2 was built by Samsung C&T and Kukdong Engineering & Construction, both South Korean contractors.The sky bridge contract was completed by Kukdong Engineering & Construction. Thus, Tower 2 became the first to reach the world's tallest building at the time.

  • 十二生肖相冲介绍 生肖相冲有什么危害


  • 十二生肖猪和牛的婚姻配对


  • 十二生肖的猪成语

      『包含有“猪”字的成语』   “猪”字开头的成语:(共3则) [z] 猪卑狗险 猪朋狗友 猪突豨勇    第二个字是“猪”的成语:(共6则) [g] 狗猪不食其余 [m] 牧猪奴戏 [n] 泥猪疥狗 泥猪癞狗 泥猪瓦狗 [z] 指猪骂狗    第三个字是“猪”的成语:无   “猪”字结尾的成语:(共1则) [y] 一龙一猪

  • 介绍中国餐桌礼仪的英文作文

      As we all know,different countries have different table manners.Today,I’d like to introduce something about Chinese table manners.It’s very necessary to learn table manners in China.In China,table manners are too much.For instance,you are not supposed to eat with knives and forks.Chinese usually use chopsticks instead.But we are not supposed to stick our chopsticks into our food.But we are supposed to pick up our bowl to eat.And we are supposed to let the old start eating first.And we are allowed to talk at the table.However,you can’t talk too loud and laugh too crazily.In fact,in China,table manners are not so serious .so ,you don’t need to worry about them so much.