
  • 小狗一直在吃奶,狗妈妈没奶怎么办

      我家狗第一次生宝宝 看到自己宝宝它还怕的躲起来 但是过了十几分钟它听到自己小孩哭就自己去喂奶了 你的狗狗一天不给狗喂奶是不行的 这样小狗没营养会死的 你去宠物医院买小狗喝的奶粉 买个小奶瓶喂 只能先这样了 我家狗生崽的时候我是买了奶粉给我家母狗补充营养的 母狗生完体质很虚弱的 你就先去买奶粉给小狗吃 要是母狗后来会喂奶了 你就把奶粉跟母狗吃

  • 我吃了妈妈的奶怎么办


  • 妈妈吃牛羊肉宝宝喝奶会过敏 宝宝还能喝羊奶粉吗


  • 早不喂狗,晚不喂猫

      这么吗 我的理解是早上把狗喂饱了,它白天就不看门了,晚上把猫喂饱了,它晚上就不捉老鼠了 我的理解,不知道对不对   满意请采纳

  • 家里的猫老是吃狗的奶怎么办啊?关键狗是公狗啊,乳头都被咬烂了。怎么办?


  • 有一首英文歌,有一句歌词是“baby哦我这u这奶,黑马黑笔狗,黑笔狗,

      All the Others - The Coronas   Do you remember   When we use to sit for hours   We'd put the days away   We like the same things   Just at a different aim   Don't you remember   When we use to talk for hours   We had so much to say   Now the steps in the hall are the only sounds we make   To all the other's who can't stand one another   Lying to them with all your energy   Just show me lover's screaming at each other   Least showing me something I can see   Stare at the surface   Hasn't been clean for hours   God I need some air   And you walk and you walk   But you can't find what you need there   To all the other's who can't stand one another   Lying to them with all your energy   Just show me lover's screaming at each other   At least it's showing me something I can see   You will be discover it's one or it's the other   Lying to them yeah which way will it be   Don't say it's broken you always say it's broken   Just show me something I know I can't believe   And you know and you know can't leave this up to me   And just so yeah so   To all the other's who can't stand one another   Lying to them with all your energy   So show me lover's screaming at each other   Least it's showing me something I can see   You will be discover it's one or it's the other   Lying to them yeah which way will it be   Don't say it's broken yeah please don't say it's broken   Just show me something I know I can't believe   Do you remember   When we use to sit for hours   We'd put the days away

  • 妈妈属马。爸爸属猴,生个猪宝宝还是鼠宝宝好


  • 那,奶狗和狼狗到底哪个好


  • 小奶狗刚才从高处落下,然后就拉屎拉尿,全身发抖


  • 妈妈属羊宝宝属狗 是三刑 怎么办 是非常不合吗?怎么化解
