
  • 多字名字

      中国人最长的名字,为回族人,名为:库大库路马拉可林不拉夫斯基,据说父亲是俄罗斯人,属于混血。   德国人名字最长的人为:Bernd Ottovordemgentschenfelde   世界上名字最长的人为英国小伙,译名为:速度比超人蜘蛛侠蝙蝠侠金刚狼绿巨人闪电侠加在一起还要快的梦幻船长,已获批准。

  • 惊、谅、凉、凉、琼、椋、晾、倞、掠、弶、婛为什么带京字弄出许多字,还有吗,写出来吗?没有我是天才,


  • 梦到一个地方许多次


  • 梦到触电,啥意思?

      那你命大呀,拿电线不但没电死还能抖掉,那叫大难不死必有后福,楼上的搞笑,您知道梦见棺材周公给解梦咋说吗?人家说要交好运,照你那么分析梦见电是受打击那梦见棺材不就OVER了吗   所以我分析那电线的寓意是一个人,你需要摆脱一个人,有点麻烦的一个人

  • 梦到家里人种稻子啥意思

      周公解梦   梦见稻谷,象征繁荣。   梦见自己正在打稻谷,预示你会享受成功的欢乐。   梦见别人正在收割稻谷,表示你会分享朋友成功的欢乐。   梦见自己在收割水稻,预示爱情方面会有幸运的进展。   原版周公解梦:   梦见得熟谷,大吉。《敦煌本梦书》   梦见市中得谷者,大吉。《敦煌本梦书》   梦见种谷者,皆得富贵。《敦煌本梦书》   梦食谷,大吉。士人梦此,未仕得禄,已仕增秩;常人梦此,有余粮,有积蓄;农夫梦此,田禾大熟,收成多得。《梦林玄解》

  • 贝多芬一生的简介(大概300多字)

      Beethoven was born in Bonn where he studied with Christian Gottlob Neefe, who spoke of his "most promising talent" and "youthful genius".   In Bonn Beethoven played viola in the court chapel, and attracted a circle of influential and aristocratic friends.   In 1792 he moved to Vienna where he studied composition with Haydn for a short time and also established himself as a virtuoso pianist.   During the early 1800s Beethoven's 'heroic' phase produced such works as the ground-breaking 3rd Symphony ('Eroica'), the 'Waldstein' and 'Appassionata' piano sonatas and the 'Razumovsky' string quartets.   In 1802 he wrote the 'Heiligenstadt Testament' which lay bare his fears concerning the loss of his greatest faculty, his hearing. By 1818 he was completely deaf but continued to compose for almost 10 more years until his death.   Always plagued by money problems, in 1809 Beethoven's situation was finally eased by an annuity granted by the Archduke Rudolph and the Princes Lobkowitz and Kinsky, all devoted champions of his music.   Beethoven's late period produced such works of genius as the 'Hammerklavier' piano sonata Op.106, the 5 late string quartets, the Missa Solemnis and the gigantic 9th Symphony, the 'Choral'.   After Beethoven's death a passionate love letter was found amongst his papers which has become known as the 'Immortal Beloved' letter - it's thought to have been written in 1812 to Antonie Brentano, ten years his junior.

  • 梦到捡到钱啥意思啊

      梦是反的     最近小心钱财损失

  • 梦到已故的人给自己东西啥意思


  • 做梦梦到去看病啥意思


  • 梦到去世的父亲让自己买菜是啥意思
