
  • 从火车北站如何乘车去四川省成都市金牛区迎宾大道8号


  • 四川省成都市金牛区交大路268号是什么?


  • 亚洲、成都、中国、世界、四川、金牛区。谁更大?

      世界-亚洲-中国-四川-成都-金牛区   从大到小排序,最大世界

  • 四川省成都市金牛区和武侯区属于同一县级行政区划吗???


  • 四川成都金牛区现在办理民政局登记结婚,需要体检吗

      你好   不需要的~现在查体是自愿的!不查体也可以登记的

  • 四川省成都市金牛区文武路153号是什么单位


  • 成都那个火车站离金牛区近

      成都北站离金牛区最近,属于金牛区管辖地内。   成都站(北站)   地址:成都市金牛区二环路北三段

  • 成都金牛区北改范围

      “北改”范围:东起新成华大道,西至西大街—金牛大道(老成灌路),南抵一环路(局部至府河),北至绕城高速金牛、成华北边界,总面积约195平方公里(含绕城高速内新都区部分区域)的区域,集中对总面积约104平方公里“四轴四片”中金牛、成华区的重点区域实施改造。   四轴:指金牛大道(即老成灌路,一环路至绕城高速段)、沙西线(一环路至绕城高速段)、川陕路(新华路口至绕城高速段)、新成华大道 (一环路至绕城高速段)4条道路及两侧各200米的范围。   四片:指凤凰山、大熊猫生态片区、火车北站片区、曹家巷片区。

  • 四川省成都市金牛区的邮政编码

      金牛区的区号多了。你写信时可以只写成都的大区号610000,详细地址写清楚,能寄到的。   祝您愉快!谢谢。

  • 成都金牛区 英文

      老乡啊,我是天回镇的O(∩_∩)O哈!   Jinniu Introduction   Jinniu metropolis in western China - Chengdu, northwest of downtown, is China's earliest paper money - a "handover" of the home, built more than 2000 years ago, city history, ancient merchants prosperous, busy traffic. He argued that the benefit from a long and rich civilization of ancient Shu Fook Yum, while the Western Sichuan Plain, Taurus numerous builders to hard-working and intelligent management of the party hot spot, to promote rapid economic and social development of Taurus, so the old Taurus full of new vitality, known as the "Tianfu Pearl."   Since the reform and opening up, social and economic development Jinniu made great achievements, was named "national experimental zone for comprehensive social development" (demonstration area for sustainable development), "National Advanced City of spiritual civilization," and has won the national "town Enterprise hundred counties "and" sports advanced district (county) "," technologically advanced county (city), "" culturally advanced counties (districts) such as the glorious title.