
  • 甜品店名字的英语缩写

      leys 8dmiss

  • 乐队刚成立不久,还没有起名字,想以“末日后的重生”为思路,英语怎样翻译?怎样缩写?

      “末日后的重生”不错,   " Rebirth After the Doom"    缩写 RAD     【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答!

  • 四月六号英语缩写

      你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:   .   .   .   .四月六号   Apr. th

  • 12星座的英文缩写分别是什么

      摩羯座12.22-1.19   又称山羊座魔羯座   英文名称Capricorn   日文名称やぎ座(ざ)   德文名称Steinbock     水瓶座1.20-2.18   又称宝瓶座   英文名称Aquarius   日文名称みずがめ座(ざ)   德文名称Wassermann     双鱼座2.19-3.20   英文名称Pisces   日文名称うお座(ざ)   德文名称Fische     白羊座3.21-4.20   又称牧羊座   英文名称Aries   日文名称おひつじ座(ざ)   德文名称Widder     金牛座4.21-5.20   英文名称Taurus   日文名称おうし座(ざ)   德文名称Stier     双子座5.21-6.21   英文名称Gemini   日文名称ふたご座(ざ)   德文名称Zwillinge     巨蟹座6.22-7.22   英文名称Cancer   日文名称かに座(ざ)   德文名称Krebs     狮子座7.23-8.22   英文名称Leo   日文名称しし座(ざ)   德文名称Loewe     处女座8.23-9.22   又称室女座   英文名称Virgo   日文名称おとめ座(ざ)   德文名称Jungfrau     天秤座9.23-10.22   又称天平座   英文名称Libra   日文名称てんびん座(ざ)   德文名称Waage     天蝎座10.23-11.21   英文名称Scorpio   日文名称さそり座(ざ)   德文名称Skorpion     射手座11.22-12.21   又称人马座   英文名称Sagittarius   日文名称ケンタウルス座(ざ)   德文名称Schuetze

  • 英语句子翻译

      1.那照片让她想起淹死在海里的爱人,她哭了.当她走出房间时,尽管已拭去了泪水,但仍掩盖不住脸上的悲伤.(remind...of drown weep wipe sadness)   the picture reminded her of her lover who had been drawned in the sea, so she cried. when she went out of the room, she couldn't concealed the sadness though the tears were ripped.   2.多年来,这位身居墨西哥的老人日夜梦想着回到自己的祖国.(mexico day and night)   for many years, the old man who is living in mexico has been dreaming of returning to his own country day and night.   3.这位精力旺盛的诗人也没有能够找出这些词的起源.(energetic,poet origin)   the energetic poet wasn't able to find out the origin of the words neither.   4.我们又见面时,他为自己没有信守诺言而向我道歉,并希望我能原谅他.(keep one's word apologize forgive)   when we met again, he aplogized for not keeping his word, and hoped that i could forgive him.   5.根据专家们的预测,他会荣获今年金鸡奖的最佳男演员奖(prediction award rooster)   according to the experts' prediction, he will be awarded the rooster of best actor this year.   6.很明显,他在尽力屏住呼吸.(obvious hold one's breath)   obviously, he was trying his best to hold his breath.   7.如

  • 水壶的相关知识,用英语,翻译

      the kownledge about bottle

  • 关于梦想的 英语优美的文章 带 翻译的

      The ancient and modern in China and abroad, nobody all the time is not making the success dream.The scholar was vainly hoping for obtains the outstanding academic record; The poor was vainly hoping for the one day on wealthy small capital life .......The success, is in each individual heart the loftiest dream.Studies the multitudinous celebrity's success experience, always cannot leave the following many factors the union: Scientific method, self-confident, insistence, patience, tenacious, discipline, good faith, industrious and so on.This also became a person to obtain the success the formula.   But in realistic society, the people always said the matter easy to be doing difficultly.Finally could obtain the successful person to become extremely rare.Therefore, the success, became the people one kind luxuriously to yearn for.When the people through how many year endeavor, had still not seen success hope, people's thought always depth is having doubts unavoidably bog: I can succeed? When can succeed? In this a succession of question behind, is following close on is the suspicion and lax.   When Nicolay. Forced the plum to explore in the entire 21 years fable after the secret condition ;the alchemy;, still had achieved nothing, he could not find way out, really somewhat dispirited.But, he vainly hoped for the successful will defeated tenaciously has despaired the feeling.Finally, Nicolay studied in the fable;the alchemy;, obtained ;the black magic stone;, through 23 years half endeavor, has become the European renowned alchemy gentleman, has subsidized France's multitudinous common people, became generous charitable everybody.21 years, the futile effort 21 years, the human no longer is young, although truth on in his hand, but he is a blind person as if, any also cannot see.Only then can the personal experience person, only then clear that be road of the section of how lonely exploration.   The life is very marvelous, the human knew the natural ability has the limitation, you never can know meets down can have any, when you thought especially oneself despairs extremely time.On perhaps the success path fills the variable, the success is only one kind of possibility.Perhaps, we pass through for a lifetime endeavor, arrives the life the end point, finally has not obtained successfully, but, we did not regret, because of us diligently.   文章的中文意思是:   古今中外,无人不在时时刻刻做着成功的梦想。学子梦想着取得优异的学习成绩;贫民梦想着有一天过上富裕的小资生活……。成功,是每个人心中最崇高的梦想。研究众多名人的成功经验,总离不开下列诸多因素的结合:科学方法、自信、坚持、耐心、坚韧不拔、纪律、诚信、勤劳等等。这也成了一个人取得成功的公式。成功有公式,成功的公式本身并不神秘,它早已经成了人们头脑中固有的公理了。几乎每一个有学习经历的成年人都可以如数家珍。成功的诱惑和梦想成功也许本身就是自然的注定!   而在现实社会中,人们总是说事容易做着难。最终能够获得成功的人成了凤毛麟角。于是,成功,就成了人们一种奢侈的向往了。当人们通过多少年的努力,依然没有看到成功的希望的时候,人们的思维不免总是深陷在疑惑的沼泽:我能成功吗?什么时候可以成功?在这一连串疑问的后面,紧跟着的是怀疑和松懈。于是,放弃的心思,就如小草一样在原本不算肥沃的心田吞噬着仅存的养分;于是,人们便随波逐流,随遇而安。哀大莫如心死。当梦想的火炬熄灭、激越的心灵被蒙上厚厚的尘灰的时候,成功,也就真的永永远远地离你而去了。 其实,也许成功离你并不遥远,成功也许就近在只尺、伸手可及。但,你放弃了对梦想的执着追求,忽略了最后的坚持!   当尼古拉.勒梅在秘密状态下探索了整整21年的传说中的“炼金术”后,依然一无所获的时候,他一筹莫展,真的有些颓废。但,他梦想成功的心志顽强地战胜了绝望感觉。他装扮成虔诚的教徒,在混乱的14

  • 翻译英语句子


  • 有关和舍友化解矛盾的英语句子带翻译

      她走过去劝架。   She went over and helped to fix up the quarrel.但是有四个女儿的父母们却表示他们平均每天要劝架四次。But parents of four girls reported refereeing an average of four fights a day.

  • 我很难丢掉一些坏习惯用英语怎么翻译

      It is much hard for me to get rid of some bad habits.