
  • 成都金牛区在哪里

      金牛区是成都市中心城区之一,位于成都市的西北面,总面积108平方公里,辖15个街道:西安路街道、西华街道、人民北路街道、荷花池街道、驷马桥街道、茶店子街道、抚琴街道、九里堤街道、五块石街道、黄忠街道、营门口街道、金泉街道、沙河源街道、天回镇街道、凤凰山街道。   附:成都金牛区位置图。   

  • 附近求一工作。男孩子二十二岁。在成都金牛区,最好在九里提附近


  • 成都金牛区妇幼保健院怎么样


  • 成都哪些大学在金牛区?


  • 成都金牛区的警察月薪是多少?


  • 成都金牛区 英文

      老乡啊,我是天回镇的O(∩_∩)O哈!   Jinniu Introduction   Jinniu metropolis in western China - Chengdu, northwest of downtown, is China's earliest paper money - a "handover" of the home, built more than 2000 years ago, city history, ancient merchants prosperous, busy traffic. He argued that the benefit from a long and rich civilization of ancient Shu Fook Yum, while the Western Sichuan Plain, Taurus numerous builders to hard-working and intelligent management of the party hot spot, to promote rapid economic and social development of Taurus, so the old Taurus full of new vitality, known as the "Tianfu Pearl."   Since the reform and opening up, social and economic development Jinniu made great achievements, was named "national experimental zone for comprehensive social development" (demonstration area for sustainable development), "National Advanced City of spiritual civilization," and has won the national "town Enterprise hundred counties "and" sports advanced district (county) "," technologically advanced county (city), "" culturally advanced counties (districts) such as the glorious title.

  • 成都温江区到金牛区金沙路15号怎么走?

      公交线路:309路 → 地铁4号线 → 34路,全程约23.8公里   1、从温江乘坐309路,经过10站, 到达地铁非遗博览园站(也可乘坐771路)   2、步行约290米,到达非遗博览园站   3、乘坐地铁4号线,经过8站, 到达中医大省医院站   4、步行约350米,到达中医附院站   5、乘坐34路,经过3站, 到达西门车站(也可乘坐129路)   6、步行约700米,到达金沙路15号

  • 成都金牛区计生办在哪里?

      单位全称: 成都市金牛区人口和计划生育局 单位简称: 金牛区人口和计生局   负责人: 王萍 联系人: 程玲   地 址: 沙湾路65号 邮 编: 610031   单位电话 028-87705465 传真: 87705470   域 名: E-mail: jnjsw2004@yanhoo.com.cn   负 责 人:王萍 职 务:局长   办公地址:沙湾路65号金牛区人口计生局6-6   办公电话:87705466 传真电话:87705470   工作职能:

  • 成都金牛区结婚登记在哪里?


  • 成都欢乐谷属于金牛区还是青羊区

      成都欢乐谷位于成都市北三环交大立交,金牛区沙西线1号,距天府广场6.6公里,至成都市中心商务区(CBD)车行十余分钟,至成绵、成渝高速入口车行时间分别为15和20分钟。   我觉得是金牛区