
  • 水瓶男喜欢和爱人亲热不:比如一直抱着睡啊


  • 天秤座睡觉为什么不抱着我睡


  • 把热水袋抱着睡好吗?

      没什么的 但别经常这样做 因为晚上睡着后热水袋的温度会慢慢下降 甚至低过你的温度到时候你就是它的热水袋了

  • 水瓶男是因性而爱、还是因爱而性


  • 老人脚肿跟睡躺椅还有长期抱着腿睡有关系吗?


  • 怎样抱着女友睡最舒服,情侣睡姿

    但是两个人紧挨着入睡,要睡得安稳可不容易。因为手臂经常会被对方压住,所以相拥而睡总得辗转反侧。情况乐观就只是限制手臂活动,最糟糕的情况是阻碍了手臂血液流通,以至于手臂失去知觉。当恢复知觉的时候,你会觉得还不如不恢复,因为你会突然感受到如密密麻麻的针刺般的痛,我们将给男人们想出办法,让你们睡个好觉。Step 1: The Classic Spoon第一招:经典勺式睡姿Falling asleep in the 'spoons' position is likely to result in a trapped arm for 'Mr. Spoon'- (i.e., the one doing the cuddling), as he will have less space to position the lower arm comfortably. It is his arm that will go dead, while his partner drifts off into a beautifully secure and comfortable reverie. The only merit of this position is that 'Ms. Spoon' is likely to fall asleep quickly, giving you the chance to take evasive action.以经典勺子姿势入睡,男勺子的手臂是很容易被女勺子压住的。当发现手臂已经发麻,他的爱人早已进入甜美的梦想,这个姿势的好处是,勺子小姐会很快睡着。你就可以趁机小无聊小猥琐一下。To remove your arm without waking her, hold her close and gently roll her away from you, moving with her rather than pushing her away. Once she is re-positioned comfortably, roll yourself back to your original position and you should find you have the freedom to remove your arm easily.Step 2: The Shoulder Roll第二招:肩膀扭曲式If the Classic Spoon isn't working, turn your body towards your partner and rest your upper arm round your partner's waist and your lower arm behind you. Your arm position means you are leaning on your partner for support.如果经典勺式不管用,将身体转向你的爱人,将你上方的手臂轻轻环抱住她的腰,贴着床的手臂放在身后,这样就可以靠她的身体来支撑自己。One potential issue is that if you are much larger than her, you might crush her, but at least you'll sleep well.潜在的问题是,如果你体型比她大了好几号,她会被你压......馀下全文>>

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