
  • 水瓶座的强项是英语吗?


  • 水瓶座用英语怎么说 20分

      星座名称:水瓶座   英文名:Aquarius   星座属性:风象星座   出生时间:1月20日-2月18日   水瓶座(拉丁语:Aquarius,天文符号:)黄道带星座之一,面积979激85平方度,占全天面积的2.375%。   【英语牛人团】请采纳

  • 英语我属猪和属鼠英语怎么写

      我属猪   i am pig     我属鼠   I belong to the mouse

  • 写一篇关于外国人来到中国旅游的注意事项的英语作文。

      The older areas of Hangzhou lie down from the lake in the eastern   and southern parts of town,around the small canals which cut their way through the town.   杭州旧区沿湖向镇东西延伸,并围绕着穿镇而过的小运河。   The city is famous in Chinese tourism for its West Lake,a large freshwater lake surrounded by hills and gardens,its banks dotted with pavilions and temples.It gives rise to what must be one of China's oldest tourist sayings:"Above there is heaven,below there is Suzhou and Hangzhou."   杭州的西湖,是中国著名的旅游景点。它是一个巨大的淡水湖,小山与花园环湖而立;湖边还有亭子和寺庙的点缀。这也恰恰验证了众所周知的一句话:“上有天堂,下有苏杭”。   Located in the area known as "Jiangnan" or "South of the River" which covers southern Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang proinces,Hangzhou lies in one of the most prosperous regions of China.On weekends,the city is flooded out by Chinese who day-trip   down from Shanghai,Suzhou or Wuxi,and daily with buses carrying their cargoes of westerners.Hangzhou is one of China's great tourist attractions,its popularity on par with Guilin.   人们所说的“江南”,包括了江

  • 动物的英语,猴子,大象,老虎,蛇,熊猫的英语怎么写

      monkey elephant tiger snake panda

  • 用英语写中文名字“许慧华”怎么写,注意大小写

      Huihua Xu

  • 好女孩 英语怎么写的?

    good girl

  • 生肖大家庭用英语翻泽怎么写?

      the animal family of Chinese Year.the animal family of Chinese Year.the animal family of Chinese Year.

  • 我是属鼠的用英语怎么写

      I was born in the year of the Rat. 我是属鼠的

  • 《可惜我是水瓶座》英文怎么写

      《可惜我是水瓶座》释义:"It's a pity that I'm Aquarius"网络:可惜我是水瓶座 Pity I belong to Aquarius