
  • 请问成都市金牛区社保局在哪里啊?

      成都市金牛区社保局 沙湾路65号 百度输入:成都市金牛区社保局地址电话就ok了 打电话再确认下.   楼上说的还是营门口的哪家, 我的才是, 我电话确认了都 .

  • 成都金牛区社保局的上班时间


  • 成都市金牛区社保局

      1、你可持本人身份证到成都市金牛区社保局服务大厅打印个人帐户缴费清单。   2、你可以打成都市金牛区社保局电话报个人身份证号查询个人帐户社保缴费情况。   3、你可以用社保号或身份证号,进入成都市金牛区社保局网站,查询个人社保帐户缴费情况

  • 成都金牛区的户籍管理部门在哪里

      到金牛区公安局办证中心,就在交大路的沃尔玛斜对面,到了问一下都知道   金牛区交大路178号 028-86406317

  • 成都金牛区到郫县怎么走

      公交线路:地铁7号线 → 705路,全程约21.4公里   1、从金牛区步行约480米,到达西南交大站   2、乘坐地铁7号线,经过3站, 到达一品天下站   3、步行约320米,到达蜀汉路同和路口站   4、乘坐705路,经过25站, 到达豪廷大酒店站   5、步行约740米,到达郫都区

  • 我住在石岩新村,要去八卦岭的社保局请问怎么坐车去啊


  • 安仁古镇在金牛区?


  • 成都金牛区 英文

      老乡啊,我是天回镇的O(∩_∩)O哈!   Jinniu Introduction   Jinniu metropolis in western China - Chengdu, northwest of downtown, is China's earliest paper money - a "handover" of the home, built more than 2000 years ago, city history, ancient merchants prosperous, busy traffic. He argued that the benefit from a long and rich civilization of ancient Shu Fook Yum, while the Western Sichuan Plain, Taurus numerous builders to hard-working and intelligent management of the party hot spot, to promote rapid economic and social development of Taurus, so the old Taurus full of new vitality, known as the "Tianfu Pearl."   Since the reform and opening up, social and economic development Jinniu made great achievements, was named "national experimental zone for comprehensive social development" (demonstration area for sustainable development), "National Advanced City of spiritual civilization," and has won the national "town Enterprise hundred counties "and" sports advanced district (county) "," technologically advanced county (city), "" culturally advanced counties (districts) such as the glorious title.

  • 成都金牛区属于市中区吗?

      您好!金牛区是成都市中心城区之一。主要是金牛区很大,有一部分在成都三环内(也就是中心城区),还有一部分在三环外,与郊区接壤。   高笋塘是在二环路附近,所以属于市中区。但是高笋塘在市区东北方向,不是很繁华。

  • 成都市金牛区教育局负责人是谁
