
  • 多字旁的汉字有哪些

      多 字不是偏旁部首   含有“多” 的字 垑 拸 茤 奓 栘 趍 夦 橠 哆 眵 蛥 跢 嗲 夥 黟 多 侈 卶 迻 爹 移 偧 够 够 夡 翗 鉹 郺 簃 恀 扅 痑 袳 袲 誃 熪 謻 陊 姼

  • 多字名字

      中国人最长的名字,为回族人,名为:库大库路马拉可林不拉夫斯基,据说父亲是俄罗斯人,属于混血。   德国人名字最长的人为:Bernd Ottovordemgentschenfelde   世界上名字最长的人为英国小伙,译名为:速度比超人蜘蛛侠蝙蝠侠金刚狼绿巨人闪电侠加在一起还要快的梦幻船长,已获批准。

  • 姓名有多字的外号怎么起


  • 姓郑的名字中间有多字的联想

      郑铜   郑垠   郑淮   郑当   郑铂   郑毓   郑袁   郑家澧   郑诗飞   郑小敏   郑家昌   郑俨铭   郑文钦   郑必州   郑骏文   郑佳豪   郑海霁   郑明人   郑伟安   郑锦七

  • 扩写句子:饭后收拾桌子100多字


  • 起名字有哪些讲究


  • 给花篮起名字


  • 一个辶的偏旁,然后一个宀的,宀的下面有很多字,这个什么字

      不是一个字 , 是繁体的 - 招财进宝 --四字组合   满意请采纳

  • 怎么起名字最好?

      另外.名字的压韵也可以是第一个字是一韵中的任意一声 第二个字是二韵中的任意一声 如果有第三个字 可以是一韵中的任意一声

  • 贝多芬一生的简介(大概300多字)

      Beethoven was born in Bonn where he studied with Christian Gottlob Neefe, who spoke of his "most promising talent" and "youthful genius".   In Bonn Beethoven played viola in the court chapel, and attracted a circle of influential and aristocratic friends.   In 1792 he moved to Vienna where he studied composition with Haydn for a short time and also established himself as a virtuoso pianist.   During the early 1800s Beethoven's 'heroic' phase produced such works as the ground-breaking 3rd Symphony ('Eroica'), the 'Waldstein' and 'Appassionata' piano sonatas and the 'Razumovsky' string quartets.   In 1802 he wrote the 'Heiligenstadt Testament' which lay bare his fears concerning the loss of his greatest faculty, his hearing. By 1818 he was completely deaf but continued to compose for almost 10 more years until his death.   Always plagued by money problems, in 1809 Beethoven's situation was finally eased by an annuity granted by the Archduke Rudolph and the Princes Lobkowitz and Kinsky, all devoted champions of his music.   Beethoven's late period produced such works of genius as the 'Hammerklavier' piano sonata Op.106, the 5 late string quartets, the Missa Solemnis and the gigantic 9th Symphony, the 'Choral'.   After Beethoven's death a passionate love letter was found amongst his papers which has become known as the 'Immortal Beloved' letter - it's thought to have been written in 1812 to Antonie Brentano, ten years his junior.