
  • 韩文微信名字,带翻译的


  • 微信英文网名带翻译励志型


  • 微信英文名字带翻译a开头


  • 水瓶女微信聊天


  • 我的名字英文怎么翻译

      1.如果是没有英文名就直接用中文拼音:口语就是直接 Liu Zihua.,写信格式就是:Zihua Liu.如果是用的英文名字就是姓在后名在前。就如:Candy Liu.

  • 微信昵称女


  • 好听的微博名女英文

    Molly/Marlene - 意思是“星之海”。 Angie - 意思是“上帝的使者“。 Melissa - 意思是“蜜糖honey”。 Hannah - “他(上帝)有利于我”。 Helen /Helena - “闪耀的光芒”。

  • 想取一个好听的英文微信名带中文翻译的?

      Chowhound(吃货)   Soft sister(软妹)   Evildoer(妖孽)   Stubborn(固执)     Elaborate(敷衍)   Bury.(埋葬)   Demons(心魔)   you are the world(你就是全世界)   Rampant(猖狂)   Acolasia(放纵)   Wild(野)   Indulge(迁就)   Heart.(初心)   Angst(虐心)   Reset(重来)   Blame(冷心)   Galaxy(距离)   encounter(邂逅)   Enemy(宿敌)   delusion(妄想)   hushnow.(安静)   Shadow(暗影)     however Dream Is empty(怎奈梦已空)   betray(辜负)   Struggle(旧事)   stray.(流浪)   Don't ask why.(不要问为什么)   Stupid(笨蛋)   pizazz(潇洒)   Formerly(原来)   Subsequently(后来)   clumsy[笨拙]   Geek(怪咖)   Archer(久遇)   Arrogant(傲慢)   Remain(残骸)   Allure°(倾城)   vevive(苏醒)   discard。(抛弃)   Weirdo.(怪人)   Stranger(陌生人)   heart cool(心凉)   Dialog(对白)   Wild female(野女)

  • 谁有暧昧一点的微信名,我是女


  • 翻译英文(有关射手座的)

      ● ecliptic is the ninth constellation Sagittarius, he was represented by well-known fairy tales and a half man, half horse blame. The pursuit of knowledge and new challenges, love music adventure tourism is the main characteristic of the constellation. Sagittarius is a moment of the evening in late September, near the horizon in the South can see that it is holding with the Galaxy Scorpio distant relative, for the formation of the arrows in the shape of the arch. Basically, they never warm and rest. Sagittarius sun through the date of 11/23 to 12/21, is the cold winter season, Sagittarius people like his personality than the fierce wind blowing like fast, like like Arrows by leaps and bounds.   麻烦采纳,谢谢!