
  • 水瓶座性格英文介绍

      Aquarius     Aquarians basically possess strong and attractive personalities. They fall into two principle types: one shy, sensitive, gentle and patient; the other exuberant, lively and exhibitionist, sometimes hiding the considerable depths of their character under a cloak of frivolity. Both types are strong willed and forceful in their different ways and have strong convictions, though as they seek truth above all things, they are usually honest enough to change their opinions, however firmly held, if evidence comes to light which persuades them that they have been mistaken. They have a breadth of vision that brings diverse factors into a whole, and can see both sides of an argument without shilly-shallying as to which side to take. Consequently they are unprejudiced and tolerant of other points of view. This is because they can see the validity of the argument, even if they do not accept it themselves. They obey the Quak阀r exhortation to "Be open to truth, from whatever source it comes," and are prepared to learn from everyone.     Both types are humane, frank, serious minded, genial, refined, sometimes ethereal, and idealistic, though this last quality is tempered with a sensible practicality. They are quick, active and persevering without being self-assertive, and express themselves with reason, moderation and sometimes, a dry humor.     They are nearly always intelligent, concise, clear and logical. Many are strongly imaginative and psychically intuitive, so......余下全文>>

  • 水瓶座英文缩写 为什么是Agr?

      缩写: Aqr   意思为: The Water Bearer   肯定是打错了,呵呵

  • 水瓶座的男生英文网名

      好巧~我都是120     DRJ120*

  • 狮子的英文怎么读

      lion 英[ˈlaɪən] 美[ˈlaɪən]   n. 狮子; 名人; [天文学、占星术] 狮子(星)座; 勇士,名流;   [例句]The deer fell a prey to the lion.   鹿被狮子捕食了。   [其他] 复数:lions

  • 霸气女生英文网名


  • “补习班”或“辅导班”用英文怎么说?

      补习班的英文说法是:Cram school,辅导班的英文说法是:Remedial class或者an auxiliary class。   补习班是以提高学生成绩为目的成立的一个课外学校叫做补习班。如语文补习班、数学补习班、英语补习班,也有综合性的补习班。   辅导班,是以提高成绩(不一定学习成绩)为目的一个课外辅导机构。通常也称作:课外辅导班,学习辅导班,军考辅班。

  • 水瓶座卡妙英文怎么拼

      卡妙 英文(Camus) 日文( カミュ)

  • lol名字大全带英文

      中文称号中文名字英文名字   暗裔剑魔亚托克斯Aatrox   九尾妖狐阿狸Ahri   暗影之拳阿卡丽Akali   牛头酋长阿利斯塔Alistar   殇之木乃伊阿木木Amumu   冰晶凤凰艾尼维亚Anivia   黑暗之女安妮Annie   寒冰射手艾希Ashe   铸星龙王奥瑞利安·索尔Aurelion Sol   沙漠皇帝阿兹尔Azir   星界游神巴德Bard   蒸汽机器人布里茨Blitzcrank   复仇焰魂布兰德Brand   弗雷尔卓德之心布隆Braum   皮城女警凯特琳Caitlyn   魔蛇之拥卡西奥佩娅Cassiopeia   虚空恐惧科’加斯Cho’Gath   英勇投弹手库奇Corki   诺克萨斯之手德莱厄斯Darius   皎月女神黛安娜Diana   祖安狂人蒙多医生Dr. Mundo   荣耀行刑官德莱文Draven   时间刺客艾克Ekko   蜘蛛女皇伊莉丝Elise   寡妇制造者伊芙琳Evelynn   探险家伊泽瑞尔Ezreal   末日使者费德提克Fiddlesticks   无双剑姬菲奥娜Fiora   潮汐海灵菲兹Fizz   哨兵之殇加里奥Galio   海洋之灾普朗克Gangplank   德玛西亚之力盖伦Garen   迷失之牙纳尔Gnar   酒桶古拉加斯Gragas   法外狂徒格雷福斯Graves   战争之影赫卡里姆Hecarim   大发明家黑默丁格Heimerdinger   海兽祭司俄洛伊Illaoi   刀锋意志艾瑞莉娅Irelia   风暴之怒迦娜Janna   德玛西亚皇子嘉文四世Jarvan IV   武器大师贾克斯Jax   未来守护者杰斯Jayce   戏命师烬Jhin   暴走萝莉金克丝Jinx   复仇之矛卡莉丝塔Kalista   天启者卡尔玛Karma   死亡颂唱者卡尔萨斯Karthus   虚空行者卡萨丁Kassadin   不祥之刃卡特琳娜Katarina   审判天使凯尔Kayle   狂暴之心凯南Kennen   虚空掠夺者卡’兹克Kha’Zix   永猎双子千钰Kindred   深渊巨口克格’莫Kog’Maw   诡术妖姬乐芙兰LeBlanc   盲僧李青Lee Sin   曙光女神蕾欧娜Leona   冰霜女巫丽桑卓Lissandra   圣枪游侠卢锡安Lucian   仙灵女巫璐璐Lulu   光辉女郎拉克丝Lux   熔岩巨兽墨菲特Malphite   虚空先知玛尔扎哈Malzahar   扭曲树精茂凯Maokai   无极剑圣易大师Master Yi   赏金猎人厄运小姐Miss Fortune   金属大师莫德凯撒Mordekaiser   堕落天使莫甘娜Morgana   唤潮鲛姬娜美Nami   沙漠死神内瑟斯Nasus   深海泰坦诺提勒斯Nautilus   狂野女猎手奈德丽Nidalee   永恒梦魇魔腾Nocturne   雪人骑士努努Nunu   狂战士奥拉夫Olaf   发条魔灵奥莉安娜Orianna   战争之王潘森Pantheon   钢铁大使波比Poppy   德玛西亚之翼奎因Quinn   披甲龙龟拉莫斯Rammus   虚空遁地兽雷克塞Rek’Sai   荒漠屠夫雷克顿Renekton   傲之追猎者雷恩加尔Rengar   放逐之刃锐雯Riven   机械公敌兰博Rumble   流浪法师瑞兹Ryze   凛冬之怒瑟庄妮Sejuani   恶魔小丑萨科Shaco   暮光之眼慎Shen   龙血武......余下全文>>

  • 我属兔,这句话用英文怎么说呀,

      我属兔的。   I was born under the sign of the Rabbit.   或   I was born in the year of the Rabbit.   或   My animal sign is the Rabbit.     注:“生肖”的英文是:“Chinese zodiac ”

  • 花店 英文怎么说 花店 英文怎么说

      花店   florist     花店[huā diàn]   词典   florist's shop;  flower shop   网络   florists;  Fleuriste;  flowers