
  • 用英语介绍自己的星座

      Generous, kind, and thoughtful. Very creative and imaginative.   慷慨、善良、体贴。富于创造力和想象力。   May become secretive and vague. Sensitive . Don't like details.   也许会有些神秘兮兮或者含糊不清。敏感。讨厌细节。   Dreamy and unrealistic. Sympathetic and loving. Unselfish.   爱梦想且不切实际。充满同情心和爱心。无私。   Good kisser. Beautiful.   接吻技术很好。美丽。   Imaginative, sensitive, compassionate, kind, kelfless, unworldly, intuitive and sympathetic.     优点:想像力丰富,善解人意,心地仁慈,舍己为人不自私,直觉力强,懂得包容。     Escapist, idealistic, secretive, vague, weak-willed and easily led.     缺点:不够实际幻想太多,太情绪化多愁善感,意志不坚定,容易受环境影响。

  • 星座英语介绍

      In astrology,horoscope refers to twelve equal areas of the zodiac division.Western astrology that phenomena according to the "upstream,efficient" principle to reflect,dominate the human activities,so the twelve constellation represents twelve basic personality types or emotional traits.It tries to use the birth,birth time and the position of the heavenly bodies to explain people's personality and fate.

  • 金牛座的介绍


  • 泰国菜有什么特色?如何用英语介绍了!就餐环境有什么讲究的!其餐饮文化是怎样的!

      酸、辣、咖喱,吃起来还是满开胃的(Sour, hot, curry, eat or appetizing)   泰国菜以色香味闻名,第一大特色是酸与辣,泰国厨师喜欢用各式各样的配料如蒜头、辣椒、酸柑、鱼露、虾酱之类的调味品来调味,煮出一锅锅酸溜溜、火辣辣的泰式佳肴。招牌菜有冬阴功(酸辣海鲜汤)、椰汁嫩鸡汤、咖喱鱼饼、绿咖喱鸡肉、芒果香饭等。鱼、虾、蟹都是各餐馆的杀手锏,什么炭烧蟹、炭烧虾、猪颈肉、咖喱蟹等等。(   hai food is famous for its color, flavor, the first big characteristic is sour and spicy, Thai chefs like to use a wide variety of ingredients such as garlic, chili, sour orange, spices to flavor fish sauce, shrimp paste, cooked a pot boiler air, hot Thai food. Specialty is Tom yam kung winter (hot and sour seafood soup), coconut juice, tender, green chicken curry chicken soup, curry fish cake, mango fragrant rice, etc. Fish, shrimp, crab is the weapon of each restaurant, what kind of crab, charcoal burning charcoal burns, curry crab, shrimp, pork neck meat, and so on.     )

  • 前几天有个朋友介绍了一个金牛座男生给我,介绍当天朋友就把我照片给他发了过去,他说可以先了解一下,随


  • 英语小作文介绍自己的堂姐二十词左右

      鄱阳确实是个美丽的地方。先让我来说说芝山吧。我非常庆幸,因为我的学校就坐落在芝山的脚下,它便是芝阳学校。芝山学校旁边有一个芝山公园。公园前面有个“止水池”,池中有个止水亭。夏天,在那里又凉爽,又可以欣赏美丽的风景,还可以拍照,多么令人心旷神怡!公园里便有一个很大的广场,里面有绿茵茵的草地,变化万千的喷泉。。。。。来到这里,你可能流连忘返了吧?别急,跟我上山吧!一直往前爬,便可以看见一座人民烈士纪念塔。绕过它,再往上走一些路,便到了山顶。往下看,真可把鄱阳的美景尽收眼底。此时人们的屋顶便成了一道亮丽的风景线,五颜六色的琉璃瓦十分漂亮。芝山,虽没有泰山那么高,没有香山 那么红,没有黄山那么险,更没有庐山那么峻,但芝山,却有他们没有的绿,整座山,一年四季也是绿的。   如果说芝山的美是一种自然的美的话,那么鄱阳湖公园则是一种现代的美。那里有宽阔的广场,灵巧的小石路,高大的石碑,还有低矮的小木屋。公园旁还有个五星级大酒,里面有游泳场,篮球场,健身房。。。。全国各地的游客来这里入住,观看鄱阳的美景,无不啧啧称奇。   中国湖城鄱阳,我的家乡,你真美啊!

  • 用英语介绍猫的名字,外表,喜欢的东西等

      I have a lovely cat, I gave it a good name, called "beibei".   "Beibei" snowball all white, fluffy, feels soft, slippery. It is a long a pair of very special eyes, at night, it is big and round eyes, like black grapes, during the day, with the light and strong, its eyes and turned into a joint. Its mouth and long beard, looks very powerful, very air. My father told me, the whiskers of a cat to catch mice is used.   "Beibei" very naughty, sometimes, I hold out their hands, it with the claws tickled me, open the small mouth, teeth and gently bite me. A ball of string, a toy, can let it excited, jumping and scratch and bite, is really extremely naughty.   When it is quiet, I was sleeping, curled body, also kept on calling, it looks like sleeping soundly.   I really like our little "babe".

  • 求用英语介绍十二生肖中的蛇,以及蛇在中国及外国人眼里的区别


  • 介绍个劲舞团名字(情侣),特别好听的特殊字符越多越好,字母或英语也可?急需要!!!!!!

      赞、ˉ韩尐° 专署: 赞、ˉ韩尐°

  • 万圣节英语

      Hallowmas   [ˈhæləumæs]   n.   万圣节(指十一月一日)   Halloween   (亦作 Hallowe'en)   noun   the night of 31 October, the eve of All Saints' Day. Halloween is of pre-Christian origin, being associated with the Celtic festival Samhain, when ghosts and spirits were thought to be abroad. Adopted as a Christian festival, it gradually became a secular rather than a Christian observance, involving dressing up and the wearing of masks   万圣节前夕,诸圣日前夕(10月31日,诸圣日的前夜,起源于基督教创立以前,与凯尔特人的桑巴因节有关,该节日被认为是幽灵鬼怪四处出没的日子,后来被基督教作为节日,现已逐渐变为非宗教节日,庆祝方式包括化装和戴面具等)