
  • 少女时代有个综艺节目是泰妍和舞后喊允儿起床

    这个是 综艺071013《万元的幸福》允儿挑战的那期

  • 少女时代泰妍亲允儿的现场live是哪场呀?

    你说说的是她们唱《少女时代》这首歌的时候泰妍亲允儿吧 音乐现场的那种到了亲的时候,正好是孝渊唱歌,所以镜头都是在孝渊身上,泰妍亲允儿的看不到 v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTUzOTM2ODcy.html你说的只有郸拍的才能看到,我找到这个,你看看吧

  • 求泰妍和允儿的亲密合集的视讯啊,泰妍还亲了允儿的脸颊,两人还因为...

    不知道就你问的视讯是不是这个v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDg4MDczODI0.html 希望你能喜欢,多多支援少女时代。

  • 妍字怎么起名,妍要在后边

      舒妍、心妍、子妍、雨妍、嘉妍     望采纳,谢谢

  • (可惜我是巨蟹座) 的 歌词 叶泰铮唱的

      可惜我是巨蟹座   作词/ 叶泰铮   作曲/ 叶泰铮   和音/ 叶泰铮   演唱/ 叶泰铮   后期混音/ 叶泰铮   他 常常在深夜里寻找灵感   他 时常情绪化或多愁善感   他 表面很冷淡内心很柔软   他 总是被动状态惹人反感   他的心里有很多秘密 藏在心里不让别人为他担心   他有超强的感应能力 也会因为感觉失误而感到无力   他很执着很固执 但为了爱情可以无条件妥协 妥协   妥协最后还是不会被了解 付出那么多换来的都是感谢感谢   感谢可以伤害他然后抛弃一切   他很会关心人很坚强 了解他的朋友都说他很牵强   从不把痛挂在嘴边 只是一个人在夜里跟泪水相见   然后对某件事某个人某个地点 开始怀念   星座书上说他注定孤独   心里的苦与闷向谁哭诉   喜欢一个人的夜里痛哭   每个音符都用泪水在谱   他 不懂拒绝别人 学不会残忍   他 看一个人的心 他只看眼神   他 经常慢拍慢拍 觉得很愚笨   他 常常爱一个人 爱得太认真   他哭泣了 无助了 乏味了 疲倦了   悲伤也开始慢慢的在勾勒 快乐呢   沉默的方式 只是不会像以前那样挚热的去追求某个人某样东西   他总喜欢回忆 回忆以前的点点滴滴 大事小事都会让他把曾经想起   在寂静的夜里才会露出真实的自己 缺少安全感的他会自我反省   他不喜欢一个人的生活 在朋友的面前表现活泼   他喜欢在一个人夜里不断的唱着情歌 希望能找回属于他的快乐   可惜我是巨蟹座 失落永远都比快乐多的多    星座书上说他注定孤独   心里的苦与闷向谁哭诉   喜欢一个人的夜里痛哭   每个音符都用泪水在谱

  • 林允儿的属相是什么?

      1990 05 30生日,不管按韩国算法还是中国算法都属马

  • 林允儿面相有富贵命吗

      你想太多啦 她长得好看而已

  • 女孩子取什么名字好听,是家境比较富裕的女孩,希望可以带(妍,允,雪,亦,)等字的名字,好听的


  • 十首当年有旧词唱青歌翠儿无遗是什么意思

      a long long time ago i can still remember how that music used to make me smile and i knew if i had my chance that i could make those people dance and maybe they'd be happy for a while. but february made me shiver with every paper i'd deliver bad news on the doorstep i couldn't take one more step i can't remember if i cried when i read about his widowed bride but something touched me deep inside the day the music died so bye-bye, miss american pie drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was dry and them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye singin' this'll be the day that i die this'll be the day that i die did you write the book of love and do you have faith in god above if the bible tells you so do you believe in rock 'n roll can music save your mortal soul and can you teach me how to dance real slow well, i know that you're in love with him 'cause i saw you dancin' in the gym you both kicked off your shoes man, i dig those rhythm and blues i was a lonely teenage broncin' buck with a pink carnation and a pickup truck but i knew i was out of luck the day the music died i started singin' bye-bye, miss american pie drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was dry and them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye singin' this'll be the day that i die this'll be the day that i die now for ten years we've been on our own and moss grows fat on a rollin' stone but that's not how it used to be when the jester sang for the king and queen in a coat he borrowed from james dean and a voice that came from you and me oh, and while the king was looking down the jester stole his thorny crown the courtroom was adjourned no verdict was returned and while lennon read a book of marx the quartet practiced in the park and we sang dirges in the dark the day the music died we were singing bye-bye, miss american pie drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was dry and them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye singin' this'll be the day that i die this'll be the day that i die helter skelter in a summer swelter the byrds flew off with a fallout shelter eight miles high and falling fast it landed foul out on the grass the players tried for a forward pass with the jester on the sidelines in a cast now the half-time air was sweet perfume while the sergeants played a marching tune we all got up to dance oh, but we never got the chance 'cause the players tried to take the field the marching band refused to yield do you recall what was revealed the day the music died we started singing bye-bye, miss american pie drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was dry and them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye singin' this'll be the day that i die this'll be the day that i die oh, and there we were all in one place a generation lost in space with no time left to start again so come on, jack be nimble, jack be quick jack flash sat on a candlestick 'cause fire is the devil's only friend oh, and as i watched him on the stage my hands were clenched in fists of rage no angel born in hell could break that satan's spell and as the flames climbed high into the night to light the sacrifical rite i saw satan laughing with delight the day the music died he was singing bye-bye, miss american pie drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was dry and them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye singin' this'll be the day that i die this'll be the day that i die i met a girl who sang the blues and i asked her for some happy news but she just smiled and turned away i went down to the sacred store where i'd heard the music years before but the man there said the music wouldn't play and in the streets the children screamed the lovers cried, and the poets dreamed but not a word was spoken the church bells all were broken and the three men i admire most the father, son and the holy ghost they caught the last train for the coast the day the music died and they were singing bye-bye, miss american pie drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was dry and them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye singin' this'll be the day that i die this'll be the day that i die they were singing bye-bye, miss american pie drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was dry them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye singin' this'll be the day that i die

  • 泰山灵签六十九签庚壬,合舟遵路总相宜。慎勿嬉游逐贵儿。一夜樽前兄与弟。明朝仇敌又随。

      中签,顺其自然为宜,不可强求。 泰山旅游吧为你解释