
  • 花店名字创意唯美简单好记


  • 有创意的花店名字,名字里不带花字

      沁香阁 镜缘 蝶恋 花晨月夕 馨之呼唤 梦谷 馨之韵 梦亦幻 清香四溢 槿漫轩 七里香 西园落红 晓来雨过 南园

  • 花店名字大全

      絮艺轩 香菀 蒲香园 蒲柳乡 漫香亭 韵铭 雅心斋 镜花缘(建议采用谐音:园、源) 。

  • 有创意的公司名字大全


  • 创意乳名大全2015款

      宝宝   潆潆   岢岢   妮妮   晔晔   煊煊   扬扬   诩诩   渲渲   汝汝   妞妞   泷泷   蓝蓝   韵韵   谕谕   孟孟   知知   莘莘琪琪   睿睿   琦琦   泛泛   欣欣   君君

  • 发廊高档英文名字大全

      美发店英文名字大全,给你提供多个美发店的英文名字,希望你可以用得上哦。   something sounding professional... perhaps: "[Name] and [Name]" (names of founders of business) or perhaps just your name... like Joh Bailey   I once heard of a salon called 'Curl Up And Dye' -I thought that was cute!   "Shuum" is a very interesting name for a hair salon. Even the way they say it on the phone is interesting "Shuuuuuuuuuum Hair, Natalie speaking!"   A Cut Above The Rest?! Curl Up and Dye is funny. I remember reading an Adam Zwar article in the Sunday Herald Sun about a month ago that had about 20 funny hair salon names like that! But I think the best is just the simple name of the people, like Jones and Jones Hair Salon, etc. Sounds more sophisticated than something witty.   Unless you're opening in Italy, or your NAME is known in your town, I wouldn't do that. Most people don't speak Itallian, and if they don't know who YOU are, they could care less about "rae". What they CARE about, is getting a GREAT style at a GOOD price. I would make my NAME reflect that idea - or at least one of them... I'd name it, "Hairalicous", "Fantasmo Cuts", or "Cheap Cuts", or "WhoopdyDO", or just plain "Hair". You could say "Hair by Rae". Simple is better and much more memorable.   美发店英文名字大全,可能也就这些了。

  • 给小狗起个霸气英文名字大全


  • 男孩英文名字大全

      好!我来给起英文名——   周维克——!乳名就叫“维克”,维克是英语单词胜利的头部,是目前全世界最流行的用以照相、呐喊、鼓舞、激励时要伸出食指和中指表示的意思——胜利!最时尚、最洋气、最前沿、最响亮、最文雅、最有前景、最好喻意的名字!   祝你们的孩子前程辉煌似锦!祝你们家因孩子吉名的选用而从幸福、胜利走向辉煌!

  • 伟兴取英文名字大全

      姓名:伟兴 性别:男   sean   含义: 为John的爱尔兰形式。   tom   含义: 为THOMAS的简写,TOM可说是一般典型美国人的代表,无所不在,自信,讨人喜欢而且做人实在。   james   含义: 为JACOB的英文形式,JAMES被描绘为大块头,强壮的英俊男人,聪明,严谨,诚实个性依赖。有些人则认为JAMES是粗鲁,自负的贵族。

  • 风水大师如何给花店名字
