
  • 夫妻之间的英文怎么起名

      夫妻之间   between husband and wife.

  • 域名英文起名


  • 中国人起名可以带英文吗?

      根据   第四条 居民身份证使用规范汉字和符合国家标准的数字符号填写。     民族自治地方的自治机关根据本地区的实际情况,对居民身份证用汉字登记的内容,可以决定同时使用实行区域自治的民族的文字或者选用一种当地通用的文字。     这样就不能上英文名。

  • 英文的唯美女生网名

      grace 优雅

  • 重赏起名:法式奢华家具,面对高端客户,要求名字典雅奢华,好记有内涵,最好配上英文,非注册商标。

      1) Lyonnais里昂奈诗     Lyon, 该市得名於罗讷省。今天里昂附近地区的非官方称呼还称为Lyonnais(法语: le Lyonnais),正式区名罗讷-阿尔卑斯包含的区域则要大得多。     在英文维基百科上说,里昂市是出名的制造法国provincial家具的地方   en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_furniture     希望有帮助^_^!

  • 天狼星的英文是?


  • 狮子的英文怎么读

      lion 英[ˈlaɪən] 美[ˈlaɪən]   n. 狮子; 名人; [天文学、占星术] 狮子(星)座; 勇士,名流;   [例句]The deer fell a prey to the lion.   鹿被狮子捕食了。   [其他] 复数:lions

  • LOL起名,英文符号名字,游戏名字帮忙下


  • 仓鼠的英文

    仓鼠 hamster

  • 关于12生肖的来源 我要英文的

      It is said Buddha (the ultimate Emperor for the whole universe in Chinese legend) once called together all the animals on the earth for an important meeting. Only twelve animals turned up: the rat, the ox, the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the sheep, the monkey, the rooster, the dog and the pig. The rat, being the smartest, jumped on top of the ox to be the first one to arrive.     As a reward, the Buddha gave each animal a year in the cycle and declared that anyone born in that year would resemble the animal in some way. In addition, each two hours of the day is also governed by one animal. The hours of 11pm to 1:00 am is by Rat, from 1 am to 3 am by Ox and so on. Six elements of the planet: wood, fire, air, water, gold and earth are also integrated into the animalZodiacsigns。   希望你能喜欢并且学会!共享