
  • 唯美的八字短句,多一点

      别来无恙 你在心上   你最珍贵 你别皱眉   执子之手 与子偕老   非你不可 刻骨铭心   从一而终 非你不可   你若不离 我必不弃   天暗下来 你就是光   如人饮水 冷暖自知   你若不来 我便不老   你若安好 便是晴天 (你若不好 天打雷劈)   不见不念 静静湮没   有生之年 狭路相逢   离人回首 灯火阑珊   光影陆离 岁月斑驳   以爱为名 画地为牢   此去经年 今生不见   得之我幸 失之我命   胜者为王 败者为寇 (胜者为王 败者暖床)   向来缘浅 奈何情深   好久不见 甚是想念   桃之夭夭 灼灼其华   始于初见 止于终老   不忘初心 方得始终   以你之姓 冠我之名   喜你为疾 药石无医

  • 有关爱情的英文短句

      I miss her terribly.   我非常想念她。     I want her to be here so badly.   我非常希望她能够在这。     I can't live without her. She makes me feel so special.   我没有她就活不下去,她让我觉得很特别。   I can't live without her. She makes me feel so special.   我没有她就活不下去,她让我觉得很特别。

  • 关于易经的英文短句翻译

      nuclear trigram 我觉得它的意思是:卦象 。 可能理解有误:Nuclear trigrams influence the meaning of the individual lines.   analytical stance我觉得可能是易经的一些分析推理的一些学问,比如预测学等。   moving line 个人理解为动爻 ,就是在算卦时,会有一个不确定性的爻。   我不知道楼主在看什么,如果是看易经的话,应该不用看英语的吧。易经本来就是中国人写的东西,翻译成英语反而味道就改变了。而且没有上下文环境,这个是找不到一个标准的解释的。

  • 和TFBOYS沾边的女子组合名字英文唯美


  • 个性签名下雨天短句晚安

    可以允许50个汉字的,如果写不进去了,说明楼主的签名栏里有空格,你先把所有的空格或者空行删除就可以; 求采纳,谢谢

  • 英文的情侣网名,带翻译。要唯美,简单的。谢谢!!!

      ___Miss 爱的承诺   ___Miss 爱的代价     ___じovの天长地久   ___じovの海枯石烂     ゛my love is youづ   ゛your love is meづ

  • 急需一篇关于狮子座流星雨的英文文章

      Astronomers are predicting that the Leonids could experience an outburst of about 500 per hour on November 17. Although Asia is favored for the outburst, observations are encouraged around the world on the mornings of November 17 and 18, as better than normal rates could be seen. The moon will not be an issue.   The Leonid meteor shower has produced some of the most spectacular meteor displays in history, but it is unfortunately periodic in nature.   The Leonids generally begin on November 13 and end on November 21, with maximum generally occurring during the night of Novemer 17/18. The Leonids are barely detectable on the beginning and ending dates, but observers are generally treated to displays of about 10 meteors per hour on the night of maximum. About every 33 years, the Leonids enter a phase of enhanced activity that accompanies the return of its parent comet. During these periods, rates can amount to hundreds and even thousands of meteors per hour. The last such enhanced period occurred during the period of 1998-2002 and the Leonids have been winding down ever since.   There are other, weaker meteor showers going on around the same time as the Leonids. The Leonids move very fast. When you see a meteor, mentally trace it backwards. If you end up at Leo then you have probably seen a Leonid meteor!   本文可供参考,自己再改改吧

  • 唯美,浪漫,英文暱称

    Shirley Anne Miyuki Sophia Meggie

  • 八字短句…

      八字短句   如下:   清荣旧许,诗词以笙。   白首如新,倾盖如故。   得之我幸,不得我命。   泪会风干,伤会结痂。

  • 说女生爱八卦的短句
