
  • 梦见自己老公英文说特别好


  • 因为命运是不确定的翻译成英文说

      因为命运是不确定的。   英语:   Because fate is uncertain.   Because of being uncertain in fate.

  • 美国人的习俗,请用英文说写下来。谢谢

      望采纳Customs and habits(a) etiquetteIn American society must "do as the Romans do, must understand and comply with the conventional American society rules of etiquetteIn the clothing, although the Americans in the accommodating, not formal impression, but in the work, for the banquet occasions, is very regular, slue of dress rules, but to suit the occasion mainly, such as wedding, attend the funeral, it should be a black or plain clothes service; Ms. in the office should be a skirt, avoid wearing jeans.By bus, car seats in the size of the order, to see the master drive or drivers vary. If you take a taxi, it should be the right seat seat is the best seat, back seat left for the second, followed by the middle, and beside the driver's seat is the most humble position. If the car is a friend then, the seat next to him is the worst, followed by the left and right rear position. Therefore, the middle Chinese in common boyfriend or girlfriend taxi, men always open the door to let the lady enter first, and then the man sitting to the left, to the right place, this is totally inconsistent with formal western etiquette. The correct way is let the lady seated around the door to the left, to the car seat. The stairs also have certain rules, should let the lady upstairs, the elderly lady, first, the purpose is to protect the safety of the elder.In the diet, attention should be paid to the tableware should be preferentially to the outside of a knife and fork to start using, food should be pressed with a fork, cut into small pieces and then put into your mouth, eat food and drink soup can not be sound, drink coffee spoon is used to stir the milk and sugar, remember unavailable spoon to drink coffee, and avoid such a noise in the restaurant, such as receiving the invitation to a dinner party, we should pay attention to the following points:Whether there is a need to send forth, Cambodian, tell the owner to participate or not, sometimes can also be used to call, as an invitation to write "regrets only", only to attend only need to notice, "RSVP" should be whether to participate in or send the receipt or telephone call.Pay attention to the party's rules.On time, when you can attend the party, within the prescribed period of time (five to seven) to, of course it is not too late.If the invitation to guests, should pay attention to is the master:1: guest invitation and guest relations to accompany people to do good.2: food should first understand the guest mouth of wild foods, such as whether it is a vegetarian, do not eat pork and fish scales of the Jews.3. Seats: the owner should sit in his back to the door of the position, subject and object in its opposite, in addition to pay attention to class, hierarchy and to men and women, couples, and foreign sit for the principle.When eating alcohol type should be considered the staple food of the day and, if eating fish is drinking wine, eating meat is red wine, red wine should be at room temperature the same and not strongly invited guests "cheers", as whiskey and brandy and other spirits, is more than a meal or a drink before meals. Plethora of international social etiquette rules, cited above is only the number of client, to in American society in Yijing decency, also need more careful attention to daily and with an open mind to learn to.(two) etiquetteBow, is the subordinate to the superior or the same level of etiquette. Bow to his hat, his right hand to hold the brim central will hat, ptosis of the left hand, upper body forward about 15 degrees, his eyes watching Shouli, and greetings.Handshake ceremony, is the world's common courtesy. Originated in Europe, the first to say that there is no arms or a kind of meaning. When shaking hands to the guests first hand to shake hands. When shaking hands generally do not wear gloves, but the dignity of the people and women can wear gloves. Avoid cross salute salute, and shook hands with a woman not too tight.Nod ceremony, is between level or equal courtesy. If meet on the road, can be carried out in the road. If meet the executive, the superior or the elder, not to nod the gift, and the line bow.Raise their hands and eyes, this is the military etiquette. Salute raise right hand, fingers straight and together, fingertip contact with the right hat, palm, slightly outside, arm and shoulder height, his eyes watching Shouli, until the other Dali after the hand down.A kiss on the hand, Europe and the United States is the social etiquette. And aristocratic women or his wife met, if her hand first as sag type will palm gently kiss. If the woman does not reach out, not a kiss on the hand.A kiss, is superior to the lower level, between the younger elders or friends, couples a polite, intimate caress. Usually in the face or forehead recipients. In the happy, happy, happy or sad, the general also line kissing ceremony, expressed intimacy or comfort.Hug, is the European and American acquaintances, friends, said the intimate feelings of a kind of etiquette. Meet or farewell hug each other, said that close, deep feelings, hug and kiss together usually.(three) Festival1) Thanksgiving DayThe last Thursday in November is Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving is an ancient festival of the original people of the United States, is also the American family reunion holiday.Every Thanksgiving Day, the United States the whole nation very lively. Urban and rural cities and towns everywhere parade, drama performances and sports competitions, schools and shops are also required by the rest of the holiday. Children also imitate the Indians look like wearing a costume, painted on the face or mask to the street singing, blowing the horn. The day of the Church of the people are also very much, according to the custom of people here to do Thanksgiving prayer. Americans are used to living independently, laoyanfenfei, went their separate ways, on Thanksgiving Day, they always strive to come back from different places, a family sitting round and round together, Munch delicious turkey, talked about thing of the past, make the person feels particularly kind, warm.2) ChristmasIt is the largest and most popular festival in America. Every year in December 25th, the whole country is immersed

  • 全国有多少姓英的 30分

      现分布山东省鲁南一带有几千人,族谱记载明代为避倭寇从东海迁徙而来。   一,英姓由来:   1, 通志氏族略:英氏出自偃姓,皋陶之后,以古国名为氏。大禹赐姓.现在安徽六安为国家重点文物,墓周长90米.   2,《史记》记载:英姓后人有改为廖姓。   二,郡望堂号:晋阳郡 。   三,英氏分布   现分布山东省鲁南一带有几千人,族谱记载明代为避倭寇从东海迁徙而来。   明.清两代有西安等地为官者。现陕西南部地区也生活着一支英氏后人,其来历待考.江西省蕃阳湖一带也有英姓族人.   广东江门市白石乡和杜阮镇有英姓分布,广东阳江市也有上千英姓分布,阳江和江门两地相邻.海南也有英氏族人         河北邢台也有英姓族人,约三四百之多,相传从山西洪同县迁来       四,英氏名人   英布:汉朝.淮南王.九江王。   英敛之:清朝,满族人,是赐姓。

  • 李莲英什么星座

      结果约27,900个     李莲英星座:天蝎座   清末大太监李莲英(1848——1911)(又作:李连英),原名李进喜,慈禧太后赐名连英,俗作莲英。

  • 郭英亮 男 1986.07.12出生21到22点 血型AB 帮我算算八字和性格 和身体注意事项 还有事业运 婚姻的详解

      郭英亮,您的生辰详细信息如下:   公历:1986年7月12日(星期六)21点   农历:丙寅年六月初六日亥时   春节:2月9日   节前:乙丑年   节后:丙寅年   八字:丙寅 乙未 丁巳 辛亥   五行:火木 木土 火火 金水   方位:南东 东中 南南 西北   生肖:虎   郭英亮,根据您的生辰八字,经过测算,您的骨重为:4.3两   骨重越重越好,正常值为:4.6两 您的值正常   为人心性最聪明,作事轩昂近贵人。衣禄一生天注定,不须劳碌是丰亨   郭英亮,今年24岁,您出生于公历 1986年 7月 12日21点   农历 丙寅年 六月 初六日 您的属相:虎   7月12日 说服高手   宫位:巨蟹座19o-21o   巨蟹座三   本位的水象   7月12日出生的人是天生的说服高手。这不仅仅是因为他们的立论完善周延,还加上他们总能掌握时机,给予精准的最后一击。如果情况需要,他们还会不惜大声责骂或是甜言蜜语,在最特殊的情况下,他们甚至会威胁利诱!但是他们大部分的时候只会以轻松幽默的口吻来说服他人。   今天出生的人不只懂得如何去说服别人,还善于鼓动别人付诸行支。由于他们的努力,很多空中阁楼般的计划最后竟得以实现。有的时候他们甚至厉害到不但说服别人去做一件事,还使那个人认为这正是他自己最想要做的。   不幸的是,这天出生的人可能也是个爱控制子女的父母。因为是如此习惯利用自己的影响力,所以他们的孩子自然也逃不过的他们的手掌心,一直到后来他们才会明了,自己可怕的意志力是如何无形地控制了孩子的生活。在某此极端的例子中,他们的孩子在长大后仍然是只软脚吓,永远都需要别人的照顾。   相同的例子也会发生在与情人的关系上,他们的亲密爱人会因为被管得难以忍受,最终将累积的怨恨转回头来反抗他们。所以他们很难找到可以忍受自己臭脾气的伴侣,因此也就不易拥有真正的快乐。   7月12日出生的人不管在哪里都有很大的影响力。在工作中,他们会因为自己的专长而被推崇水已,至少他们能巧妙地扮演吵架双方的和事佬。但是,这些人却无法忍受老板对他们不够那么爱戴,他们需要别人的尊重,或是至少得到一点点的尊重。因此这天出生的人大部都是自己当老板,或是在工作上没有直属的上司。他们大部分的时候都很固执,而且在生活中都有自己一套的先后秩序与规矩,所以这些人很难接受公司或组织中的金科玉律。   这天出生的人爱说服别人、强人所难的个性,使他们常常四处树敌。他们自认是为了大家的福利而战,但是别人却视他们为暴君、死不认错而且能言好辩。但是他们解决问题的脑筋的确动得比别人快,因此总是可以趾高气扬。不过,他们若不能学习如何吞下自己想要说的每一句话,同时让别人有机会去下决定、得到一点自尊,他们的员工、孩子和朋友将会像兔丝花般软趴趴地,一辈子挂在他们身上。   幸运数字和守护星   7月12日出生的人受数字3(2+1=3)和木星的影响。这些由数字3所主导的人,通常比较有野心,而且有时候还有一点独断独行。所以他们一定得小心不要变得太罗嗦或是太具侵略性。由数字3所主导的人多半相当独立,所以有时候他们会想放弃稳定的工作,而选择较自由的行业。木星与数字3的影响会给予今天出生的人一种非常正向而多面的个性,再加上月亮(巨蟹座的主宰行星)的影响,他们会变得相当的理想化。   健康   7月12日出生的人大都容易忽视自己的健康,他们能更关心工作和计划,因此最好是定期作健康检查,同时遵守医师的指示。他们也可以定期上健身房做做有课程安排的运动,不要只是一时兴起偶尔作个一、两次。慢跑、有氧舞蹈、室内健身或是游泳都是很适合的运动。因为对他们来说,这是舒放自己或充电的最好方式。他们一定要当心自己的饮食习惯,最好定时进餐以免增加体重。   建议   学习如何韬光养晦。不要强迫别人接受你的意见。对别人的需要和希望学着敏感一点。   名 人   凯撒(Julius Caesar)罗马皇帝,与庞培、克拉苏形成罗马第一次三头政治,曾经征服高卢,侵略英国,但是最后被暗杀。   美国自然主义散文作家和诗人梭罗(Henry David Thoreau),1837年起从事徒步旅行及观察自然,并据此创作及演讲,著有《湖宾散记》等经典名作。   美国剧作家汉默斯坦二世(Oscar Hammerstein Il),和作曲家罗吉斯合作写出了多部经典名剧如《奥克拉荷马之恋》、《国王与我》和《真善美》等,两人并共同荣获普立兹奖。   比尔寇斯比(Bill Cosby)美国喜剧演员,是电影和电视演员与制作人,以《天才老爹》电视影集红遍半边天。   智利诗人聂鲁达(Pablo Neruda),以《二十首情诗和一支绝望的歌》扬名文坛,并著有《地球上的住处》和《诗歌总集》,1971年获得诺贝尔文学奖。   科达照相机与底片的发明者伊士曼(George Eastman),是照相界的工业家。   塔罗牌   大秘仪塔罗牌的第12张是“倒悬者”,他的单脚倒吊在树枝上。虽然他看来有点无助,事实上,他掌管沉思和精神面的力量;因此,当牌面正立时,表示认清极限、解决问题和拥有人文特质;负面的意义则是在精神上有所局限且缺乏远见。   静思语   给予别人愈多的空间,自己就愈能自由呼吸。   优点   能干、全心投入、观察力强。   缺点   过分保护、爱控制别人、顽固。

  • 英字五行属什么

      英(英)   姓名学解释:【天生聪明,气度恢弘,中年成功隆昌,小心爱情厄,出国之格。】   民俗五行:木 音律五行:土 姓名学笔画:11 简体笔画:08 拼音:yīng

  • 新女婿时代里向英英的演员能不能补下语文啊


  • 孙鑫英的名字多少分

      孙鑫英   简体:孙  繁体:孙  五行:金  笔画:10  阴阳:阴  拼音:sun   简体:鑫  繁体:鑫  五行:金  笔画:24  阴阳:阴  拼音:xin   简体:英  繁体:英  五行:木  笔画:11  阴阳:阳  拼音:ying   【孙鑫英 天格分析】   【吉凶】吉   【等级】中上等   【五行】天格属阳木   【总述】[ 旱苗逢雨 ] 万物更新,调顺发达,恢弘泽世,繁荣富贵   【基业】[ 基业 ] 财星、天佑、暗禄、文昌、技艺、田宅   【家庭】[ 家庭 ] 养蜂结蜜,事事和顺,处处温和   【健康】[ 健康 ] 河川永在,可望健康长寿   【象解】旱天降雨之象。阴阳复新,享天赋之幸福。万事顺利发展,稳健着实。有得富贵繁荣,再兴家业的暗示。为能挽回家运平静和顺的最大吉数     【孙鑫英 人格分析】   【吉凶】大凶   【等级】下下等   【五行】人格属阴火   【总述】[ 破家之数 ] 破家之身,见识短小,辛苦遭逢,灾祸至极   【基业】[ 基业 ] 臣将、君臣、文昌、学士、破财、凶厄、破灭   【家庭】[ 家庭 ] 家缘薄,流离,忍耐可保平安   【健康】[ 健康 ] 短命、杀伤、刑罚、脑溢血、麻痹、发狂,先天五行三才善良者也可得安康   【象解】属破坏的大凶兆。乱离的祸象颇强,凶煞一到,便接踵而至,万事难以成功,内外破乱大凶。衰败悲痛无限。加因其他数的配置关系,有病弱短命、丧失配偶、子女离别、刑罚、杀伤、或致发狂。灾祸至极,实为破家亡身的最大凶数     【孙鑫英 地格分析】   【吉凶】大吉   【等级】上上等   【五行】地格属阳土   【总述】[ 高楼望月 ] 温和平静,智达通畅,文昌技艺,奏功洋洋   【基业】[ 基业 ] 将相、学士、文昌、艺术、财库、田宅、工商、温柔   【家庭】[ 家庭 ] 上流家庭,可望圆满   【健康】[ 健康 ] 安稳馀庆,健康自在,若被天格克者,病苦亦有之   【象解】温良和顺之象。有智达的能力,在文艺技术方面定能发展,取得成功。若怀大志成就大业者,须用最大气力,以补不足之威势。因其缺少胆略气魄,故此数实为保守平安的吉数。此数最适合女性,男性用则倾向消极     【孙鑫英 总格分析】   【吉凶】大吉   【等级】上上等   【五行】总格属阳土   【总述】[ 顺风之数 ] 新生泰和,顺风扬帆,智谋经纬,富贵繁荣   【基业】[ 基业 ] 部将、君臣、文昌、学士、艺术   【家庭】[ 家庭 ] 可望圆满,子孙满堂,三才不善者不遇   【健康】[ 健康 ] 安康长寿,人格被克者不遇   【象解】顺风扬帆之象。经纬深,智谋大,德量宏厚,可遂大志大业,博得名利,富贵繁荣至极。若与其他运的凶数结合,即如浪中失舵之船,易遭灾难     【孙鑫英 外格分析】   【吉凶】大凶   【等级】下下等   【五行】外格属阴木   【总述】[ 掘井无泉 ] 无理之数,发展薄弱,虽生不足,难酬志向   【基业】[ 基业 ] 凶星、破厄、劫煞、时禄   【家庭】[ 家庭 ] 亲情如秋水,骨肉似寒炭,施恩招怨恨,宜提高气节   【健康】[ 健康 ] 枯木待春,小心患神经衰弱、胃癌之疾,外伤、皮肤病;“三才”善良者可安全   【象解】无理伸张之象。妄顾自身薄弱无力,企图做力不从心的事,反致失败。遇事易生不足之心。家庭缘薄,孤苦无依,一生寂寞。陷于孤独、遭难、逆境、病弱、不如意等困境中,或因其他运的配合不善而导致意外的失败,甚至有不能完寿的悲运     【孙鑫英 三才分析】   【数理论述】受上司的引进,得成功顺调发展,基础强固,身心平安,能得长寿,幸福理想。[吉]   01、总论:配置良好,年青时就开始发展,惟性情太急,容易误事,如改进缺点,可得成功发展,富贵之命,若天运五......余下全文>>

  • 女人名字英有什么含义

      英 yīng英1①〈书〉花:落~缤纷。②才能或智慧过人的人:~豪│群~大会。③(Yīng)姓。英2[Yīng] 指英国:~尺│~镑。