
  • 让我们和猫一起玩吧英语

      让我们和猫一起玩吧   Let's play with the cat.   让我们和猫一起玩吧   Let's play with the cat.

  • 用英语介绍狗猫松鼠

      The squirrel likes to jump around the tree. Its body is brown, small ears, big round eyes, two claw hung in front of the chest, on both sides of the nose with a long beard, big bushy tail upward slightly tilted, appear some naughty and lovely.The squirrel is very sensitive to the action, no matter how high the tree, the squirrel can eat. It will be the first fruit and then climbed down from the trees snapped, remove the seeds with their Bakai fruit shell, with pine nuts for food.The squirrel has a good habit. That is: no matter what the weather is cold, it is not in the nest to eat, but sitting in the branches, holding the food sent to the mouth in Chaoyang forelimb for, with relish to taste, sometimes vertical to the side of the ear to listen to, sometimes rolled their eyes look around is very cute.I really want to catch a squirrel. Mother said to me, "son, do you know where the squirrel's home is? In the pine tree hole, deep inside. It's not easy to catch it! Besides, we deprive it of its freedom,Will it be happy?" I had to give up the idea. In the squirrel play, we look at its fluffy tail, I hope it can stay a little longer in the tree.   松鼠喜欢在树上跳。它的身体是棕色的,耳朵小小的,圆圆的大眼睛,两爪挂在胸前,在一个长胡子的鼻子两边,毛茸茸的大尾巴向上微微翘起,显得有些调皮可爱的松鼠是非常敏感的行动,无论多么高的树上,松鼠会吃。这将是第一个水果,然后从树上爬下来了,他们扒开果壳去掉种子,吃松子,小松鼠有一个好习惯。那就是:不管天气是冷的,它不在窝里吃,但是坐在树枝上,拿着食物往嘴里送朝阳前肢,津津有味地品尝,有时垂直于耳侧听,有时把他们的眼睛环顾四周,很可爱我真想抓一只松鼠。母亲对我说:“孩子,你知道松鼠的家在哪儿吗?在松树洞,内心深处。要赶上它不容易!此外,我们剥夺了它的自由,它会快乐吗?”我不得不放弃这个想法。在松鼠玩,我们看它蓬松的尾巴,我希望它可以留在树上稍长一些。

  • 以猫为题目英语五行诗

      I love three things in the worldThe sun, the moon and youThe sun for dayThe moon for nightAnd you forever

  • 为什么猫不是十二生肖

      传说猫就因此咬耗子 猫和鼠本是好朋友 因为动物界要评比十二生肖 说某曰开选 依先依次序 满十二就完成 鼠和牛等得到通知后各自回去了 猫只听到有这事就问好朋友鼠是哪天 鼠为了少一个竞争对手 就说成了第二天 牛很慢就早做准备很早就去候着开门 按理牛该第一 可牛棚的鼠识破了牛的心思 早已悄悄爬在牛背上 等门一开便从牛背上串下争了个第一 等到猫去已经选完 气不过看见鼠就咬

  • 泰国十二生肖有属猫的吗为什么?

      泰国的十二生肖和中国的完全一样,呵呵~~ 不过越南的和我们中国的稍有不同,越南十二生肖中没有兔,只有猫。

  • 为什么佔女人便宜叫"吃豆腐"?十二生肖为什么没有猫


  • 十二生肖中″猫换太子谁识破″的生肖


  • 为什么越南人会把十二生肖里的兔子换成了猫?

      十二生肖最早是从中国传入越南的,那为什么中国的“兔”到了越南变成“猫”了呢?真正原因已无从考证,一种说法是,当时中国的十二生肖纪年法传入越南时,“卯兔”的“卯”与汉语“猫”的读音相似,结果“卯年”误读成“猫年”;另一种说法是,当时越南尚没有“兔”这种动物,因此用“猫”来代替,“兔”也就成了“猫”了。   【没有兔也是不对的,我看到越南熟食店里都有烤兔子卖!】   其实,这种“错误引进”在现代越南语中大有例子,至少有70%以上的词汇为汉语借词,其中不乏借错意思的情况。如汉语中的“困难”一词,到了越南语中成了句骂人的话;汉语中“魁梧”,在越语中却成了形容小孩儿长得眉目清秀等等。这都是汉语词汇进入越南语的时候,从一开始就被弄错了,而后也就将错就错了。

  • 十二生肖中的猴年用英语怎么说搜寻

    十二生肖中的猴年 The twelve year of the monkey 十二生肖中的猴年 The twelve year of the monkey

  • 急求篇十二生肖之《鸡》的英语文章

      a cock crows everyday ,it means Constant.a hen Lays eggs,it means Contribution.people with a animal sign of chicken are clever and hardworking ,they have Strong organizational capacity and they are Straightforward to others .women with a animal sign of chicken like Simple and natural,and they rely on this character when they are working .men with a animal sign of chicken are usually handsome they are proud for their Appearance and they like to show themselves to others .people with a animal sign of chicken are always Dignified and honorable.but they have Shortcomings.For example they love quarrel with others ,and never consider the feeling of other people .Anyway noone is Perfect.   翻译:   公鸡每天打鸣,代表的是恒定,母鸡下蛋,代表的是奉献,属鸡的人聪明而且勤奋。他们有很强的组织能力,待人直率属鸡的妇女喜爱纯朴、自然,同样依靠这种品格去工作。属鸡的男人一般很英俊,也总为自己的相貌而骄傲,爱显示自己。但是他们有缺点,例如爱与人吵架,从不顾忌别人的感觉如何。总之,人无完人