
  • 用英语翻译生肖鸡的故事

      背景: The Jade Emperor wanted to select twelve animals to represent the different years as totems. Hearing this, all the animals on earth rushed to the call with each desiring to be selected. Finding no suitable method on which to base his selection, the Jade Emperor decided to have a tournament of physical skills and abilities.     The Jade Emperor appointed the Elephant to be the undisputed judge of this tournament. The elephant was known for his calmness, great moral virtue and conduct. His judgment was principled and fair and because of this he is highly respected by all the animals.   When this tournament and its rules were announced, the Cat heard about it and went to tell this to the Rat. In earlier times, both the Cat and the Rat were very close friends. The Cat told the Rat that he was eligible to compete because being an animal was the only necessary qualification. When the Rat arrived, he saw that there was already a mighty strong brown Ox poised on the tournament platform welcoming all challengers.   The brown Ox was both large in size and extremely mighty. He thought little of having the tiny Rat as his opponent. He was over confident as he stood boldly on the tournament platform. Readying himself for the battle, the Ox raised his front legs and pawed and scratched on the ground as he was prepared to stomp on the Rat and flatten him into a small meat patty. However, the Rat was light in weight and quick and agile in movement so that he was successful in side-stepping the ......余下全文>>

  • 英语翻译

      它可能发生,   有一天,一夜之间,世界变成紫色。只是一切都变成紫色从天空和海洋和山区的树木和动物和人,从最高的摩天大楼到最小的蚂蚁。人围着看一个不知道他们是在做梦。但是,没有人醒来时的东西留紫,所有除单一蓝鸟谁没有改变颜色,并保持最聪明的蓝色。   参考资料:电脑

  • 怎样用英语翻译/问中国生肖或属相

      生肖乱七八糟有很多说法,但是比较正规一点的是Chinese Zodiac (Sign) 或者是 Chinese Horoscope   What is your Chinese Zodiac (Sign)? 或者 What is your Chinese Horoscope?   你生肖是什么?

  • 英语翻译,高手进!有关算命的

      你有活跃的思维,你的身体均衡并健康。你很好动很友好,不能拘泥于只做一件事情,不会让自己懒散懈怠。你总是忙于找到一个合适的伴侣能和你度过人生时光。   你缺乏自信,不够坚定。对于爱人你总有愤愤不平的态度,容易激动暴躁,你的爱情由于这些会趋于灭亡。你很细心、谨慎,能够敏锐的感觉和分析周围的人和事。   你是一个热心、慷慨的人。你有男子气概,喜欢依自己的直觉办事。你容易被自己的欲望驱使,但你乐意帮助朋友,倍受朋友们喜爱。   你对于拼命工作和度过难关很在行。虽然你在你的职业生涯起步较晚,但你的职业道德可以保证你成功地做到经济独立。   你拥有的才智和杰出性格会让你很早便能经济独立,财富、名誉很快会接踵而来。

  • 山羊和狗的故事作文450字

      一天,骆驼和羊在花园里偶遇。骆驼把头抬得高高的,对山羊说:“哎呦,你就这么矮吗?一点都不起眼!”山羊反驳道:“切,你那么高又有什么用吗?”骆驼又说:“那你敢不敢和我比一场?”扬不服气的说:“比就比,谁怕谁呀!”   它们来到了花园的围墙边,哪里有五颜六色的花朵,还有一棵高大的树。骆驼轻松地吃到了树上的嫩叶,得意洋洋地说:“你能吃到吗?”羊抬起头,不论怎么努力,都还是吃不到。骆驼见了哈哈大笑,说:“连嫩也都吃不到,你还怎么生存?”羊不服气的说:“那你跟我来,看看谁更厉害。”   它们们又来到了花园的矮门旁边,羊看到了一大片青青的嫩草。羊从矮门轻轻松松地走了进去,吃到了嫩嫩的青草,说:“你怎么不进来呢?”骆驼使劲地朝矮门冲过去,却被卡住了。羊见了哈哈大笑,并证明了矮的好处。

  • 我感到很矛盾,英语翻译

      1,My heart is very struggle. (Translation:我心里很矛盾,亦或者说我心里很复杂,struggle:此单词的直译为斗争和挣扎的意思。可以意译为矛盾和复杂的意思。另外英语中表示程度很大很高,可以用So very 和really)此条望可采纳   2,I was very contradictory (Translation:形容词(contradictory ) 矛盾的 ,对立的)   3,Regarding this I feel very contradictory(生词同上,Translation:为此我感到非常矛盾)   4,It makes me feel very contradictory(Translation:这让我感到很矛盾(表示针对某件事,而引申的感觉,有一定的心理成份在内))   希望我的回答,您能满意! 望采纳!

  • 小时候养狗的故事作文600字作文

      小时候,家里养了狗和鸡。   鸡的脾气很温柔很可爱。狗非常凶恶,狗经常乱叫。   有一天,狗把鸡咬死了。   妈妈喂狗的时候,也被狗咬了。   几个月之后,妈妈得狂犬病死了,死得惨不忍睹,毫无尊严,太可怜啦!   狗是忘恩负义的!最后悔的就是养狗!

  • 4年级我的狗的英语作文带翻译30数

      My home have a lovely dog, would you like to listen to? The heavenly queen open flat peach banquet, attentively listen to me say!   My family's puppy body is yellow, most are yellow head of hair, a pair of bright eyes under the long with a little black pig liver nose, mouth small pink tongue loves to hang out.   Every time I see me, it always love around me shaking his tail, to please me. In summer, it like to enjoy cool air in ventilated place, it's about health.   On one occasion, I'm going to my grandmother, grandmother home far away, to take the bus, not by bus to take the dog, I don't have it, get on the bus, I found it's running after me, I immediately picked up it.   I love this dog, and you?   我家有一只可爱的小狗,你想听听吗?那就王母娘娘开蟠桃宴——聚精会神地听我说说吧!   我家的小狗身体是黄色的,头上的毛大部分也是黄色的,一对闪亮的眼睛下面长着一个小黑猪肝似的鼻子,嘴边粉色的小舌头总爱耷拉在外面。   每次见到我,它总爱围在我的身边摇着尾巴,讨好我。夏天的时候,它喜欢在通风的地方乘凉,它还很讲卫生。   有一次,我要去奶奶家,奶奶家很远,要坐公共汽车,坐公共汽车不让带小狗,我就没带它,上车了,我发现它在追我,我立即下车抱起了它。   我爱这只小狗,你呢?

  • 摩羯座有做英语翻译的潜质吗

    这个跟星座关系不大吧 不过摩羯座还是很牛逼的 毛爷爷就是摩羯座 所以不管做什么恒心毅力很重要 如果英语翻译是你的兴趣 那就去做

  • 射手座英语翻译
