
  • 八卦城 用英语介绍

      八卦城   Gossip City   Gossip City

  • 知道怎么用英语跟外国人介绍生肖吗

      zodiac -引用次数:9The zodiac is Chinese precious cultural products, twelve animals are the closest animals and to our daily life and social life, so they become the most familiar cultural symbols to people.生肖是中华民族宝贵的文化产物,十二种动物皆来自与人类日常生活和社会生活最为接近的动物,成为人们最熟知的文化符号。中国的十二生肖代表了十二种动物,他们的顺序是:鼠、牛、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗和猪。The Chinese zodiac features 12 animals in the sequence of Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.

  • 介绍自己的生肖羊英语50字


  • 我有女朋友,但是生肖不合,妈妈介绍了个有钱女给我,她家里很有钱她伯伯几十个亿 50分

      重点看人吧,别人再有钱那也是别人的,再多钱买不来开心那钱也就只是花给别人看的,买来的东西实质的作用也只是解决温饱,再有那也就是满足虚荣心了,你得看看你条件合适不,要是女方很自我,你家境不如她家,那你结了也不会自在的吧,而且你和你父母多少会感觉在女方面前抬不起头   要是女方明事理,也对你好,你家境虽说不如她家,但也算小资,并不用她们帮,这样的情况还是可以试试的,毕竟你们处对象着,有感情基础,双方家庭没异议,你生活质量也直奔高层人士了,也取得白富美了,这成就可少见的很   我最近也在找女朋友,家境没几十亿,但对一般人来说不少了,开豪车,穿品牌……还挺低调,我月工资三四千我们相处的也挺好,去她家接她她父母也没说什么,还给倒茶抽烟的,没见多小瞧人,也许遇到好人家了,希望你们有个好结果吧,但是也别委屈了自己,有的时候一些很虚的东西确实比钱重要

  • 正版老牌一字拆生肖用英语怎么说

      你好!   正版老牌一字拆生肖   The original Chinese zodiac sign.

  • 用英语介绍欧豪的个人资料

    中文名 欧豪 外文名 Oho Ou 别 名 豪哥 酒妹 豪仔仔(崽崽) 亮亮 国 籍 中国 民 族 汉族 星 座 天秤座 身 高 180cm 体 重 70Kg 出生地 福建平潭 出生日期 1992年10月13日(农历九月十八) 职 业 歌手、演员 毕业院校 广州艺术学校 经纪公司 天娱传媒 代表作品 《假动作》《左右》《嘿哥们儿》《爱最大》等 主要成就 2012华语金曲奖优秀新人 第九届劲歌王最佳新晋歌手 2013《快乐男声》亚军 《红秀GRAZIA》最型男生 第十四届音乐风云榜最受欢迎新人 展开 语 言 普通话、平潭话、英语、粤语 梦 想 世界没有垃圾 爱 好 篮球、健身、电影、桌球、爵士鼓 音乐偏好 HIP-HOP、黑人音乐、R&B、电音 粉丝名 海鸥 Name the hao Foreign names Oho Ou Usually don't hao elder brother younger sister hao zi zi wine (offspring) The record of China The nationalists han Star a libra Body height of 180 cm Body weight 70 kg Birthplace of fujian pingtan Date of birth on October 13, 1992 (the lunar September 18) Career singer, actor Graduate from art school in guangzhou Brokerage, days of entertainment media Representative works "fake", "about", "hey buddy," "love most" and so on Main achievements of 2012 Chinese award for best newcomer The ninth strength singer best new artist 2013 happy boys "Red xiu GRAZIA" type most boys The 14th music wind and cloud new list of the most popular Language mandarin, pingtan, English and cantonese dream Don't think the garbage Good love basketball, fitness, film, table tennis, drumming Hip-hop music preference, black music, R&B, electronic music Fans of the seagull...馀下全文>>

  • 用英语介绍狗猫松鼠

      The squirrel likes to jump around the tree. Its body is brown, small ears, big round eyes, two claw hung in front of the chest, on both sides of the nose with a long beard, big bushy tail upward slightly tilted, appear some naughty and lovely.The squirrel is very sensitive to the action, no matter how high the tree, the squirrel can eat. It will be the first fruit and then climbed down from the trees snapped, remove the seeds with their Bakai fruit shell, with pine nuts for food.The squirrel has a good habit. That is: no matter what the weather is cold, it is not in the nest to eat, but sitting in the branches, holding the food sent to the mouth in Chaoyang forelimb for, with relish to taste, sometimes vertical to the side of the ear to listen to, sometimes rolled their eyes look around is very cute.I really want to catch a squirrel. Mother said to me, "son, do you know where the squirrel's home is? In the pine tree hole, deep inside. It's not easy to catch it! Besides, we deprive it of its freedom,Will it be happy?" I had to give up the idea. In the squirrel play, we look at its fluffy tail, I hope it can stay a little longer in the tree.   松鼠喜欢在树上跳。它的身体是棕色的,耳朵小小的,圆圆的大眼睛,两爪挂在胸前,在一个长胡子的鼻子两边,毛茸茸的大尾巴向上微微翘起,显得有些调皮可爱的松鼠是非常敏感的行动,无论多么高的树上,松鼠会吃。这将是第一个水果,然后从树上爬下来了,他们扒开果壳去掉种子,吃松子,小松鼠有一个好习惯。那就是:不管天气是冷的,它不在窝里吃,但是坐在树枝上,拿着食物往嘴里送朝阳前肢,津津有味地品尝,有时垂直于耳侧听,有时把他们的眼睛环顾四周,很可爱我真想抓一只松鼠。母亲对我说:“孩子,你知道松鼠的家在哪儿吗?在松树洞,内心深处。要赶上它不容易!此外,我们剥夺了它的自由,它会快乐吗?”我不得不放弃这个想法。在松鼠玩,我们看它蓬松的尾巴,我希望它可以留在树上稍长一些。

  • 第二轮生肖邮票的邮票介绍

      第一枚图案采用折叠式剪切的剪纸手法,名曰“猴桃瑞寿”,猴最喜吃桃,在民俗中,桃是增寿的瑞果,象征长寿,猴桃结合,正应了民间俗语“猴桃瑞寿”。图案中,猴耳朵两侧取“福”的谐音的一对蝙蝠色块,与桃结合,构成了“福寿双全”的隐意。在猴臀上的蜜蜂与桃花,虽是点缀之笔,但蜂(谐音“封”、“丰”)和猴谐音“侯”桃(喻寿)相合,又有“封侯挂印”、“人寿年丰”的吉祥寓意,票面以玫瑰红作底色,黄色猴身寓金丝猴的名贵;红黄映衬,又使整个画面显得祥和、欢快,烘托了节日的喜庆气氛。第二枚图案名曰“喜鹊登梅”,以红色喜鹊登梅的民间剪纸挂帘图案为背景,中间正形上大书生肖文字篆体“猴”字。喜鹊和梅花是民间剪纸中的常用图案,“梅”、“眉”谐音,以示“喜上眉梢”,梅枝上的两只喜鹊,又有“双喜临门”寓意。【癸酉年】鸡,发行日期1993.1.5 ,发行量(2-1)20分 雄鸡报晓 30006.5万枚,50分 四季吉祥25062.5万枚。合783.2万版。影雕套印。第一枚图案为一只昂首挺胸的剪纸大公鸡象征着在新时代腾飞的中国。第二枚图案中间为篆书鸡字,篆字鸡字在造形和线条的处理上,大胆运用剪纸艺术中夸张、变形、移位等综合手法。 ‘奚’旁上部夸大,变平缓为倾斜,同‘鸟’旁中过多的斜笔、起伏状边框保持协调和平衡。画面四周环绕牡丹、荷花、菊花、梅花四季花卉,寓意四季吉祥。采用民间剪纸的方法,均由蔡兰英创作,整套邮票设计得红火、热烈,充满了浓郁的乡土气息,显示出民风民俗的特色。【甲戌年】狗,发行日期1994.1.5 ,发行量(2-1)20分 平安家福 21340.9万枚,(2-2)50分 祥瑞兴旺 16011.3万枚。合500.3万版。影雕套印。邮票的第一枚选取河北民间泥玩具狗为主图,由画家张二苗创作,玩具狗身为黄色,圆圆的大脑袋,两条前腿直立,后腿横卧的狗形象,底色采用故宫红墙深红色,充分表达出民间中狗看家护院,带来的平安家福的意蕴。第二枚邮票以篆书狗字为主题,周边的窗花为连绵的花枝和双狗图剪纸,意为人寿年丰、平安吉祥。【乙亥年】猪,发行日期1995.1.5 ,发行量(2-1)20分 肥猪拱门 10006.5万枚,(2-2)50分 喜迎新春 8062.5万枚。合251.9万版。影雕套印。第一枚图案取材于陕西宝鸡民间玩具布枕头猪,原创者为陇县陈美娥。票底白色,通过视角选择将小猪拱肩、探首、耸鼻、翘嘴等关键拱门姿态

  • 英语改变命运?


  • 英语习作

      蛇   Which one do you like most in twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac animal, most afraid of which one? I think everyone for the snake will not have much good? Snakes often appear in our life, the thought of its soft slippery body, all can't help to get goose bumps. Comparison of snakes and dragons, really have a world of difference. Recorded in ancient books, see the Dragon represents a good omen, and saw the snake, is drought disaster. But in science developed today, for this record is only laugh out of court, after all, the snake has its lovely side, we should see it in a different way。