
  • 七二年出生的人属什么?

      七二年出生的人什生肖是什么 1972年是农历壬子年,生肖是属鼠年

  • 七二年属什么

      1972年05月01日 星期一1     农历三月十八   壬子鼠年甲辰月壬辰日   [鼠年]   国际劳动节

  • 七二年属老鼠的今年的运气怎么样

      1、属鼠2017年整体运势     去年生肖鼠与太岁相合,但今年恰逢「破太岁」年份,故生肖鼠总体运势差强人意。所谓「太岁当头坐,无灾亦有祸」,「破太岁」意味着「破损」、「破败」、「破裂」,故今年的财运、健康、事业及人际关系都会受到负面影响。由于相关凶星的影响,今年容易出现上当受骗、阻滞频生的情况。但好坏从来相生相克,子鼠与酉鸡为金水相生的格局,故即便是「破太岁」,亦能同时获得贵人扶助,稳中有进。此外,子鼠属正北方,今年六白武曲星飞入正北,主功名、财禄及桃花。今年生肖鼠会有一定的地位提升,但需要花一番心机和功夫才能达到目的。同时,今年是生肖鼠人缘运及桃花运比较灿烂的一年,这也成为恋爱人士计划结婚、已婚人士计划添丁的最好时机。生肖鼠要把加强财的管理与搞好人际关系作为今年的重中之重,以免因此而影响了其他方面的运势。   1、正财偏财运   今年生肖鼠的正偏财二运都不差,不会有大的起落。流年天干丁火为生肖鼠子水的财星,加之「太阴」星也是利于财运,特别是偏财运的吉星,从事自由职业或经商的朋友,今年的收入将会明显增加。此外,生肖鼠人士今年若是从事与女性相关的行业,将会有较多着数。   2、事业学业运   今年将是生肖鼠的事业攀升之年,一方面,本年会出现不少竞争;另一方面,本年会出现循序渐进式的地位提升。打工人士今年须好好把握机会,从事创意类工作的人士今年也将能有施展才华的机会。学生朋友今年在校园内的生活比较愉快,但须留意不要因丰富多彩的活动儿荒废了学业。   3、爱情桃花运   今年是生肖鼠的桃花年,人缘运较好,单身人士,特别是男性朋友将有机会认识心仪的异性,建议多参加社交活动及喜庆活动,增加结交朋友的机会。与此同时,本年也有较多的口角及不稳定因素,恋爱人士及已婚人士容易有小吵小闹的时候,须互相谦让,已婚人士更要小心墙外桃花的影响。   4、健康安全运   由于有「天喜」星飞入命宫,本年生肖鼠人士的精神状态总体比较良好,心情也比较开朗。但与此同时,今年需要注意泌尿系统、肾脏方面的保健,同时也需要注意上呼吸道方面的小毛病。今年出行需要留意安全,上下台阶需要小心被各种事物绊倒。

  • 生肖鸡的由来


  • 有生肖是鸡的而且是双鱼座的明星吗

      帕丽斯希尔顿 还有张娜拉 VNT队长tina

  • 属相马和鸡相克吗?

      现在是科学的世界, 如迷信的话 你跟你老公就不和 鸡犬不宁 最后还生个牛 这....   还是那句话过自己喜欢的生活主见是要有的这么大个决定还让这么多人帮忙解决么必要顶,走自己的路让别人   说去吧。

  • 马和鸡属相合不合

      属相说不准,拿我爸妈来说 老人老说猪狗很和 结果照样离婚,现在一些地方的老人 就是年轻人结婚 他们是拿八字去给人算合不合的

  • 属猪的属相和鸡的属相合吗?

      男鸡+女猪:十分勉强,你的言行使她十分厌烦。     女鸡+男猪:生活融洽,因他能忍耐你的一切。     男猪+女鸡:你的宽容、体贴,可使她感到快乐。     女猪+男鸡:她过分的挑剔使你感到厌倦。

  • 用英语翻译生肖鸡的故事

      背景: The Jade Emperor wanted to select twelve animals to represent the different years as totems. Hearing this, all the animals on earth rushed to the call with each desiring to be selected. Finding no suitable method on which to base his selection, the Jade Emperor decided to have a tournament of physical skills and abilities.     The Jade Emperor appointed the Elephant to be the undisputed judge of this tournament. The elephant was known for his calmness, great moral virtue and conduct. His judgment was principled and fair and because of this he is highly respected by all the animals.   When this tournament and its rules were announced, the Cat heard about it and went to tell this to the Rat. In earlier times, both the Cat and the Rat were very close friends. The Cat told the Rat that he was eligible to compete because being an animal was the only necessary qualification. When the Rat arrived, he saw that there was already a mighty strong brown Ox poised on the tournament platform welcoming all challengers.   The brown Ox was both large in size and extremely mighty. He thought little of having the tiny Rat as his opponent. He was over confident as he stood boldly on the tournament platform. Readying himself for the battle, the Ox raised his front legs and pawed and scratched on the ground as he was prepared to stomp on the Rat and flatten him into a small meat patty. However, the Rat was light in weight and quick and agile in movement so that he was successful in side-stepping the ......余下全文>>

  • 三通鼓角四更鸡打一生肖

      你好,答案是马,生肖属马的人,永远要抢先一步,具有不肯服输的性格,因此凡事要能激励自己积极奋斗。但弱点也不少,如不能持久,较难保守秘密,连恋爱的对象,也容易换。   希望我的回答可以帮到你