
  • 双子座最适合的职业?

      双子座     5月22日~6月21日 主宰行星:水星 属性:风相星座     春天出生的生辰星位或太阳在双子座的人的特点:     来无影、去无踪、心神不定、脚步不停,这便是金牛座之后是轻率多变的双子座。盎然的春意表现在双子座的人性格上的主要特征是无拘无束,对外界包罗万象的事物的永无休止的好奇心。这是一个兴趣广泛并愿承担传播、普及信息使命的人。双子座的人有典型的大城市人气质,生活节奏快,每天有各种各样的活动和安排。但有时缺乏远见,在人生的旅途中你会经历坎坷。然而每每这个时候,你都能找到妥善的办法,驾驭形势,摆脱困境。如果同时有几个行星处于双子座,或者水星在生辰天宫图中影响力较大时,这些倾向更趋于明显。     如果生辰星位与双子座有关,那么你可能是一个追求自由意识、生性单纯,不注重生活细节的人。活泼、热情、富有浪漫气质与想象力。接受并适应新事物的能力强。知识广博,口齿伶俐,善于思维和表达,具有幽默感。此外,你还是一个敢闯敢干的人,有多种成功之路。你的见解往往充满智慧,这使你成为一个有发明创造和有开拓精神的人。双子座的你思维敏捷,但有时也会缺乏冷静的权衡,需要不断地改换环境,例如外出旅行、与别人交流思想,或者在各个方面表现自己,否则你就会感到烦躁不安。你聪明伶俐,有些轻率和神经质,常常沉缅于令人难以理解的意念之中,只喜欢做感兴趣和使自己开心的事。你对世上发生的事情无所不晓,头脑中充满着许许多多新奇的想法,但很难将其付诸实现。不是半途而废,就是被同时出现在脑海中的两个或更多个新想法弄得不知所措,进退两难。你的想法和建议,往往会被思想比你更实际、更富有持之以恒精神的人所采纳。不过,原则上你总是一个开创通向成功之路的人。     双子座的人多半喜欢把自己的才智用于事业方面,而不愿意用以扩大自己的物质利益。你思想中的一闪念,常常会有助于你事业上的腾飞。这一座的人还有一个显著的特点;特别善于调动自己朋友的积极性。双子座的人适合从事文学、商业及需要语言表达能力的职业。在这些方面你能脱颖而出。另外,在新闻、摄影、旅行等需要机智、灵活和果敢的工作中,以及涉及人际关系方面的工作中,你会表现出非凡的才干。若是土星的影响力较大,你将成为一个出色的实业家。你特有的金融嗅觉和心理感应及善于把握时机的能力,将有助于你事业上的成功。     你的弱点是好动和缺乏耐心。如果你周围的一切如一潭死水,没有生气、更新与变化,你感到厌烦。这是一个缺乏坚定信念、持之以恒精神,同时也缺乏思想深度的人。     双子座的男性     从容不迫,和蔼可亲。常给人以永远是局外人的印象。永无休止的求知欲和好奇心,敦促着你生活的脚步,激励你不断追求和探索。然而,你很少有时间去实现这一切。这是个迷人的和有些异想色彩的人。喜欢瞬息万变,不喜欢永恒持久。当你把迷人的和弦弹得恰到好处的时候,你会悄然离去,到别处去吸引新的"听众"。你的智力天赋在你的身上表现突出。你善于动脑筋想办法,是一个愿望多变,适合从事脑力劳动的干才。你的体质脆弱,对爱情常常疑虑重重,喜欢用讽刺作为保护自己的武器。生活中你最需要的是广大的听众,而不是全力以赴的爱情。你的记事本上写满了有用的地址,懂得人情世故,容易赢得别人的信任和厚爱。这一切都归功于你的艺术家性格。双子座的男性擅长辞令,诙谐幽默,你的出现很快能使谈话气氛热烈起来,和你在一起永远不会感到寂寞。相反,离开朋友、伙伴或者频繁的社交活动,你就会感到生活茫然若失。双子座的男性一般不愿意承担家庭生活的责任,而喜欢过"一身轻"的生活。一旦你结了婚,家庭将成为热烈的聚会和无休止的谈......余下全文>>

  • 双子座长大后最适合的职业是什么

      双子座最适合的职业Top 10Journalist 新闻记者Naturally nosy, Gemini will want to get to the bottom of any story or idea. This makes them perfect for the profession of journalist. They are wonderful writers, and can engage the reader with a compelling voice. No stone will be left unturned and facts will be checked thoroughly. Some will literally go to the ends of the Earth to get a story. As children they probably had ink all over their hands or sore wrists from typing at the computer.Translator 翻译Gemini is very proficient in languages, knowing at least two. They may have lived in foreign countries or at least have a fascination with them. These silver-tongued devils are very articulate and have a talent for the art of translation. They are able to glean the essence from one language into another with ease. They work rather quickly and think fast which is necessary for this career.Talk Show Host 脱口秀主持The natives of this sign love to talk, are lively and entertaining, and have a gift for the art of conversation. They are at home in many social situations and are never at a loss for words. This makes them naturals for the realm of broadcasting, and in particular radio and television talk shows. The only challenge will be to know when to pause and let their guests get a word in. Gemini is a naturally curious individual, who is constantly seeking to know and understand.Public Relations 公共关系Gemini is very agile at dodging bullets and creating spin. They can be manipulative and are talented at being the spokesperson. This makes a career in public relations perfect for them. If they have to organize a fundraising event or orchestrate a communications plan, they will multitask with flair and verve. Sometimes their heads spin completely out of control, but somehow they manage to pull it all together.Novelist/Writer 小说家/作家A Gemini novelist would have to work very much alone, but this is a great path to take. They get very caught up in the world of ideas and storytelling. It's better to craft a novel or a work of creative non-fiction than resort to making up stories to tell around the water cooler. At the office they would be considered a sociopath, but in the world of publishing, a brilliant writer. Gemini has an ear for conversation and gossip and will translate this into their work. Be careful what you reveal to a Gemini!Marketing Specialist 市场专员Whether tracking the buying habits of consumers or creating an ad campaign, this field is well suited to the big ideas of Gemini. They are fascinated by the behavior and habits of people, human nature, and statistics. If you want to know what colors will make you hungry and what scent will turn you into a hottie, ask a Gemini in this field. They are also very good at sales and presentations and the art of persuasion.Copywriter 广告策划Because Gemini understands the mind of the public so well, they can write copy that is very effective. Their agility with words is second to none. They are able to convey in a few well chosen-phrases, the essence of a product or an idea. Play on words is involved in this specialty area of advertising. Mercurial Gemini is able to pull concepts out of a hat and build a bull's-eye campaign. Most people would fear the blank page, but they consider it a challenge.Tour Guide 导游Gemini loves to ride at the front of the bus so they can talk to the bus driver, so this job is a natural extension. They love to talk with their hands so they can easily point to landmarks and interesting sights along the way. In their spare time they can compile all kinds of interesting facts to entertain their travelers. Some prefer water travel, and work in theme parks and on tour boats. For Gemini natives who prefer to stay in one spot, they can work in museums or historical sites as interpreters and guides. At any rate, they can indulge their gift of gab to baffle tourists.Impressionist 印象派作家The best impressionists are probably Gemini natives. They can take on the personality of just about anyone. Masters of a host of accents and a repertoire of faces, they are able to amaze and entertain their friends for hours. To get paid for making fun of famous people would be almost perfect. They do it all the time anyway, why not make a living at it. All those years in school of mimicking their teachers and sitting in detention would be worth it after all.Teacher 老师This is the quintessential job for Gemini. They get to talk all day, read papers, or mark tests all night and pass on knowledge to young, impressionable minds. They get to influence young children by making them learn all kinds of trivial facts. The kids will have to memorize poems that will stick with them for years, and they will have to find the hypotenuse of a circle (whatever that is!)。 Gemini takes a certain amusement from making shy students face the class, and boisterous ones sit quietly.

  • 双子座最适合什么职业

    双子座适合什么职业 职业表达:传递 双子座人拥有能言善辩的天赋本钱,相当重视人际关系的建立,喜欢探索各方面的讯息,最适合在五花八门的传播事业中发展,如播音员、广告业者、司机业者、杂志业者、新闻业者、书商、印刷业者、演说家、推销员、零售商、代理商、企划专员等。 双子座的人天生有驾驭文字的能力,相当的有创意和天份,大多写得一手好文章,所以成为作家或编辑的也比比皆是。不过若是有心从事写作的行业,最好事先拟好写作大纲,以免半途而废。 另外双子座也是商业上的好手哦!对于贸易和行销他们也都自有一套特别的看法,也可以在这方面获得很大的利益呢! 至于其它和双子座有关的行业还有交通与通讯产业,在双子们无远弗届的传播影响下,这些产品很快都会变成人们生活中的必需品罗! 总的来说,双子座的人需要不断发掘新的兴趣,故应避免从事单调、冗长的工作。 适合双子座的专业 首选推荐外语类专业,口才非常好的双子座,希望用各国语言跟不同人种交流,所以这个专业非常适合。 第二推荐电子工程技术,聪明的双子座学习东西非常快,在别人看来枯燥的事情,到他这里却妙趣横生,这个行业对双子座来说不成问题。 第三推荐艺术类专业,对双子座来说在这个专业里是游刃有馀。

  • 双子座最适合演什么型别的电影

    驴得水 8.7分 2016年10月20日上映 检视最近上映电影> 主演:任素汐大力刘帅良裴魁山 :周申 型别:剧情 时长:100分钟 年代:2011 地区:内地

  • 四十如虎是什么意思啊,如果用十二生肖来形容这个词,哪只生肖最适合?

      是一种比喻人的性欲在不同年龄时的状况:   “三十如狼,四十如虎”,是形容人性欲最旺盛的年龄。   还有一句“俏皮嗑”:三十不浪四十浪,五十正在浪头上,六十还要后浪推前浪,七十还要浪打浪。   跟十二生肖无关。

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  • 二七辛苦为一甜。拿它比作生肖,在十二生肖当中,什么生肖最适合呢?


  • 赤壁之战红满江。拿这句诗来比作生肖,在十二生肖当中,什么生肖最适合呢?
