
  • 简短的男孩的英文名

      Drew 杜鲁 威尔斯 聪慧与诚实的人   jeff 杰夫 神圣的和平   James 詹姆士   Kent 肯特 英俊的领袖;辽阔的国土   Gene, 吉恩, 有高贵血统的。 富有的。   望采纳!

  • 我是一个培训班的英文老师,要写一份简短的自我介绍

      Hello ,everybody.My name's ***,I'm from ***.It's really a fantacy place,people there are very friendly and helpful.There're also some places of interests in my hometown,I love it and hope that you can visite it someday.I was graduated from ** School/University,it's also a nice school.I usually play ballgames in my spare time,and I think I'm good at basketball.My dream is to play a basketball game with my idol--Kobe one day. :) So,you see,I'm really an easygoing guy(如果是女的就说gal).That's all,thank you.   别忘了微笑...呵呵

  • 简短英文名女

      Izzy 伊梓 Isa 伊萨 Zara 扎拉 Elin 艾琳 Trudy 楚蒂 Lena 莱纳 Doris 多丽丝 Gracy 格雷西 Karen 凯伦 Elie 艾丽 Una 尤娜 Janel 詹奈尔 耽asey 凯西 Dina 狄娜 Mara 马拉 Sadie 赛迪 Liv 丽芙 Lizzy 利兹 Cindy 辛迪 Vera 维拉 Daria 达莉亚 Lorna 洛娜 Lois 洛伊斯 Annis 安妮丝

  • 游戏家族名字字首,英文的,简短的,最好A开头,不是A开头也行


  • 用英文介绍天平座的性格特点

      Libra is the only inanimate sign of the zodiac, all the others representing either humans or animals. Many modern astrologers regard it as the most desirable of zodiacal types because it represents the zenith of the year, the high point of the seasons, when the harvest of all the hard work of the spring is reaped. There is a mellowness and sense of relaxation in the air as mankind enjoys the last of the summer sun and the fruits of his toil. Librans too are among the most civilized of the twelve zodiacal characters and are often good looking. They have elegance, charm and good taste, are naturally kind, very gentle, and lovers of beauty, harmony (both in music and social living) and the pleasures that these bring.

  • 有没有小清新的简短一点的英文网名

      Abby: 娇小可爱的女人,文静,令人喜爱,个性甜美。   Aimee: 意为可爱的人。   Alisa: 快乐的姑娘的意思。   Angelia: 天使,传送讯息者。   Carrie: 给人的感觉是可爱,聪明的金发女孩, 可能有两种极端不同的个性;一个是好玩外向的女孩,另一个则是安静好独处的女子。   (同Kerry) Cassie: 可爱,受欢迎的大学女生,快乐而甜美。   Daisy: 雏菊。森林来的"金发女孩",甜美可爱。

  • 端午节的来历和风俗的简短介绍(50字左右)


  • 求简短好听的男生英文网名,有翻译最好

      잔류(残留)   영혼(灵魂)   좌초.(搁浅)   과거.(过往)   삼생.(三生)   함락 (沦陷)   애정.(爱意)   미래.(未来)   망각.(遗忘)   늑골.(肋骨)   자랑.(骄傲)   너와.(与你)   여생.(余生)   초과의(多余)   놓다.(松开)   Abet(怂恿)   Yoke(羁绊)   놀리다.(戏弄)   Pull(难挽)   속세.(俗世).   나루터.(渡口)   dull(无味)   pure 纯粹的   (海湾) Bay   Time. 时光   wave (浪)   Deer (鹿)   依然 still   Blue(忧伤)   Diamonds   Golven 流浪   동 료 (陪 伴)   ——◆◇ 情涩忧伤   Evildoer.   가지마 .(别走)   0verGame丶   借口 excuse   사 랑 (深 爱)   망상증.(妄想症)   사 랑 (深 爱)   기다리다.(守候)   입사 연극(入戏)   Single °凉   Away.(离开)   Autism゛陌亡   Smoke (烟)   Virus(病毒)   Monody(挽歌)   loser(失败者)   하필칭찬받다何必讨好   무력만회(无力挽回)   Liquor(烈酒)   Bitter(苦涩)   Excuses.借口   Error.(过失)   모노드라마(独角戏)   몰료이후(没了以后)   Unfair(偏心)   Loser(失败者)   Hickey(吻痕)   hollow(猫空心)   到达者 Arrival   Traveler 过客   Fossette 酒窝   Corrupt(堕落)   indulge( 放纵   tuifsagh..潮   betray【辜负.】   Deceive(谎言)   Mercurial善变   등잔불술을사다青灯沽酒   Autism(孤独症)   Ambition(野心)   Provence つ 浅   safeandsound   Adventure 奇遇   Promise.(承诺)   December(想你)   Nightmare°梦魇   Lifetime(一生)   Destiny.(宿命)   Stubborn(固执)   猫性 Tenderne°   Struggle(挣扎)   Weakness(缺点)   aholic (沉迷者)   ......余下全文>>

  • 上次您取的不错麻烦再帮忙 中文:乐舞派 英文品牌简短大气帮忙取名谢谢!!

      乐舞派   乐舞 谐音 Love 意思是 爱,爱情,喜爱等等   派 谐音 pride 意思为 骄傲,自豪   如果都取谐音的话,可以 为 Love &Pride,表达对产品的喜爱,以及穿戴上,或者使用后增加自信,自豪的感觉。

  • “贵”性英文名简短女有气质有意义

      crystal,是根据希腊文Krystallos演变而来的,其含义为“洁白   的冰”,形象地刻画了水晶清亮;