
  • 求一篇英语作文 “ 性格决定命运”Character and Destiny,150字以内

      A man's character is his destiny. An inescapable truth lies at the heart of this simple yet profound truth: The quality of our lives is not determined by the happenstance of genetics or by the influence of environment; it is not measured in material possessions or in the trappings of youth; it is not dependent on personality or social acclaim. On the contrary, the intrinsic value of the lives we lead reflects the strength of a single trait: our personal character. We should take the steps to personal growth from examining our lives to taking responsibility for our actions, from discarding selfishness to embracing the greater good, from becoming a better role model for our loved ones to finding the courage to do the right thing naturally and consistently. By cultivating the habits of virtue, we will strengthen not only ourselves but, more important, our families and our world.   Each and every day we are faced with scores of choices that, in subtle yet discernible ways, can either enrich or impoverish our personal character. The choices we make, and the manner in which we make them, illuminate the paths our lives will take. Our character can be our compass that leads to our destiny.

  • 名字跟命运没有关系,英语作文

      本质上应该没有关系,名字不过是个符号而已。 但是因为人具有社会性,名字不可避免地会渗透到人类的绝大多数社会活动当中去,最简单的例子,就是按照姓名进行排序,这个顺序在特定的场合就会对姓名的所有人产生了影响。 名字或多或少地也会让别人把它和姓名的拥有人进行联系,进而对人的命运产生了影响。 当然了,人的主观能动性才是决定性的。

  • 性格决定命运 作文

      当我一口气读完《笑猫日记》保姆狗的阴谋时,我心涌澎湃,“善有善报,恶有恶报”一直在我耳边萦绕。   这本书以腊肠狗的种种阴谋为主,形象的写出了他的阴险狡诈。在没有帅仔之前,他得到了主人的全面宠爱,但有了帅仔,那份爱便被他所有了。于是腊肠狗便一心想除掉帅仔,但由于笑猫和它的朋友们揭穿了,因此帅子都没有致命的危害,腊肠狗计谋也没有一次得逞,当腊肠狗因为妒忌心强计谋高害了自己,奄奄一息时,它吐出了真相,可善良,天真的帅仔怎么会相信呢?它在腊肠狗的面前哭的死去活来,最后以散步来使自己忘掉保姆狗。   是啊,妒忌有如一场大病,只有自己可医,它如一颗黑痣,在洁白的脸上抹黑。妒忌有时会使别人对你失去信任,有时会使自己失去朋友,有时则会惹祸上身。   性格决定命运,这也是在这本书里我记忆最深的一句话。如果你妒忌他人,他人也会与你为仇;如果你宽容他人,他人也会与你为友;如果你友好待人,他人也会友好对你;如果你时常斗嘴,他人也会如此回敬。生活就像一面镜子。   朋友,妒忌会使你不明是非黑白,让人陷入无底深渊,朋友们可不能让“妒忌”在我们身上安家哦!

  • 消防火灾 英语作文

      It is known to all that "floods and fires have no mercy for anybody"(水火无情). If a fire took place, many things,valuable or invaluable, would turn to zero. Even some people would be killed and their families would suffer a great deal of sufferings

  • 我的命运我主宰英语

      I dominate my destiny.不需要am系动词。

  • 被命运捉弄用英语怎么说

      escape from reality 逃离现实   tease by fate 被命运捉弄   a sad fairy tale 悲伤的童话

  • 作文 习惯决定性格

      失去一切都不可怕,怕只怕我们抵抗不过回忆。 ---------《沙漏》 星星闪耀着,发现习惯是一件多么可怕的事。习惯了回忆,便习惯了黑暗。 深灰色的天空,深灰色的衣服,深灰色的围巾,深灰色的眼神。 在回忆的世界中,总是有无数的泪要述说。在回忆的世界中,总是深灰色的。曾经的伤太深。努力地让自己不再想起,可还是习惯了回忆。 有时候,不知道什么是真实的自我。站在镜子前,傻傻发呆,脚步迟迟地不移动。许久,才缓过神来。 我一直都不懂自己,也不想懂,也不让别人懂,独自承受一个人的忧伤。却又是一群人的快乐。 我的每一天都是开始,结束,再开始,再结束……就这样重复着,不变的是独自承受自己的痛苦,幸福。 习惯了早上听2次闹钟,第一次响,眼睛还是不肯睁开,开始计划,今天要怎么过。第二次响,便飞快的洗刷完毕。但是我的记性一直都不好,尽管走之前,翻过好几次书包,到学校时,走会发现又有东西忘带了,一个早晨就是这样在我神情恍惚间溜走。 有时候想,自己记性不好,是否可以在哪一次的不经意见忘记过去的痛苦。 放下书包,趴在冰冷的桌上,无力。也许我可以就这样被人遗忘着,不说话,也不笑,神情忧郁着,但是一直都没有实现,如果说是实现了,最多也就实现那么2节课吧。只要有人给我打声招呼,问个好,我也会立马精神起来吧。 接着变习惯了放肆大笑,或撒娇。一切都是那么的自然,渐渐觉得,我从来都不曾拥有一个快乐的面具,也从未伪装过,一切的解释就是习惯了。 回到家,作业一点儿也不想写,只是习惯了打开电脑,打开小荷网,再登上QQ,浏览一个又一个的网页。过了1个小时,才放起音乐。走上阳台,仰望夜空,总是期待着一颗星星的出现,那是一个约定。看看手表,曾经一直都寻找着一个黑白的东西,无意间发现自己的手表不就是黑白的么?随身携带着,不想脱下,因为我不想忘记某些情感。 习惯了靠在墙壁上,回忆着。又突发灵感,习惯着在电脑前敲打着键盘,诉说着自己所回忆的痛苦,幸福。今天看着洋哭了,因为接到一封信吧,其实自己也有种冲动想要哭,感觉又有人正在重复着我曾经走过的路,不过我错了,她的泪水只有一刻,即后,便又开始了快乐。而我的泪却是长久的。 习惯了孤独,习惯了在察觉寂寞时,翻东西。今天又无意间翻到一张99的试卷,又是粗心,是不是哪一天可以因为粗心而将过去所承受的痛苦忘却。其实一直都想翻出个什么礼物,还是失望,天天重复着翻,还是失望。还是重复地看同学录,或看看小学的毕业照。 纤细的手指抚摸着一个个熟悉而又陌生的人影。泪水又不争气的滴落。迅速地将照片藏起。有时候的我害怕流泪,我怕我就这样一直走下去,永远忧伤。至少我还清醒着。依然还有丝希望。 但愿有一天我的天空会是蔚蓝的。在夕阳西下时,会伴有淡紫色的光!

  • 一篇关于知识可以改变命运的英语作文和翻译

      The importance of learning basic skills In the face of various and complicated requirements of employment market,some students begin to question the significance of learning basic knowledge and skills,just as what is exposed in the cartoon above.However,it is absolutely wrong to hold that idea.Owing to the fact that we are living in a competitive society,the development of our society demands that we arm ourselves with basic skills and up-to-date knowledge so as to keep up with the pace of our society.An investigation shows that millions of people spend time and energy grasping skills and technology so that they can keep a favorable position in job market or enhance their opportunities.While focusing on creativity,innovation,management and leadership skills,we should never forget the fundamental importance of the more basic,essential skills.It is universally known that opportunity is important,but you could do nothing with it if you are not equipped with competitive forces,such basic reading and calculating skills,to seize it.

  • 命运就是如此 翻译成英语

      命运就是如此   翻译l:Fate is so

  • 偶然遇见小偷英语作文

      从正常的社会公德角度来讲,应该抓住他,送到公安局或者派出所.   但由于现在的小偷在“作业”时甚至带有一种理所当然的态度,经常会出现由偷盗转为抢劫的情况,而且随着见义勇为遭到报复或身受重伤甚至亡的案例不断出现,用于伸出援手的人日渐减少,所以建议在遇到小偷的时候视情况进行反抗,并打电话报警.   From the perspective of normal social morality, should seize him, sent to the Public Security Bureau or the police station.   But because the thief now in "homework" even with a matter of attitude, often appear by theft to robbery, and with the courageous retaliation or seriously injured or even dead cases continue to emerge for extending a helping hand to people gradually reduce, it is proposed to meet the thief as the case against, and called the police.