
  • 有关梦想的英语作文

      1 我的梦想My Dream   Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame. I have a lot of dreams,too. When I was a young girl, I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Luogen in future.However, I knew very well that I could not succeed without painstaking efforts. So I studied hard in the middle school and college in order to attain my goal.After graduating from college, I found a job as a teacher.Although I was very busy with teaching, I never gave up my goal. I read a lot of books to get more knowledge. I made experiments to practise and apply what I had learnt from the books. Sometimes, I was so deeply indulged in my research that I forgot my meals and time. Now I have made great progress. Several of my research papers have been published. The methods proposed in my papers have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems. I am very happy.The ladder of becoming a scientist is still far ahead, but I have climbed the first rung anyway.   每个人都有很多的梦想。有些人想要有钱,梦想成为百万富翁过夜。别人想要出名,梦想着突然跳跃到很高的声誉。我有很多梦想,也是。当我还是个小女孩的时候,我梦想成为一名科学家像华Luogen,在未来的。然而,我知道得很清楚,我不可能取得成功的艰苦的努力。所以我努力学习在中学和大学为了达到了我的目标。大学毕业后,我找到了一份当老师的工作。虽然我非常忙碌和在教学过程中,我从来没有放弃我的目标。我读了很多书,获得更多的知识。我做了实验来练习和运用我所学过的书。有时,我是那么深深沉迷在我的研究,我忘了我的饭和时间。现在我有了很大的进步。我的几位研究论文发表。在我的论文中提出的方法都已经被证明是有价值的解决一些问题。我很高兴。梯子要成为一名科学家仍遥遥领先,但我已经爬上了第一响吧。   2 Everyone has a dream, some of them are easy to get through but some are hard. I have a dream as well, and my dream is to be a computer scientist, because my hobby is playing computer. And computer technology can make our live more easy and convenience. People can send E-mail to thier freinds instead of writting letters. Sometimes people can do shopping oline using internet. Although my dream is a bit difficult for me to get through, but i will try my best to study hard, and make my dream come ture.   每个人都有一个梦想,有些很容易实现,有些却很难。我也有一个梦想,我的梦想是成为一名计算机科学家,因为我的爱好是玩电脑。计算机技

  • 我的梦想英语作文带翻译

      My Dream   Everyone has their own dreams 。 Someone wants to be a teacher 。Someone wants to be a singer 。Let me tell you something about my dream。   Well, I want to be a doctor when I grow up 。First,I think doctor is a intersting job and I am interested in it 。And doctor can help people who are illness . I want to help them and make them feel happy . So I must work harder .   What's your dream ? Can you tell me?   每个人都有自己的梦想。有的人想做一名老师。有的人想做一名歌手。让我告诉你一些关于我的梦想的事。   是这样的,当我长大后我想做一名医生。首先,我认为医生是个有趣的工作并且我对他感兴趣。 医生能帮助生病的人。我想帮助他们并且使他们快乐。所以我必须更加努力的学习。   你的梦想是什么?你能告诉我吗?   望采纳~三克油~么么哒

  • 就"梦想是否能改变命运"的话题写一篇英语作文,150字左右

      Dear customer,   We are indeed very sorry that I sold you a camera which had something wrong. We feel awful   about it.   We sincerely hope you can understand us situation and accept us apology. We would appreciate your allowing us to change a brand new camera for you. Once again, We apologize for any inconvenience caused.   Sincerely yours,

  • 一场糟糕的火灾英语作文


  • 英语作文《怎样在火灾中逃生》

      Many people now rive and work in very tart buildings. It is often not so easy to get away from these buildings in an emergency, resulting in great toss of lives. So how to survive in case of a fire is a problem concerning all those involved.   No one knows for sure when a fire witt happen, so it is extremely necessary to make preparations before a fire starts. Check the fire escape in advance and make sure that you can find it in the dark when lights have failed. Find out where the nearest fire extinguisher is and read the instructions to learn how to use it.   Don't lose your head if unfortunately a fire breaks out. First, telephone the fire department immediately when the fire just gets started. Take care not to be overcome by smoke, which containing monoxide gas, can kill you quickly. Cover your mouth with a wet towel or a wet cloth, and avoid getting into the smoke. Don't get in an elevator, as you may get trapped if the electricity fails. If you can not get away by yourself, it is of great importance to hang something out of the window to attract attention as a sign of asking for help.   In short, if you make preparations before hand and take precautions during the fire, chances are that you will survive in case of a fire if it really breaks out some day.

  • 迈开双脚追逐梦想 800字作文

      夸父有追逐太阳的本事,但我没有!可我也要迈开大腿,向我心中的小太阳——梦想追逐!   说道梦想,可以仅仅是一个梦,一个想法,在大脑里一闪而过。也可以真正当作一个指路牌,指引前进的方向。一闪而过的梦想太多,变成仗义的女警察,变成拯救世界的使者,可以当作指路牌的只有一个——作家。   这个梦想,我也不知我什么时候有的。应该在9岁开始看课外书有的吧!整整一柜的书,可以看出我对书籍的喜爱,爱屋及乌。我也喜欢上了作家。   再长大一点,对作家的敬佩之情是由心而发的。看着自己短短的一篇文章都绞尽脑汁,那么厚厚的一本书……作者该有多大的,超凡的本领呀!所以,作家这个职业是在我心中有崇高的地位。又不知什么时候起,我也渴望当一个作家。   我有着激扬文字的热情,向往在似人非人的状态中创作,向往自己的语言可以变成印刷体,还向往能在*听见别人对我的作品进行评价,还向往……这一切仅仅是我的想法,可我并不希望这只是我的想法,停留在我的脑子里。所以,我一定要付出自己的行动!   看书时,我总习惯手上拿一支笔,看见好的句子和词语划下来并记住。希望可以在自己的作文中用上去,给自己作文添一份色彩。在看名著时,也学习名家写作的方法。有一段时间,我曾毅然放弃了这个梦想,因为这个梦想太艰难,太遥远。我也曾看到作文就头大。可因为鲁迅,我也希望用笔和黑暗作斗争。我又重拾了信心。所以,我要从小打下基础。用十二分的认真完成每一次作文。   我也明白,作家不是那么好当的。想把自己的作品像鲁迅一样家喻户晓,更没有那么简单。就算前方有千阻万难,我也会不顾一切的前进。作家每一个都有深厚的文学功底,该用什么成语形容脱口而出,可我不行;可以用更生动的语言描写一个人,我也不行……我还有无数个不行,我不能放弃,而是要克服一个又一个的“不行”。把“不行”努力成“行”,说明我有前进了一步。我要一步一个脚印的登上梦想的山顶,摘取属于我的太阳。   让我们扬起梦想的风帆,追逐属于自己的梦想!

  • 梦想路上要拼搏作文开头

      水滴带着穿石的梦想落下,跨过时间的奔流,成就水滴穿石的奇迹;   凤凰带着永生的梦想拼搏,历经痛苦的涅槃,铸就涅槃永生的奇迹;   雄鹰带着翱翔的梦想磨炼,经受岁月的考验,造就天空之子的传奇;   为了梦想去拼搏,才能摘得彼岸成功之花。倘若没有目标与梦想,那拼搏便成为毫无作用的白功。而空有一腔豪情,只有幻想却不曾努力,成功只会离你越来越远。所以,带着梦想去拼搏吧!胜利就在远方。   作家廖一梅说:“在生活里你可以随意伤害我,我无所谓,但你不能碰我的梦想。”因为梦想是神圣的,专心去努力的时候,梦想便成为了唯一的动力与支柱,容不得他人否定,为了这样不可撼动的梦想去拼搏,是最有意义的。   还记得今年6月份,刘翔信心满满的备战伦敦奥运会,为了在此届奥运会上夺冠,他付出了常人难以想象的辛劳与汗水。终于,他满怀梦想站到了110米栏的起跑线上。发号枪响过,在第一个跨栏之前,他摔倒在地。“阿克琉斯之踵”再次粉碎了刘翔飞翔的梦想,这一幕让所有人震惊。但这次,刘翔却选择单腿蹦跳着完成比赛,在最后一个跨栏前深情地吻了下去。他为了这个梦想拼搏过、努力过,全场的掌声雷动就是对他梦想力量的敬佩。   奔跑在梦想的路上,刘翔获得了人生的高度。继续拼搏,是他对梦想的致意。   2012年9月10日,一个举着温网大满贯奖杯,笑容腼腆的男孩迅速被世人牢记。他就是英国小伙穆雷。在此之前,他已经经历了四次冲击大满贯却错失奖杯的遗憾。但是他屡败屡战,积累教训,完善自我最终超越对手。向着梦想永不放弃,这是他屡败屡战最终胜出的源动力。   挥汗在梦想的路上,穆雷坚守着他的梦想。获得冠军,是他实现梦想最有力的写照。   所以,带着梦想拼搏吧!向着目标迈进,挥洒汗水,收获成功!   水滴带着穿石的梦想落下,跨过时间的奔流,成就水滴穿石的奇迹;

  • “做梦梦见出国”和“梦想出国”用英语分别怎样表达?

      dream going abroad     the dream of going abroad

  • 我捡到一个橡皮英语作文

      "Well, how is notes, dislike!" Sedentary I couldn't help but to complain about a teacher in your mind. Remember to remember, I never succumb to tired of emotions, before the teacher noticed that my side, quietly with arm rubber run into the ground. Well, the teacher don't find, I slowly rose from his seat, pretending to leaned forward to pick up the rubber, to make himself to relax, a temporary escape from notes. In the my hand touch rubber moment, suddenly I had an amazing hair line, don't look at the students sit and write the same posture, but you looked under the table a and you leg stance is various: you see, the man probably legs were too long, table belly has not put, just straight out to the classmate in front of the chair, and classmates in front of the "trench warfare"; This way the good younger sister also calculates sven, feet together, two feet "8" shaped recovery, tiptoe chooses the ground, as in ballet dancing; This guy is carefree, unexpectedly on the small table 2 Wolf leg cocked up in belly, also not too uncomfortable; An incredibly put out a leg over there in the hallway, encroached on public lands... I was watching on fire without embankments teacher has quietly come to my side, really knocked on my desk. I immediately straight up, solemnly remember notes. My pen is in motion, remember you don't want to take the notes; My brain is moving, thinking about have just at the site of some of the interesting sight, the ear heard "the teacher's chalk on the blackboard, and in hard to write, waiting for the class, waiting for the school, waiting for the games of childhood" this song. Dear teacher, what time, we can not take this annoying notes? What time can you let us a little free space in the classroom?   “唉,怎么又是记笔记,讨厌!”静坐的我不禁在心里埋怨起老师来。记着记着,我再也按捺不住自己厌烦的情绪,趁老师还没注意到我这边,悄悄地用胳膊将橡皮碰到了地上。还好,老师一点儿也没发觉,我慢吞吞地从座位上站起来,装模作样地俯下身子去捡橡皮,以此来使自己放松一下,暂时逃避记笔记。 接在我的手碰到橡皮的一瞬间,我突然有了一个惊奇的发线,别看同学们坐着写字的姿势一模一样,可你朝桌下一看,大家腿的姿态可谓千姿百态:你瞧,这位老兄大概腿太长,桌肚已放不下,干脆直伸到前面同学的椅子下,和前面的同学打起了“地道战”;这边这位贤妹还算斯文,双脚并拢,两脚呈“八”字状回收,脚尖点地,像在跳芭蕾;这边的仁兄才叫悠闲,竟在小小的桌肚里翘起了二狼腿,也不嫌别扭;那边一位居然把一只腿伸到了过道中,侵占了公共领地…… 我正看在兴头上,没堤防老师已悄悄来到了我的身旁,狠狠地敲了敲我的桌子。我立刻直起身子,一本正经地记着笔记。我的笔在动,记着自己不想记的笔记;我的脑也在动,想着刚才所看到的一幕幕有趣的情景,耳边传来了“黑板上老师的粉笔,还在拼命叽叽喳喳写个不停,等待着下课,等待着放学,等待游戏的童年”这首歌。亲爱的老师,什么时候,我们才能不记这烦人的笔记?什么时候,你才能让我们在课堂上有点自由的空间?

  • 知识改变命运,勤奋成就梦想是谁说的?
