
  • 如果发生火灾,应该怎么办?


  • 当火灾发生时,应该如何让逃生

      逃生时,应用湿毛巾捂住口鼻,背向烟火方向迅速离开。   ●逃生通道被切断、短时间内无人救援时,应关紧迎火门窗,用湿毛巾、湿布堵塞门缝,用水淋透房门,防止烟火侵入。   ●火场能见度非常低,保持镇静、不盲目行动是安全逃生的重要前提。   ●因供电系统随时会断电,千万不要乘电梯逃生。   ●等待救援时应尽量在阳台、窗口等易被发现的地方等待。   ●不要轻易跳楼。只有在消防队员准备好救生气垫或楼层不高的情况下,或者如不跳楼就会丧命的情况下,才能采取此方法。

  • 高楼发生火灾应该怎么办


  • 发生火灾的作文

      一次有惊无险的火灾   2015年1月22日 晴   今天中午大约12点15分左右,我们一家正好端端地吃饭。突然,坐在我对面的表弟尖叫起来:“快看看那是什么?!好像着火了!”“啊?!不会吧!”我同样尖声叫道。“快看,快看看呀!”表弟心急如焚地说。“哎呀!真的着火啦!!!”表弟站起来看了看,又惊叫道。“不可能吧?”妈妈起身也看了看。这才确认,是真的着火了!我一下子都不知道手应该放哪儿了,耳边只听见表弟在向窗外大喊:“着火啦着火啦!大家快灭火哇!”这一喊,邻居们顿时都把头伸出窗外,寻找火源。   对了,我突然醒悟过来,快点拨打119呀!我跌跌撞撞地跑向电话机跑去,手颤颤地拨打了119.“滴滴滴!”好不容易,电话终于通了。“东……东虹……虹新村,39幢2楼着火了!请快来灭火。”我吓得连贯流利的普通话也说得结结巴巴的了。那一头的火警也非常着急,连连问道:“到底是哪里?!请说说清楚!不要紧张,我们会马上赶到的!”听火警叔叔这么一说,我很快镇静了下来,快速而清楚地说道:“是东虹新村39幢2楼着火,火势不是很大,但还未浇灭。”“好的好的,我们马上赶到。”我和表弟爬到窗前,紧张地看着这场灭火行动。哎呀,不好了,那位小弟弟正在用扇子使劲地煽火呢,糟了,这样下去,火势很快就会难以控制了!在这紧急关头,表弟大声喊道:“不能用扇子煽,快,快,快用水浇灭呀!”那位小弟弟听见了,赶紧结果一旁奶奶端来的一盆子水,向那团烈火浇去。这样浇了几次水后——太好了,谢天谢地,火被扑灭了。此时,电话铃声再度响了起来,我赶紧连博尔特都自愧不如的速度向电话机奔去。“喂,请问……”我的话还没有说完,就被打断了。“我是黄队,现在的火势怎么样?严重不严重?”哦,原来是火警叔叔!“嗯,现在的火势已经扑灭了……”刚说到这里,耳畔就传来一声“火势变大了”。我又补充道:“不不不,现在又有一点火了!”“我们会尽快赶到的。”此时,再次朝窗户外看去,那位奶奶和她的孙子仍在灭火,这位奶奶也爬上了窗户,拿过一盆水,向着了火的大纸箱扑去。经过那位奶奶和她的孙子的极力灭火,火势终于越变越小了。“铃铃铃!”电话铃声再一次响了起来。这一次,被表弟抢了先,他已经扑向了电话机。“#%&*^……”表弟接完电话后,对我说:“姐姐,火警叔叔他们在路上堵车了。”“堵车了?!那……”我又朝窗外望了一眼,太好了——火已经被扑灭了!   这次有惊无险的火灾终于被扑灭了!这还真得感谢我那大眼睛的表弟呢!(我还真有些纳闷儿,为什么没有记者来采访一下表弟呢?)

  • 发生火灾时应该采用什么方法灭火

      一旦发生火灾,一方面要组织人采用正确的灭火方法和选用适当的灭火工具积极扑救.在密闭的房间内起火,未准备好充足的灭火器材时,不要打开门窗,防止空气流通,扩大火势.另一方面要赶快打电话“119”报警.报警时要沉着、冷静,讲清楚着火单位、区县、街道名称、门牌号码、着的是什么东西、火势怎样、报警人姓名及使用电话号码.报警完后派人去街道路口迎候消防车,以便使消防人员及时到达着火地点.   化学易燃物品发生火灾应怎样扑救?应注意什么问题?   化学易燃物品性质不尽相同,扑救时对灭火剂的选择性很强.这类物质发生火灾后,首先要弄清着火物质的性质,然后选用适合扑救该类物品的灭火剂,正确地实施扑救:   1.扑救可燃和助燃气体火灾时,要先关闭管道阀门,用水冷却其容器、管道,用干粉、砂土扑灭火焰.   2.扑救易燃和可燃液体火灾,用泡沫、干粉、二氧化碳扑灭火焰,同时用水冷却容器四周,防止容器膨胀爆炸.但醇、醚、酮等溶于水的易燃液体火灾,应该用抗溶性泡沫扑救.   3.扑救易燃和可燃固体火灾,可用泡沫、干粉、砂土、二氧化碳或雾状水.   灭火的基本方法是什么?   人们长期与火灾作斗争,积累了丰富的灭火经验,总结出4种灭火的基本方法:   1.冷却法.降低燃烧物的温度,使温度低于燃点,从而燃烧过程停止.如用水和二氧化碳直接喷射燃烧物,往火源附近未燃烧物上喷洒灭火剂,防止形成新的火点.   2.窒息法.减少燃烧区域的氧气量,阻止空气注入燃烧区域或用不燃烧物质冲淡空气,使火焰熄灭.如用不燃或难燃的石棉被、湿麻袋、湿棉被等捂盖燃烧物;用砂土埋没燃烧物;往着火空间内灌入惰性气体、蒸汽;往燃烧物上喷射氮气、二氧化碳等;封闭已着火的建筑物、设备的孔洞.   3.隔离法.使燃烧物和未燃烧物隔离,限制燃烧范围.如将火源附近的可燃、易燃、易爆和助燃物搬走;关闭可燃气体、液体管路的阀门,减少和阻止可燃物进入燃烧环境内;堵截流散的燃烧液体;拆除与火源毗连的易燃建筑和设备.   4.抑制法.使灭火剂参与到燃烧反应过程中去,中断燃烧的连锁反应.如往燃烧物上喷射干粉等灭火剂.

  • 电器设备在发生火灾时应该不该用什么灭火器灭火?

      电器设备在发生火灾时,不该用:泡沫灭火器。   电器设备在发生火灾时,应该用:干粉灭火器、二氧化碳灭火器(600伏以下)。

  • 高层建筑中发生火灾时,要尽快逃离火场,我们应该乘坐电梯还是沿着楼梯逃生?


  • 出租房意外发生火灾,责任应该由谁负责?

      中华人民共和国合同法   第二百一十八条 承租人按照约定的方法或者租赁物的性质使用租赁物,致使租赁物受到损耗的,不承担损害赔偿责任。   第二百二十二条 承租人应当妥善保管租赁物,因保管不善造成租赁物毁损、灭失的,应当承担损害赔偿责任。   如果是充电宝本身发生爆炸,应是承租人责任,承租人应承担赔偿责任。

  • 英语高手帮忙!求一篇关于在学校发生地震或火灾时,我们应该如何保护自己的英语作文!

      If you have received possibly have the earthquake warning, continues to maintain listens to the local broadcasting station newest report and the suggestion, like the suggestion switches off the liquid gas, the power source. Greatly but the heavy object from high will put on to take away. The jar, the glass, the chinaware and other brittle things admit in the low cabinet, the baggage shelf should have keeps off the hand by to prevent the object whereabouts. The cabinet gate should shut tightly, moves away to be hanging the object. Below prepares the goods by to prepare urgently needs: Fresh fresh water and emergency food, flashlight, fire extinguisher. Is far away these possibly to fall is pounding your thing, possibly can eradicate in outdoors trees, in the small town construction even if enough is sturdy cannot destroy, the chippings also possibly fall. Runs away spacious to place most ideal, but if does not have the enough time,stays is possibly safer in the room, on the avenue speech, the gas piping or the electric wire which bursts can increase the risk. Passes in and out the human is most dangerous, extremely easily is wounded by the building in bricks and stones.In room: When the earthquake occurs, if in the indoors, stays in inside, extinguishes the fire, is far away the glass is specially the big window (including mirror and so on). In the room quoin or has the good strut internal way is good seeking asylum place. Perhaps the low ground or the basement can provide the best survival opportunity. Hides in under the table bottom or other firm furniture, this not only can provide the protection to you, moreover also has the big breath space. When store, is far away the big cargo exhibition hall, thesecargos possibly can drop down. Also is loaded with the elevator in the multilayered building in the office, in-situ hides in the desk bottom. Do not enter the elevator, the staircase also possibly can crowd the panic-stricken people. .Che Zhong: As far as possible quickly and safely stops - but stays in the vehicle may avoid hit by the whereabouts object. Crouches in hiding under the seat, if has the thing to fall on the vehicle, you will be able to obtain the protection. When vibrates stops down, the attention observation obstacle and possibly appears danger: Destroyed the electric cable, damages the path and collapses bridge.Outdoors: When outdoors lie in the ground, do not have to run. This can throw down, also possibly is embezzled by the crack. Is far away the big construction. Toward derground walk or do not enter the gallery, this can cause to be stranded. Like you already prepared to the outdoors, did not return to in the building. The earthquake causes any construction not too to be all reliable for the first time, if then again occurs slightly shakes, the building can cave in. Is safer to the summit. In the pitch earth stone is easy to fall, if crushes by the number thousand ton heavy soil block or the rock (they to have fearful speed), very little has the opportunity which fortunately survives. Rolls equally on the place like the ball changes the survival.Beach place: So long as under the cliff cannot the suitable security, but because the tsunami follows the earthquake but to come frequently, therefore after vibrates stops leaving the beach as soon as possible to the higher open field shift. The aftershock risk did not like the tsunami to be so fearful.

  • 发生电气火灾要怎么办

      1发生电气火灾时,首先迅速切断电源(拉下电闸、拨出电源插头等),以免事态扩大,如果带负荷切断电源时应戴绝缘手套,使用有绝缘柄的工具。当火场离开关较远时需剪断电线时,火线和零线应分开错位剪断,以免在钳口处造成短路,并防止电源线掉在地上造成短路使人员触电。   2当电源线不能及时切断时,应及时通知变电站从供电始端拉闸,同时使用现场配置的灭火器进行灭火,灭火人员要注意人体的各部位与带电体保持一定充分的安全距离。   3扑灭电气火灾时要用绝缘性能好的灭火剂如干粉灭火器,二氧化碳灭火器或干燥砂子,严禁使用导电灭火剂(如、水、泡沫灭火器等)扑救。   4发生的电气初起火灾时,应先用合适的灭火器进行扑救,情况严重立即打“119”报警。报警内容应包括:事故单位、事故发生的时间、地点、火灾的类型,有无人员伤亡以及报警人姓名及联系电话