
  • 1995年是火猪年还是土猪年还是金猪年


  • 金命求五行、八字、阴阳解释

      通常说某人是什么五行命,一种是按生肖来看,另一种是按日干来看。不过实际在合婚中,它几乎是没有任何作用的,合婚是一项复杂的课题。   至于八字全阴或者全阳,主要表现在感情方面的不顺,如果自己的八字全阴,那就找个八字全阳对象,反之亦然,不过这有点不现实。还有一种方法是八字全阴全阳的人可以去寺院做个皈依。   你的八字:壬申 壬子 辛酉 辛卯。   八字阴阳平衡,五行缺火,用神是土,忌神是水。一般来说,自己的忌神正好是对方的用神,对方的忌神也是自己的用神,如此最好。

  • 什么叫金猪年

      今年根本不是金猪年,而是火猪年   据天津市天文学会理事赵之珩介绍,在60年当中,只有一个“金猪年”,上一个“金猪年”在1971年的“辛亥年”,下一个“金猪年”在2031年的“辛亥年”。而即将来临的   为什么说2007年是金猪年?最近流行一种说法:2007年是60年一遇的农历“金猪年”,是个难得的吉利年份!   按中国人将的五行学说,分金木水火土五行,每年都有不同的属性。2007,五行中的“金”,是60年轮回一次,加上十二生肖中的“猪”,就构成了“金猪年”,这样一个大好的时光,生一个活泼可爱的猪宝宝,俨然成了众多年轻妈妈的心愿!   尼尔森预测,今年将出现最近二十年最大规模的结婚人群。2007将迎来生育的高峰期。   2007年,预计中国母婴产品能达到7500亿的规模,光奶嘴、奶瓶就高达350亿左右。   尼尔森媒体研究(Nielsen Media Research)的报告表明:“2006 年和2007 年是中国传统生肖的狗年和猪年,一波结婚潮已于2006 年第一季度出现,而相应的一波婴儿潮可以预见也将在2006-2007 年产生。”   农历“猪”年是“丁亥年”,这一年出生的人属于“土猪”。   赵之珩介绍说,我国古代历法是用干支纪年,到了南北朝时期,找了12种动物,把12个地支一一贴上了标签,叫做“十二生肖”。“干支纪年”又和“五行”相通。所谓“五行”指的是天上的5颗行星:金星、木星、水星、火星、土星。古代天文学家制定了“六十甲子别五行图”,使每一年对应一颗行星,60年一循环。如“甲子”“乙丑”对应金星,这两年出生的人属于“金鼠”“金牛”。   这样推算下来1971年的农历年份为辛亥,出生的人为“金猪”;1983年的农历年份为癸亥,出生的人为“水猪”;1995年的农历年份逢乙亥,出生的人为“火猪”;2007年的农历年份逢丁亥,出生的人为“土猪”;2019年的农历年份逢己亥,出生的人为“木猪”;2031年的农历年份又逢丁亥,出生的人属“金猪”。   赵之珩说,民间传说“金猪娃”的命运会一生幸福、长命百岁,这纯粹是一种迷信。况且金星上的物质成分与地球差不多,并没有大量的黄金,“金星”并不代表“财富”。   “按照天干地支配五行的算法,明年不是金猪年,是火猪年,‘金猪宝宝’纯属无稽之谈。”读了本报前天刊登的《“金猪宝宝”齐报到,医院无奈限号》一文后,上海交通大学出版社退休编审陈以鸿立刻致信本报,给以讹传讹的民间说法浇了盆冷水。   古人发明的天干地支纪年方法中,天干可配“金木水火土”五行,即甲乙属木、丙丁属火、戊己属土、庚辛属金、壬癸属水;地支是子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥,可与十二生肖相配。   “金猪年”再等25年   这种纪年方法以60年为一个循环,每60年中有5个猪年,如配以五行:乙亥年是木猪年,丁亥年是火猪年,己亥年是土猪年,辛亥年是金猪年,癸亥年是水猪年。据此,金猪年最早要等到25年后的2031年。

  • 金猪年的民间流传


  • 求签抽到青龙签是怎么解释


  • 请问在金猪年,当婆婆的要送给今年是本命年的儿媳妇压岁钱吗?给多少合适?


  • 金猪年多少年遇一次

      金猪年:   最近流行一种说法:2007年是60年一遇的农历“金猪年”,是个难得的吉利年份!   按中国人将的五行学说,分金木水火土五行,每年都有不同的属性。2007,五行中的“金”,是60年轮回一次,加上十二生肖中的“猪”,就构成了“金猪年”。

  • 乙亥猪年乙酉月乙丑日是什么命


  • 关于金猪年的英语短文

      the Year of Golden Pig   The year 2007 is the ‘Year of the Pig,’ based on the lunar calendar. But it is not just an ordinary pig, it is a ‘golden pig.’ According to some fortunetellers, it is going to be the ‘Year of the Golden Pig’ which comes every 600 years.   Babies born in the ‘year of the golden pig’ are believed to have good fortune and will lead a comfortable and wealthy life.   However, most fortunetellers and folklorists doubt the belief. According to a member of a fortunetellers’ association, they don’t know where the myth came from. It is only a saying among people and there are no grounds for it.   People who believe in the year of the golden pig say the special year comes every 600 years. They came to this conclusion through calculations, using a combination of the Chinese zodiac and the yin and yang theory.   However, a folklore professor, Joo Young-ha, at the Academy of Korean Studies rebuts the theory. He explained that if the year 2007 is the golden pig year which comes every 600 years, there should be records about the special year written in the ‘Taejong Sillok,’ archives of King Taejong. King Taejong ruled the Joseon Dynasty 600 years ago. But there are no such records, which makes him believe the myth was made not long ago.   Also, Baek Woon-san, head of the Korean Fortune-tellers Association, thinks the whole thing is an exaggeration. However, he said that there have been many people with good fortune who were born in the year of the pig, when the energy of bright light and clear water are harmoniously joined together.   Some even believe the myth was created to boost the ever-decreasing birthrate in recent years. In fact, Korea’s birthrate is expected to increase this year. Many obstetrics and gynecology clinics are actually providing more pregnancy counseling these days.   Whatever the belief is, marketing is already in full swing. You will notice golden pig items everywhere you go in Korea. Gold colored piggy banks are selling well and are also a popular promotional item for companies. They are actually very cute.   Some businesses, including banks, are even presenting gold bars as a lottery prize to people who open a bank account these days. Also, demand for gold is increasing as more people are using gold as gifts for relatives and friends, wishing them good luck.   Baby product companies are also quick to jump on the gilded bandwagon. For example, toy companies are making various toy pigs.

  • 金猪年是哪一年?
