
  • 英语作文怎样在火灾中保护自己

      “how to protect ourselves in a fire disaster”. When a fire breaks out, we should keep calm and dial 119 as soon as possible and remember to tell the exact site where the fire broke out. Cut off the electricity and don’t open any windows because the oxygen comes in will make the fire bigger. If possible, try to find the extinguisher to put out the fire. Don’t take elevators and stick to the stairs if you are trying to escape. Also, we should cover our mouths and noses with a wet cloth to protect ourselves from the smoke. I hope these tips can give you a great help in your daily life.   翻译:“如何在火灾中保护自己”。火灾发生时,我们应保持冷静,并尽快拨打119,并记得告诉确切地点火灾发生。切断电源,不要打开任何窗户,因为氧气进来会使火更大。如果可能的话,试着找灭火器把火扑灭.。如果你想逃跑,不要乘电梯,坚持走楼梯.。此外,我们应该用湿布覆盖我们的嘴和鼻子,以保护自己免受烟雾。希望这些小贴士能给你的生活带来很大的帮助。

  • 发生火灾怎么办英语作文3句

      发生火灾怎么办英语作文3句   参考如下:   You should find water first   Then pour water on the fire   Youcan also run out of the room

  • 发生火灾的作文

      一次有惊无险的火灾   2015年1月22日 晴   今天中午大约12点15分左右,我们一家正好端端地吃饭。突然,坐在我对面的表弟尖叫起来:“快看看那是什么?!好像着火了!”“啊?!不会吧!”我同样尖声叫道。“快看,快看看呀!”表弟心急如焚地说。“哎呀!真的着火啦!!!”表弟站起来看了看,又惊叫道。“不可能吧?”妈妈起身也看了看。这才确认,是真的着火了!我一下子都不知道手应该放哪儿了,耳边只听见表弟在向窗外大喊:“着火啦着火啦!大家快灭火哇!”这一喊,邻居们顿时都把头伸出窗外,寻找火源。   对了,我突然醒悟过来,快点拨打119呀!我跌跌撞撞地跑向电话机跑去,手颤颤地拨打了119.“滴滴滴!”好不容易,电话终于通了。“东……东虹……虹新村,39幢2楼着火了!请快来灭火。”我吓得连贯流利的普通话也说得结结巴巴的了。那一头的火警也非常着急,连连问道:“到底是哪里?!请说说清楚!不要紧张,我们会马上赶到的!”听火警叔叔这么一说,我很快镇静了下来,快速而清楚地说道:“是东虹新村39幢2楼着火,火势不是很大,但还未浇灭。”“好的好的,我们马上赶到。”我和表弟爬到窗前,紧张地看着这场灭火行动。哎呀,不好了,那位小弟弟正在用扇子使劲地煽火呢,糟了,这样下去,火势很快就会难以控制了!在这紧急关头,表弟大声喊道:“不能用扇子煽,快,快,快用水浇灭呀!”那位小弟弟听见了,赶紧结果一旁奶奶端来的一盆子水,向那团烈火浇去。这样浇了几次水后——太好了,谢天谢地,火被扑灭了。此时,电话铃声再度响了起来,我赶紧连博尔特都自愧不如的速度向电话机奔去。“喂,请问……”我的话还没有说完,就被打断了。“我是黄队,现在的火势怎么样?严重不严重?”哦,原来是火警叔叔!“嗯,现在的火势已经扑灭了……”刚说到这里,耳畔就传来一声“火势变大了”。我又补充道:“不不不,现在又有一点火了!”“我们会尽快赶到的。”此时,再次朝窗户外看去,那位奶奶和她的孙子仍在灭火,这位奶奶也爬上了窗户,拿过一盆水,向着了火的大纸箱扑去。经过那位奶奶和她的孙子的极力灭火,火势终于越变越小了。“铃铃铃!”电话铃声再一次响了起来。这一次,被表弟抢了先,他已经扑向了电话机。“#%&*^……”表弟接完电话后,对我说:“姐姐,火警叔叔他们在路上堵车了。”“堵车了?!那……”我又朝窗外望了一眼,太好了——火已经被扑灭了!   这次有惊无险的火灾终于被扑灭了!这还真得感谢我那大眼睛的表弟呢!(我还真有些纳闷儿,为什么没有记者来采访一下表弟呢?)

  • 发生火灾时怎么逃生?

      发大火后,要抓住有利时机,选择合理的逃生路线和方法,争分夺秒地逃离火灾现场,千万不要迟疑或又返回抢拿财物,以免贻误最佳逃生时机。千万不可钻到床底下、衣橱内、阁楼上试图躲避火焰或烟雾,这些都是最危险的地方。也千万不能利用一般电梯作为疏散通道,因为电梯井易产生烟囱效应或断电停运,反而让人处于更危险的境地。逃生时可把毛巾浸湿,叠起来捂住口鼻,无水时,干毛巾也可。餐巾布、口罩、衣服也可以代替。要多叠几层,使滤烟面积增大,将口鼻捂严,防止火灾中产生的一氧化碳让人窒息死亡。   具体到火灾现场,还要针对不同火情,寻求应急逃生的良策:   ●在房内获悉起火后。开门前要先用手触摸门把锁,若温度很高,或有烟雾从门缝钻进,则千万别贸然打开房门;若温度正常或没有烟雾钻进,可打开一道门缝观察外面通道的情况,再决定是否逃离。若大火和浓烟封闭通道无法逃离时,只能退守房内采取相应的对策:用湿布条堵塞门窗的缝隙,用水浇在已着火的门窗上,降低温度;若得不到及时救援,所处楼层较高,切不可盲目跳楼。   ●着火点在本楼层时。应尽快就近跑向已知的紧急疏散口,遇有防火门要及时关上。若楼道被烟气封锁或包围,可弯腰或匍匐前进逃离火场,最好能利用湿毛巾或湿衣服等捂住口鼻,阻挡有毒烟雾;若必须经过火焰区,切记要将衣服用水浇湿、用湿毯子裹住全身或用湿衣服包住头部等裸露部位,万一衣服着火则要用打滚等方式扑灭火苗,不宜带火奔跑。   ●着火点不在本楼层时。仍应就近向紧急疏散口撤离,若着火点位于上层,要向楼下逃去;若着火点位于下层,且火和烟雾已封锁向下逃生的通道,应尽快往楼顶平台逃生;若向楼顶平台逃生时发现被火、烟追赶上或向上的通道被封锁时,要果断地改变逃生路线,从另一层楼的安全通道逃生。   ●困在大火包围的楼层时。若身处被大火包围的楼层内,所有安全通道和向外联系均被切断,也没有任何逃生器具或设施的情况下,此时最好退到卫生间暂避。进入卫生间后要将门窗关紧,缝隙堵严,拧开水龙头放水。特别是浴缸中要始终保持在较高水位,便于取水泼浇门窗,危急时还可躺在浴缸中暂时躲避,提高获救的可能性。   ●在低楼层可跳楼逃生。若住在二层楼,在万不得已的情况下,也可以跳楼逃生。但在跳楼之前可先向地面扔些棉被、床垫等柔软物品,或者用床单、窗帘等织物撕成能负重的布条连成绳索,系在窗户或阳台的构件上向楼下滑去。如果被困在三层以上,千万不要急于跳楼。

  • 看新闻发生火灾观后感

      今天我观看了“新闻大求真”节目,它的主题是“如何逃离火灾现场”,采用了两个学校比赛的形式。但我觉得这不仅仅是比赛,还是一个学习的好机会、好时机。   通过观看,我学到了很多知识。   ①   电影院火灾:在看电影时,一定要知道4D和3D的电影虽然有特效,但是不会有烟雾特效的。还有,如果家长没有感觉到烟雾时,自己感觉有烟雾,一定不要觉得家长要我干什么,就得干什么。如果有烟雾时,一定要提醒家长和在电影院的人。   ②   地铁火灾:如果在坐地铁时起火了,一定要提醒司机师傅,让司机师傅开开门,然后,从“安全通道”出来,(特别提醒不要从左侧和右侧的车门出来,以免踩到轨道或踩空)。   ③森林火灾:如果森林里有人抽烟把烟头扔到野草堆里的话,一定要赶紧告诉他:“乱扔烟头的话,会引起火灾的。”如果他不听的话,你赶紧跑出森林。如果起火了的话,一定不要往火灾的方向走去,更不能到森林更深处和有水沟的地方。   ④教室火灾:如果学校里发生火灾的话,先去看门把手是否很烫,如果很烫的话,那就是火就在门外,这时,把毛巾弄湿,塞到门缝里,再向窗户外求助。如果门不烫的话,赶紧拉开门,捂住鼻子,向外逃生。   我今天学了很多关于火场逃生的知识。我觉得太有用了。

  • 火灾发生的三个必备条件是?

      1、首先是可燃物质。无论物质处于什么形态,只要能跟氧元素发生剧烈反应的物质,一般都称为可燃物质。   2、其次要有助燃物质。如空气(氧气)、氯气以及氯酸钾、高锰酸钾等氧化剂。一般可燃物质,在空气中的含氧量低于14%-18%,不会发生燃烧。   3、最后要有火源。只要是可燃物质通过燃烧辐射出的能源都叫火源。要使可燃物质燃烧,需要有足够的温度和热量,各种不同的可燃物质,燃烧时所需要的温度和热量各有不同。   《火灾分类》(GB/T 4968-2008 2008年11月4日发布 2009年4月1日实施)火灾根据可燃物的类型和燃烧特性,分为A、B、C、D、E、F六大类。   A类火灾:指固体物质火灾。这种物质通常具有有机物质性质,一般在燃烧时能产生灼热的余烬。如木材、干草、煤炭、棉、毛、麻、纸张等火灾。   B类火灾:指液体或可熔化的固体物质火灾。如煤油、柴油、原油、甲醇、乙醇、沥青、石蜡、塑料等火灾。   C类火灾:指气体火灾。如煤气、天然气、甲烷、乙烷、丙烷、氢气等火灾。   D类火灾:指金属火灾。如钾、钠、镁、钛、锆、锂、铝镁合金等火灾。   E类火灾:指带电火灾。物体带电燃烧的火灾。   F类火灾:指烹饪器具内的烹饪物(如动植物油脂)火灾。   

  • 租房发生火灾谁负责


  • 初二英语作文:怎么在火灾中保护自己60字

      “how to protect ourselves in a fire disaster”. When a fire breaks out, we should keep calm and dial 119 as soon as possible and remember to tell the exact site where the fire broke out. Cut off the electricity and don’t open any windows because the oxygen comes in will make the fire bigger. If possible, try to find the extinguisher to put out the fire. Don’t take elevators and stick to the stairs if you are trying to escape. Also, we should cover our mouths and noses with a wet cloth to protect ourselves from the smoke. I hope these tips can give you a great help in your daily life.

  • 英语作文:当我们晚上在家睡觉时,发生了火灾,我们该怎么做

      Fire is very useful,It can give light and keep us warm.we can cook food with fire,sometimes it can protect us from wild animals.But if sometimes it can be very dangerous, we must be careful when we use fire.we mustn't drop the burning cigerette ends everywhere,we must remember to put out the barbecue fire when we leave, we mustn't play with fire, we mustn't play with matches.Fire is very useful and harmful,so we must be careful with it.   这篇可以吗????

  • 求两篇《My best friend 》 《如何预防校园火灾的发生》的150字的英语作文两篇

      My Best Friend   Hello, everyone! My name is Xing Xiaoqing. You can call me Cherry.   I’m   in Class 0506. Li Nan is my best friend. She’s thirteen years old. Her   birthday is on 3rd October and she was born in Shen Zhen. She lives with   her family in Haimen. She’s 1.60 metres tall. She has black hair and   she wears glasses. She is very lovely and pretty.   She likes eating dumplings, chocolates, peanuts and vegetables. She dislikes pork, sweets and green tea.   She   loves listening to music. She has lots of CDs. She likes reading and   writing. She is the newest member of the Maths Club. She has many   hobbies, such as dancing, running and playing computer games. Her   favorite hobby is drawing, because she likes all the different colors.   It is fun to look at the pictures when she finishes drawing them. The   Dragon Boat Festival is her favorite day. She wants to be a doctor when   she grows up.   We always have fun. We sit under the trees at lunchtime   and have a good chat. Sometimes, we buy snacks from the tuck shop. On   Sunday, we usually go to the bookshop. We often study together.   My best friend is really great!   如何预防校园火灾的发生   Fire Prevention on Campus   People are alarmed by   the succession of campus fires in recent years. In each of these   accidents, heavy casualties were reported – houses were burned down,   students lost their lives, and properties were damaged. Faced with such a   chilling fact, people keep asking, “What on earth results in these   repeated tragedies?”   A brief survey of them reveals that human   factors still prove to be the leading causes. For example, three of   these fires were caused by the students’ use of electric water-heaters.   As students often leave the heaters unattended, the risks are rather   high should the water in the bottle boil dry while no one is around to   turn off the power. In other cases, fires were also caused by stoves,   candles, cigarette butts, etc。   Since most of these disasters   could have been prevented if proper precautions had been taken, students   should be better educated on the importance and measures of fire   control. The following three reminders are of particular importance for   us students: First, learn how to use a fire extinguisher. Second,   double-check candles, heaters, stoves and other electric appliances, and   make sure there are no open flames before leaving rooms. Lastly, do not   smoke in the dorm.