
  • 五行属于火的手表都是什么牌子的,中档就可以,奢侈品就算了


  • 五行属火买什么牌子车


  • 五行蔬菜汤都有什么牌子不好?


  • 韩国饰品有哪些好牌子?

      一个是windygirl,这个牌子是在中国被仿的最多的,多是韩国饰品当季新款产品。网上卖的图片都是盗用的,没什么好解释的。百度搜索第一个结果就是韩文网站,他们的批发价格也不低。国内价格高于韩文的,我不敢说是真的,低于他们网站上报价的,是假的那一定没错。其实,现在windygirl的中文网也是假的,根本就没有代理权。 另一个就是4Xstyle了,这个牌子的款式是韩国饰品的个性产品了,能看到他们的仿货的不多。这个也被windygirl中文网代卖过。算是在国内普及率紧跟windygirl的产品了。个性化强就是有差异,有差异才会有空间。

  • k-swiss是哪个国家的牌子啊?

      K-Swiss was founded by two Swiss brothers who became avid tennis players after moving to Southern California. In 1966, they introduced the K-Swiss "Classic," the first all-leather tennis shoe with a one-piece rubber outsole, reinforced toe-design, five-stripe bands on each side, and D-Ring lacing system. Since then, K-Swiss has continued to build on its performance heritage with new footwear for serious tennis players, as well as training shoes for all athletes. Today, the "Classic" still enjoys popularity as a clean, original, athletic look that is always appropriate off the court. In our opinion, there is only one reason to wear K-Swiss. It's because they are the best. If you don't believe us, (we are biased), just ask someone who wears them, or try a pair for yourself. We are only interested in making the best product available. We have a history of quality and creativity, and we continue to bring new and innovative product to the market each year. K-Swiss is not interested in paying athletes millions of dollars to try to sell you our shoes. We think the product speaks for itself — let it speak for you — put your spin on it. 我实在是找不到k-swiss的中文介绍,我看这篇英文介绍也不是很难,将就一下吧! k-swiss的官方网站: [

  • 什么牌子的口红吃了不掉


  • 暖壶什么牌子好

      暖水瓶也就那么几个老牌子,现在都没什么名气了。主要还是看质量吧,牌子在其次。   检测方法是:好的暖壶盛点水,要一下,声音比较响,那就算质量比较好的。   上个月在淘宝买了一个,包邮,感觉还可以~ 牌子是雅*达,省略一个字 免得 别说我有广告的嫌疑= =

  • 什么牌子矿泉水瓶最好看?

      我觉得“冰露”550ml的瓶子好看 不知道你知道这个瓶子不。

  • 哪个牌子的保温瓶比较好


  • 化妆品有哪些牌子

      1、雅诗·兰黛(Estee Lauder) 全球最大的护肤、化妆品和香水公司之一,与其创始人同名。雅诗兰黛公司创立于1946年。   雅诗·兰黛主要出售四种护肤品。它就是由雅诗·兰黛和约瑟夫·兰黛建立的雅诗·兰黛公司的前身,现在已经发展成为全球最大的护肤、化妆品和香水公司,并且仍在不断拓展业务。(1946年,雅诗兰黛夫人创立了雅诗兰黛,她以自己的名字而命名的公司。